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 Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?

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Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Empty
PostSubject: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 3:02 am

Someone else asked in a recent thread if Eric and Dylan regretted NBK at any point.

Here's my question: Could Eric and Dylan have stopped it altogether right after the failure of the cafeteria bombs?

Hypothetical: It's 11:17, turning to 11:18. Eric looks, frustrated, at his watch. The cafeteria is normal. No explosions. He goes to retrieve Dylan... Not to to shoot up the school, but to go to the cafeteria to collect the bombs and leave. They go home, destroy as much of the evidence (writings, videos, etc.) they can. They torch it all.

The only liability, now, is the "decoy" bomb they had set in the park.

So, my question: Could they have stopped there, if they had wanted to? If police had investigated the decoy bomb, would it have been too late?

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Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 6:24 am

Yea, they could have stopped it. They could have just went inside, got their bags and brought them back to their cars.

As for the decoy bombs, I don't think anyone would have known who put them there if Columbine didn't happen. I think Dylan's finger print was on one of the bombs, but I don't remember if it was the decoy one or not.

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Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 7:25 am

I agree with Jenn, after the bombs failed E&D could have just as easily walked back in and picked them up again. IF they had wanted to. In my opinion they clearly didn't, as they went to plan B fairly quickly.

Is it possible they didn't try to remove them for fear they would still detonate? It's possible, yet I still believe it was more that they didn't want to ditch all the time and effort they had spent on NBK over one part of it going south. So they improvised.
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Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 1:41 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Is it possible they didn't try to remove them for fear they would still detonate? It's possible, yet I still believe it was more that they didn't want to ditch all the time and effort they had spent on NBK over one part of it going south. So they improvised.

Now that I think about it part of it might have been due to the fact that they had already set the decoy bombs and they had no idea if the decoys had blown up or not. So in a way I think they felt that their hands were forced.

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Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 1:56 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Is it possible they didn't try to remove them for fear they would still detonate? It's possible, yet I still believe it was more that they didn't want to ditch all the time and effort they had spent on NBK over one part of it going south. So they improvised.

Now that I think about it part of it might have been due to the fact that they had already set the decoy bombs and they had no idea if the decoys had blown up or not. So in a way I think they felt that their hands were forced.

That makes sense.  Unless they could hear or see the police, fire trucks, etc. responding to the decoy bombs site. scratch

If they were able to hear that, then they may have been pressured into just making do with what they had left.
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PostSubject: Re: Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed?   Could Eric and Dylan Stop NBK After Bombs Failed? Icon_minitime

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