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 Crime scene map with victim locations

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Crime scene map with victim locations Empty
PostSubject: Crime scene map with victim locations   Crime scene map with victim locations Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2018 6:03 pm

I've been following this case intently for a while now and decided to use all the information I've read/watched to create a map of where each victim was found. The article that contains the original maps (with no names) is linked below, I'd highly recommend it if y'all haven't checked it out. I got most of the information for where the victims died based on articles, eyewitness/survivor testimonies, obituaries, and process of elimination. Since this labeling is based on my own research it may not be 100% accurate although I'm fairly confident that it is mostly correct (although we'll have to wait until the police release an official report to be certain). Lemme

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Article with original map:
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Crime scene map with victim locations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crime scene map with victim locations   Crime scene map with victim locations Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2018 6:52 pm

Thanks for this especially with the labeling the location of staff fatalities, eyewitness accounts kinda confused me with what was portrayed in the video animation that was released.
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Crime scene map with victim locations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crime scene map with victim locations   Crime scene map with victim locations Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2018 7:12 pm

Yeah no problem!
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PostSubject: Re: Crime scene map with victim locations   Crime scene map with victim locations Icon_minitime

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