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 Westroads Mall Shooting

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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 4:40 pm

I really never see or hear much about this shooting at all. Are there any crime scene photos from the mall?

And what about Robert, how did he kill himself? Was the mall renovated or just cleaned? I have a lot of questions about this one. Seems to be little info out there.
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 5:11 pm

Robert A Hawkins committed suicide by gunshot wound to the head after killing 8 people. The mall was only closed for a few days after the shooting, however, still remains open as of today
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 1:02 am

I am from Omaha. I remember when it happened. It happened in Von Maur which was attached to the mall (so if you went into Von Maur from the outside, you would have to go through it to be in the mall proper).

It seemed like they were closer together, but there was this one as well (technically Millard, but I think it's pretty much Omaha to those outside of the metro area) --
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My step brother was a teacher there when that happened.

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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2018 8:59 pm

My mom and I were almost at that mall that day.

I live in Omaha and she had come from Lincoln to visit me to do some Christmas shopping and lunch. We did our shopping at another mall, but at the time, I lived near this mall where the shootings occurred. We planned to have lunch at the Macaroni Grill which was in that area. We did debate whether we wanted to do some more shopping at Von Maur, because we usually liked to go in there and just browse around. But on that day, THANK GOD, we decided against it, that we didn't need to do any more shopping.

We had our lunch and about five minutes before my mom paid the bill, our waiter came over to tell us there had been a shooting at Von Maur and we could wait in the restaurant if we didn't feel it was safe to go out. (Of course, I'm sure by that time, the shooter was already dead, but nobody knew that). It didn't even occur to me that it was a mass shooting...I was thinking somebody had shot somebody over the last bottle of a perfume or something stupid like that. Yeah, I'm an idiot. Haha

Lots of people were looking out the windows where there were police cars and ambulances positioned everywhere around the mall. We were allowed to leave (and there were a lot of other cars leaving too and we saw people huddling in the parking lot everywhere around the mall) and we put on the radio to listen to the news. And when we returned to my apartment, we turned on the news. I could hear the helicopters flying overhead.

I used to go to that Von Maur quite a lot, but I've only been there twice since the shooting. Part of this is due to that I live in another area of Omaha, so it's not as convenient to get to now. But even if I still lived in that area, I don't think I would go there much anywhere. It's just creepy being in a place where there was so much carnage and people died. They have a plaque to memorialize the people who died.

But, you're right. You really don't hear about it anymore. Even people in Omaha never talk about it. Hell, sometimes I forget about this shooting and I literally lived three minutes from the place where it happened! Shocked
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 7:27 am

hvernon wrote:
I really never see or hear much about this shooting at all. Are there any crime scene photos from the mall?

And what about Robert, how did he kill himself? Was the mall renovated or just cleaned? I have a lot of questions about this one. Seems to be little info out there.

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There's some info in the Wikipedia article. For more info, go through the footnotes.

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Hawkins' suicide note.

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Transcription of Hawkins' Suicide Note.

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The Omaha-World Herald is a good source.

Hawkins entering Von Maur:

911 Phone Calls:

Good luck Cool .
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 9:04 am

They made an episode about Robert Hawkins on a show about crime/murder. Think it's still on YouTube.

Apparently he was committed to a mental hospital at age 4.
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 1:28 pm

Ivan wrote:
They made an episode about Robert Hawkins on a show about crime/murder. Think it's still on YouTube.

I checked for it like a month ago and couldn't find it so I presume they took it down.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 5:47 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Ivan wrote:
They made an episode about Robert Hawkins on a show about crime/murder. Think it's still on YouTube.

I checked for it like a month ago and couldn't find it so I presume they took it down.

It's on dailymotion:

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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 6:54 pm

Dunkelziffer wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Ivan wrote:
They made an episode about Robert Hawkins on a show about crime/murder. Think it's still on YouTube.

I checked for it like a month ago and couldn't find it so I presume they took it down.

It's on dailymotion:

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Nice find! I'll be sure to check it out.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2018 9:20 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Dunkelziffer wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Ivan wrote:
They made an episode about Robert Hawkins on a show about crime/murder. Think it's still on YouTube.

I checked for it like a month ago and couldn't find it so I presume they took it down.

It's on dailymotion:

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Nice find! I'll be sure to check it out.

Cool .
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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2018 3:07 am


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Stoned Slacker

Stoned Slacker

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Westroads Mall Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2018 1:09 pm

i wonder what happened to him when they sent him to the asylum
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PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2018 1:15 pm

Stoned Slacker wrote:
i wonder what happened to him when they sent him to the asylum

There was an article posted here a while back that detailed some of his life in the asylum. From what I understand he was doing ok, if not well.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 7:21 am

He was one of Adam Lanza's favourite mass shooters.
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PostSubject: Re: Westroads Mall Shooting   Westroads Mall Shooting Icon_minitime

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