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 Parkland teen hailed as 'hero' speaks out for first time.

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Parkland teen hailed as 'hero' speaks out for first time. Empty
PostSubject: Parkland teen hailed as 'hero' speaks out for first time.   Parkland teen hailed as 'hero' speaks out for first time. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 8:46 am

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Anthony Borges, the young man credited with saving up to 20 lives during the Parkland, Florida, school rampage, doesn't believe he's a hero.

Finally home from the hospital after nine surgeries, Borges, 15, told the "Today" show's Kerry Sanders in an exclusive interview on Wednesday that he simply feels lucky to be alive.

"I think I was going to die," he said.

Borges was shot five times during the Feb. 14 school shooting, which killed 17 people. He barricaded a classroom door and used his body as a human shield as the bullets flew, protecting a class full of students from harm.

His family has moved from their walk-up apartment to a ground-floor unit to accommodate Borges as he continues to recover. But the future looks promising: Doctors have told the family Borges will be back to playing soccer eventually.

And Borges has kept a positive outlook.

"I feel good," he told "Today" from the bed at his home where he is recuperating.

SO glad that he has gotten to go home.  I love you  Also anyone would consider what this kid did heroic AF!  Smile
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Parkland teen hailed as 'hero' speaks out for first time.
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