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 Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s

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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime21/3/2018, 13:19

Seems like a lovely family...

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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime21/3/2018, 18:07

One day he might copy his older brother and become a Mass Shooter.
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Posts : 46
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Join date : 2017-11-06

Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime23/3/2018, 20:50

Bullshit. They are trying to lock him up for the rest of his life for trespassing!! It's nothing but lies. They are clearly targeting him. Payback and revenge!!
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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime23/3/2018, 21:42

Ericishuman wrote:
Bullshit. They are trying to lock him up for the rest of his life for trespassing!! It's nothing but lies. They are clearly targeting him. Payback and revenge!!

delusions kek
lmao that guy u posted isnt nikolas
they have him to prosecute.
no reason to attack his brother.
his brother is most likely in need of help
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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime23/3/2018, 21:44

Ericishuman wrote:
Bullshit. They are trying to lock him up for the rest of his life for trespassing!! It's nothing but lies. They are clearly targeting him. Payback and revenge!!

I wouldn't go as far as to say they are trying to "Lock him away for life". BUT they are trying to set some sort of example.  They are all likely embarrassed at how many times Nikolas could have been stopped, yet wasn't.

In my opinion this is all for show to try to gain back trust from the community who is pissed that Nik was allowed to slip through the cracks.
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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s   Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s Icon_minitime

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Parkland shooting suspect’s brother has ‘all the same flags,’ prosecutors s
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