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 How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?

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PostSubject: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 5:15 am

So I was reading Eric's notes to Kristin from junior and senior year I suppose and apparently she knows all too well about the shitlist, and even says that her boyfriend is scared of Eric/doesn't want Eric to kill him.  Obviously this is kind of a huge deal if his rage was so apparent to other people, especially his friends, that they were intimidated and scared of being on the shitlist like Kristi and her boyfriend were.


Eric even mentions that "we will [take care of them]," which Kristi accurately guesses that he's referring to he and Dylan taking care of those on the shitlist.  And off topic, but someone also brought up a while ago how in the first note from junior year, he tells her, "hey, stay away from those Frostys (redacted…), they might explode some day by no fault of mine!"  Like...what.  Personally it sounds to me like he's implying that she was aware of the bombs that they were making, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

Is it just me or does this particular evidence seem really suspect?  It's probably been talked about before but I'm really curious now as to why their friends didn't have some indication that they were going to eventually do something or hurt someone.  There's also the fact where Kristi had these notes after the shooting but sent them to a friend in St. Louis for "safekeeping" (likely out of fear), until the friend gave a tip to LE.

In my opinion, I'd say that their friends knew more than we know of, but likely didn't know of the shooting beforehand, and were probably terrified to tell the authorities that they knew more, out of fear.  But what did they know?  Did they even know anything that would give them suspicion of what was to happen on April 20th?

Of course it's all speculation, but I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

Last edited by tfsa47090 on Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : *Removed direct tumblr link.)

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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 7:22 am

There has been much speculation on this over the years. I do think some of E&D's closer friends knew more then they ever admitted to.

I believe a few were aware of some sort of plan, but nothing on what Eric and Dylan were actually aiming for. I think they mostly assumed it was going to be a end of year Senior prank.
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 9:30 am

Ok so here's a little timeline I have in my notes.

Kristi writes notes to eric the fall of 98 to dec 98. Eric would ask Kristi for help with girls in german class

Nov 98 – Kristi gets to know that Eric got hit by the guy she is dating and that he better watch it. She is told to stay away from the frostys cause they might explode some day and also she is told to do something cool when she grows up.

Jan – Kristi goes midnight bowling with Eric and Nate and they have a fight over her.

Jan – Eric starts showing interest in Susan.

Jan – Eric goes with Alyssa and her mum to fix her car windshield.

Jan/Feb - Kristi and Alyssa stopped by Erics house to see if he wanted to go out.

Nate and Kristi started dating late february 99.

Feb – Eric buys stuff to make napalm (With Zach after Robyns party)

March – Eric states in the basement tapes that the Napalm better not freeze at that certain persons house.

3 April – Eric: The napalm is under construction, Why cant I get any, probably cause I try too hard but I have to".

Approx 12th of April Eric asks if he can store fireworks at Chris Morriss place. He says no.

Based on this information it seems to me like they made shitty napalm with laundry detergent and stored it at Kristis place and then made new napalm in April which they wanted to store at Chris's place. Maybe because Kristi started to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Nate knew Robyn had bought them a shotgun and since he was with Kristi it is quite possible she started putting two and two together and seeing the full pciture.
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 9:45 am

This is also interesting:

Robyn states that she saw Nate Dykeman in a truck approx. 7:20 on 4/20-99 when he should have bowlingclass. Dylan had said earlier that bowlingclass usually ends around 8. Nate states his video productionclass actually starts at 7:40.

Also, it is very conveniant how Robyn, Kristi and Alyssa all left for lunch that day. I don't remember who but someone described Robyn as reacting very calmly to the shooting but that just makes me think whoever said that is trying to draw away attention from themselves. To be shocked and therefore appear calm doesn't strike me as overly suspicious.

But I don't know how common it was for people to eat away from school so I can't really tell wether it indicates they got some kind of warning...

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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 11:04 am

munchkinphone wrote:

Jan – Kristi goes midnight bowling with Eric and Nate and they have a fight over her.

Feb – Eric buys stuff to make napalm (With Zach after Robyns party)

March – Eric states in the basement tapes that the Napalm better not freeze at that certain persons house.

Based on this information it seems to me like they made shitty napalm with laundry detergent and stored it at Kristis place and then made new napalm in April which they wanted to store at Chris's place. Maybe because Kristi started to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Nate knew Robyn had bought them a shotgun and since he was with Kristi it is quite possible she started putting two and two together and seeing the full pciture.

I feel like Nate discovered this through Dylan. He said in the 11k I believe that he confronted Dylan about hanging out with Mark Manes more and thought Dylan was getting into drugs but Dylan then told him he was getting a gun for target practice. According to Sue in 2017, she said Nate later told her that Dylan was scared Eric would "kill him" he he told anyone about getting guns. So supposedly Eric didn't know that Nate knew. However it could have been more of the general saying like "ugh my boss is going to kill me if I'm late again"

I know Brooks has stated he never liked Robyn and was ticked she didn't get into trouble, but what about Nate?

Also ddin't Nate start distancing himself, or was that Eric who distanced himself?

The 2 instances I quoted. I THINK the party info is from Cullens book and I never read about the fight Nate and Eric had at bowling? Where is that from?
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 11:19 am

munchkinphone wrote:
This is also interesting:

Robyn states that she saw Nate Dykeman in a truck approx. 7:20 on  4/20-99 when he should have bowlingclass. Dylan had said earlier that bowlingclass usually ends around 8. Nate states his video productionclass actually starts at 7:40.

Also, it is very conveniant how Robyn, Kristi and Alyssa all left for lunch that day. I don't remember who but someone described Robyn as reacting very calmly to the shooting but that just makes me think whoever said that is trying to draw away attention from themselves. To be shocked and therefore appear calm doesn't strike me as overly suspicious.

But I don't know how common it was for people to eat away from school so I can't really tell wether it indicates they got some kind of warning...

There used to be a schedule from that time with A and B periods but I think bowling started at 6:30 so I believe Nate when he says when class ended... considering he was in it and Robyn wasn't Smile

I'm pondering though what the warning could have been? If it was just a prank why would they look so worried about being there? Why would they want to rush out? Or did the boys say "hey we are doing something, you may be hurt, I'd suggest going out to lunch today."It's not an odd thing for upperclassman to leave for lunch at CHS it seems, my school was a lot stricter but they seemed be more more lax. Maybe they thought it was going to be a senior prank with fake guns? So they figured the boys were just joking or they were going to get in trouble for doing something stupid but nothing worse was going to happen?
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2018 7:24 pm

I think Chris knew. Maybe Erik too. Chris was odd if you ask me. He appearently had a gold butterfly knife.
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2018 12:20 am

eldigato wrote:
I think Chris knew. Maybe Erik too. Chris was odd if you ask me. He appearently had a gold butterfly knife.

I don't think Erik Veik knew. If he did he would've begged Eric and Dylan to make him part of the plan.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2018 12:41 am

I don't think any of them knew really. I think they probably realised a lot of things in hindsight. And wasn't Nate supposed to be in disbelief when everyone was saying it was them? Robyn I've always found interesting regarding her behaviour that day, but then again she seems kind of introverted and calm, so maybe that's nothing either.
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2018 2:24 pm

I think they just thought they were edgy
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PostSubject: Re: How much do you think E&D's friends really knew?   How much do you think E&D's friends really knew? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2018 2:32 pm

Eric and dylan gloated at how good they kept it a secret and that nobody knew.
If they are on a suicide mission and they wanted too leave behind video evidence of the planning and lead up then why would they lie and not only lie but gloat about it.
I think there friends just found them abit edgy.
Not everyone with there intrests go on too do mass murder.
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