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 Mr Sanders' Last Moments

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PostSubject: Mr Sanders' Last Moments   Mr Sanders' Last Moments Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 12:23 am

Mr Sanders was in many places during the shooting. He started out in the Teacher's Lounge & Cafeteria area to upstairs around the Business/Library Hallways. Some people upstairs saw Mr Sanders before, during, and after he got shot. Mr Sanders, with help, eventually made it to Science Room 3.

It is estimated that there were 30-60 students in the room with Mr Sanders. The 2 students that were assisting Mr Sanders from the beginning of when he came into that room until they had to leave were: Kevin Starkey & Aaron Hancey.

After many hours, SWAT arrived. Any student or teacher that saw Mr Sanders said that the last time they saw him, before they left that classroom, he was alive. SWAT members Grant Whitus [pages 8571-8575] & Kirk Beaulieu [pages 8505-8510] attended to Mr Sanders. Medical assistance was requested.

Mr Sanders told SWAT Beaulieu his name. SWAT Beaulieu continued to hold the shirts on Mr Sanders' wounds. Beaulieu & Whitus got him up on to a chair and wheeled him from Science Room 3 into the storage room/greenhouse of Science Room 1. They placed him on the floor. SWAT Whitus held the shirts on Sanders' wounds and talked to him until Mr Sanders could no longer talk.

Paramedic Laman arrived.  Mr Sanders no longer had a pulse & there was nothing that could be done for him. Laman told SWAT Beaulieu & Whitus that Mr Sanders was dead. The SWAT team continued on. Laman stayed with Mr Sanders for about 15 minutes. After Lisa Kreutz was located in the Library still alive, Laman was requested and attended to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Mr Sanders' Last Moments   Mr Sanders' Last Moments Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 12:40 am

I never heard before that they put him in a chair. As an RN I know that that was the worst position the SWAT could have put him in. When he was on the floor, flat on his back the blood could circulate to his brain and heart. Someone shot like Dave Sanders should be laid flat on his back or even reclined head toward the floor with his legs elevated. When the put him in a chair the blood would have flowed with gravity away from his vital organs. Knowing this information, the SWAT may very well be responsible of poor medical care leading to his death.
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PostSubject: Re: Mr Sanders' Last Moments   Mr Sanders' Last Moments Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 3:55 pm

mrc123 wrote:
I never heard before that they put him in a chair.  As an RN I know that that was the worst position the SWAT could have put him in.  When he was on the floor, flat on his back the blood could circulate to his brain and heart.  Someone shot like Dave Sanders should be laid flat on his back or even reclined head toward the floor with his legs elevated.  When the put him in a chair the blood would have flowed with gravity away from his vital organs.  Knowing this information, the SWAT may very well be responsible of poor medical care leading to his death.  
I have no medical training and even I realize that was a bad move! He could have possibly made it if it weren't for that.
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PostSubject: Re: Mr Sanders' Last Moments   Mr Sanders' Last Moments Icon_minitime

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