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 Brooks Brown the sex offender.

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Flanders Darrel
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 7:13 pm

I read about Brooks Brown being a sex offender, was there any truth to what I heard?
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 7:47 pm

False. This is what I understand from the little I know. As you know Eric and Dylan have fan girls. They’ve had fan girl since probably the day after it happened. Since that time Brooks had a propensity to flirt with the cute ones in exchange for information on Eric and Dylan. I do have a personal experience when It comes to that.

I guess there is a girl who lied about her age and wanted info on Eric and Dylan and they started flirting and Brooks sent her some vids of his self care and then she released all of the info online

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 8:14 pm

The fact that Brooks once traded info about E&D for who knows what in return from fangirls has always turned my stomach. Evil or Very Mad
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 8:37 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The fact that Brooks once traded info about E&D for who knows what in return from fangirls has always turned my stomach. Evil or Very Mad

Mine too. Yes people back then gave Nate a whole bunch of hell for selling the home videos of Dylan and him. Which actually made Dylan look like a completely normal kid going to school and listening to music.

Not that I think it’s right. However I think you’re going to get a better idea of who Eric and Dylan were from people like Robyn and Nate , not Brooks! He was using his notoriety Sad
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 10:46 pm

I wouldn't say sex offender, he just tended to act pretty sleazy online.
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2018 2:10 am

Lol I figured...was just mocking the mocker
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2019 9:24 pm

Yeah, about that registry.

Yeah about that registry. You can actually end up on the registry for consentual teenage sex, amongst others. Which is a problem with rwgrds to the US public registry
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 05, 2019 7:49 am

There used to be on Tumblr somebody who leaked some screenshots relating to a chat that supposedly took place between Brooks and a girl who was into some kind of weird aesthetic ("looking like a human doll" or something similar). Though I can't really vouch for their authenticity, from what I've read it's just a rumor

GeoCities fangirl
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Brooks Brown the sex offender. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown the sex offender.   Brooks Brown the sex offender. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2023 3:42 pm

Brooks Brown the WHAT

Become a techno-barbarian today and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and regular waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

Think with your noggin, not your n!ggin'.

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