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 Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 3:05 pm

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A student was killed and a second was injured Wednesday in what was called an accidental shooting at a high school in Birmingham, Alabama, authorities said.

The shooting occurred at Huffman High School, in east Birmingham, Police Chief Orlando Wilson said. The students were rushed to University of Alabama-Birmingham Hospital, where one of them, a 17-year-old girl, was pronounced dead, Wilson said.

The other student, a 17-year-old boy, was treated and released, police said Thursday morning.

Wilson said the incident was being treated as an "accidental shooting at this particular time." He later added, "This is not a situation where someone came in and randomly fired from the outside."

Wilson wouldn't discuss how two people could have been shot by accident, but he said he hadn't been told of any argument or threat.

No other details were immediately available."

WTF!? Suspect

Last edited by ShadowedGoddess on Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 3:37 pm

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 3:52 pm

Ziamber II wrote:

Sadly I think the world as a whole is pretty much doomed. Evil or Very Mad
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 6:36 pm

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Police took a "person of interest" into custody Thursday after an apparently accidental shooting killed a 17-year-old girl at an Alabama high school classroom a day earlier.

Birmingham Interim Police Chief Orlando Wilson said investigators are reviewing surveillance video for clues and interviewing students and staff to figure out exactly what led to Wednesday afternoon’s shooting at dismissal time at Huffman High School.

"We consider it accidental until the investigation takes us elsewhere," Wilson said. "We have a lot of unanswered questions."

In a statement issued Thursday morning, police said they took a person of interest into custody and the Jefferson County district attorney’s office is reviewing the case for possible charges.

"Detectives of the Birmingham Police Department have been working through the night reviewing evidence, video and statements on the tragic incident that took place at Huffman High School yesterday. Due to their diligent work a person of interest has been taken into custody," the police statement read.

Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin said the young woman killed was a senior, about to turn 18 and had been accepted at college, with "aspirations and dreams to be a nurse."

"We are not just talking about some person; we’re talking about losing a part of our future. Our hearts are heavy," the mayor said.

The chief said he had not been told of any kind of argument, fight or struggle that preceded the shooting. A 17-year-old boy was also wounded in the shooting.

"We’re not saying he shot her; we’re not saying he didn’t shoot her," the chief said. "We’re asking those questions ourselves so we can determine exactly what happened."
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2018 10:21 pm

This happened in 2000 too, where some elementary school kid shot and killed another kid.
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2018 12:43 am

We can all agree 2018 is going to be the best year of society
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Stoned Slacker

Stoned Slacker

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2018 8:25 am

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2018 3:05 pm

i accidentally shot 100 people with an ak45
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2018 3:06 pm

Ivan wrote:
This happened in 2000 too, where some elementary school kid shot and killed another kid.

was that those 2 6 year olds
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2018 3:32 pm

eldigato wrote:
i accidentally shot 100 people with an ak45
Lame, it's better to shoot through a crowd of people to defend yourself.
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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2020 9:36 pm

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.   Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting. Icon_minitime

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Now kids are getting "accidentally" shot at school!? Huffman high shooting.
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