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 Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?

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Flanders Darrel

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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2018 4:20 pm

Everyone says he shot himself "in the head," but where? The temple or mouth?
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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2018 4:32 pm

Investigative Summary wrote:
The cause of death was a single gunshot wound. The bullet entered the right side of the head and exited the left side of the head. A second grazing gunshot wound was found on the left hip/pelvic bone area. Results of toxicology tests revealed evidence of caffeine, benzodiazepines and alprazolam present within the body.

The manner of death was determined to be a SUICIDE, based upon evidence collected and evaluated during the Coroner’s investigation and autopsy, in conjunction with evidence and witness statements gathered during the criminal investigation conducted by the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division

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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 06, 2018 7:36 am

sscc wrote:
Investigative Summary wrote:
The cause of death was a single gunshot wound. The bullet entered the right side of the head and exited the left side of the head. A second grazing gunshot wound was found on the left hip/pelvic bone area. Results of toxicology tests revealed evidence of caffeine, benzodiazepines and alprazolam present within the body.

The manner of death was determined to be a SUICIDE, based upon evidence collected and evaluated during the Coroner’s investigation and autopsy, in conjunction with evidence and witness statements gathered during the criminal investigation conducted by the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division

I never was sure if he did take an overdose. I recall in his manifesto he planned to, I'm not sure if I'm recalling a false memory, but I wanna say he wrote that he planned to shoot himself with two guns?! I feel like I'm making that up.. scratch
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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 06, 2018 9:33 pm

04daviszoe wrote:
sscc wrote:
Investigative Summary wrote:
The cause of death was a single gunshot wound. The bullet entered the right side of the head and exited the left side of the head. A second grazing gunshot wound was found on the left hip/pelvic bone area. Results of toxicology tests revealed evidence of caffeine, benzodiazepines and alprazolam present within the body.

The manner of death was determined to be a SUICIDE, based upon evidence collected and evaluated during the Coroner’s investigation and autopsy, in conjunction with evidence and witness statements gathered during the criminal investigation conducted by the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division

I never was sure if he did take an overdose. I recall in his manifesto he planned to, I'm not sure if I'm recalling a false memory, but I wanna say he wrote that he planned to shoot himself with two guns?! I feel like I'm making that up.. scratch

he did plan to shoot himself with 2 guns, probably the crash made it hard to reach the pther guns...
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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2018 3:27 am

eldigato wrote:
he did plan to shoot himself with 2 guns, probably the crash made it hard to reach the pther guns...

This is a bit complicated, but I feel that more than likely, Elliot had both guns up to his head, but was probably hesitating and slowly trying to pull both triggers at the same time. He probably ended up putting slightly more force on the gun to his right head more than the one to his left, causing it to go off before he had fully pulled the trigger of the other one, so the other gun just fell to his side without firing.
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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 11, 2018 12:08 pm

Right temple

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Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself?   Where did Elliot Rodger shoot himself? Icon_minitime

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