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 The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed

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The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed Empty
PostSubject: The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed   The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed Icon_minitimeThu Aug 15, 2013 2:11 pm

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The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed   The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed Icon_minitimeThu Aug 15, 2013 2:31 pm

Quote :
But events like this inevitably bring out, as Curtner puts it, “the crazies.” A clown drove from Florida and insisted he perform for the kids; a magician somehow slipped past police and was caught stealing quarters from students in the cafeteria. There were threats against the kids and staff, and a letter from the Unabomber praising the shooting as “ordained.”
What, what, what? Ted Kaczynski wrote a letter to the community of Jonesboro and called the shooting "ordained"? Why I have never heard of this?Shocked 
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The Ghosts of Jonesboro- Article from buzzfeed
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