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 CD Collections

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PostSubject: CD Collections   CD Collections Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 11:36 pm

I know that this is a pretty trivial question, but it's a Columbine site and a lot of us are obsessed so I'll just go ahead.

I wonder how big both E/D's CD collections were. Anybody have any information on this? Would be cool to see some rare picture of them or something or even Eric's "rack of cd's" he pulls out to show off the bombs.

Did Morris and Dykeman end up getting the stuff willed to them in the Basement Tapes?
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PostSubject: Re: CD Collections   CD Collections Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2013 7:05 pm

Hi -eulogy-, Eric says : " Morris ,Nate , if you guys live i want you guys to have what ever you want from my room and the computer room." Dylan stated that they can have his things as well.
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PostSubject: Re: CD Collections   CD Collections Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2013 7:41 pm

-eulogy- wrote:
I wonder how big both E/D's CD collections were. Anybody have any information on this? Would be cool to see some rare picture of them or something or even Eric's "rack of cd's" he pulls out to show off the bombs.
There's some information I posted some time ago here you may find relevant or interesting, it includes some CD'S they owned / purchased: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I'm sure they probably owned more than is included in the above thread.

I can imagine they both had pretty big CD collections. Music (among other things) seems like it was a pretty big part of their lives, song lyrics and band names are mentioned frequently throughout the evidence we have; in their journals, yearbooks, school planners etc. Likewise from the few videos and photographs we have they show E and D wearing shirts of their favorite bands etc. There are no pictures or video footage that I have ever seen of E/D's actual full CD collections though.

I know Dylan mentioned "I am the GOD of mp3's!!" in Nate Dykeman's yearbook pg(10714) so it's likely that he downloaded some of his music off the internet then perhaps put it onto a CD. Or owned an MP3 player as i believe they were around in the mid- late 90's. But i think I just way over thought the issue Smile

I know this goes slightly off topic but one of the more trivial things I am interested in is their music tastes. Seen as the media and some members of the public were very quick to blame the music they listened to for the massacre occurring in the first place. I remember when I very first started researching Columbine and most of the initial reports I came across seemed to focus heavily upon the music they listened to, I listened to the same sorts of stuff when I was their age so it was always something I was somewhat interested in.
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Age : 49
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PostSubject: Re: CD Collections   CD Collections Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 8:24 am

Eric " Susan ,sorry (Susan Dewitt). Under different circumstances if would have been a lot different. I want you to have that FLY CD"
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PostSubject: Re: CD Collections   CD Collections Icon_minitime

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