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 Canine Mass Murderers

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Tommy QTR
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PostSubject: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 5:59 pm

found some interesting cases where dogs/wolves actually killed humans

August 4, 1577: (This one is possibly folklore but still fascinating) A Black dog crashed its way into St. Marys Church in Bungay, England during a thunderstorm, where it killed 2 men in the belfry and escaped (after leaving, the churches clock tower exploded). Several hours later it showed up in the Holy Trinity Church in Blythburgh where it jumped onto one of the churches supporting beams and killed 2 more men and a boy. As it left, it made claw marks on one of its doors, which is still seen today.

April 29, 1711: A rabid wolf attacked and injured 100+ livestock in Italy, which all died within 40 days. It made its way to another flock but was attacked by two shepherd with pitchforks. They managed to kill the wolf, but were bitten and proceeded to die several days later.

July 31, 1756: A rabid wolf attacked a village in Salernes, France biting 12 people and 1 pig. 6 of the 12 bitten died within 3 months

November 21, 1765: Another rabid wolf went on a rampage through several Italian towns/districts and attacked several carriages. By the time it was pinned down and killed, it had already bitten 16 people, 3 horses, and a dog. All 4 animals were put down and 14 of the 16 people bitten died from their wounds.

December 23, 1768- a rabies infected wolf attacked and bit 4 people on a country path in Netro, Italy. 2 died within the next year.

April 17, 1781- another wolf went on a killing spree in Varallo Sesia, this time killing 12 people and injuring 14 before being killed

(Not sure how many people died in the next two, but it says it was a lot)

unknown date, 1851: a wolf in Hue-Au-Gal, France attacked and bit 46 people and killed 82 farm animals

unknown date, possibly 1851: a wolf in Adalia, Turkey bit 128 people and killed 85 sheep

April 25, 1851: A wolf went on a 7 hour spree and traveled 45 km through 9 villages in France. It bit 41 people and 96 farm animals, 14 people died within 2 months.

August 5, 1868: A wolf made its way into Fort Larned, in Kansas. The wolf killed 1 Corporal and injured 5 others before being shot

February 3, 1973: a wolf attacks six villages in India before being killed. 12 people and 6 animals were bitten all the animals died including 3 people who suffered injuries to the head

May 23, 1974: A wolf in Russia went on a morning rampage in a small village biting 10 people, 1 died the next day (another attack highly similar to this would happen on September 27, 2010)

June 12, 2013: A wolf killed 1 and injured 4 in a town in Eastern Turkey

November 4, 2016: a wolf killed a child and injured 2 others in Pakistan
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 6:39 pm

I have a terrible phobia of rabies. I can't even lick myself that i'm with heavy fear of "being infected."
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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 12:11 am

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"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 6:13 am

QuestionMark wrote:
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I've always been interested by this case.
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 5:43 pm

What about Molly the cat, she escaped the other day and it was lucky there wasn't a biting spree.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 6:13 pm

Duke has attacked various other dogs and cats mainly unprovoked.

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Last edited by Tommy QTR on Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 8:21 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
What about Molly the cat, she escaped the other day and it was lucky there wasn't a biting spree.

The fact that your cat didn't go on a biting spree means that she is mentally stable Smile
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2018 12:13 pm

SpagettDoggo84 wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
What about Molly the cat, she escaped the other day and it was lucky there wasn't a biting spree.

The fact that your cat didn't go on a biting spree means that she is mentally stable Smile

It's not my cat, and she has bitten people and dogs in the past.
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2018 2:39 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
SpagettDoggo84 wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
What about Molly the cat, she escaped the other day and it was lucky there wasn't a biting spree.

The fact that your cat didn't go on a biting spree means that she is mentally stable Smile

It's not my cat, and she has bitten people and dogs in the past.

oh, my bad
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2018 12:59 pm

Also a cat hiding spoons caused alot of torment..........
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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2022 6:33 am

This is actually unironically an interesting post.
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2022 6:17 am

Why is this a thread lol, has anyone never been in a 3rd world country?
Stray Dogs are violent af when I was in Thailand and China. Nothing new about that
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Canine Mass Murderers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2022 4:26 pm

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Two pitbulls went NBK in a school playground not too long ago.
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A dog attack in a school playground has left 21 people injured in Springfield, Missouri.

On Tuesday, December 20, staff and students at Willard Intermediate South school were injured when two dogs identified as a pit bull mix breed made their way into the playground.

The incident occurred during afternoon recess shortly after 1 p.m. at the intermediate school which teaches students in grades 5 and 6.

Heather Harman-Michael, director of communications and public relations for Willard School District, told Newsweek: "There was an incident during recess in which neighborhood dogs got onto the playground and injured several students and teachers. Parents of students who were affected were contacted and ambulances were on site to assess and treat any injuries."

Of 21 individuals involved, 18 were students and three were teachers. Not all of those injured were hurt by the animals and some suffered injuries after becoming caught up in the mele that followed as people rushed to the school building to shelter from the attacking animals.

Three teachers and three students sustained injuries that required medical attention, after suffering bites and scratches. They were seen to by school nurses and first responders before being transported to local hospitals by ambulance.

More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the U.S. and more than 800,000 receive medical attention as a result, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
School employees, school police officers, first responders and Greene County Animal Services responded to the incident where the dogs were quickly captured.

"Animal control located the animals, and the owner gave up possession of them voluntarily," said Harman-Michael.

Cara Erwin from Springfield-Greene County Health told Newsweek: "The dogs were euthanized in order to be tested for rabies. The tests will be completed today, and we expect to have results within the next couple of days. During the investigation, it was determined that one of the dogs was not vaccinated and no proof could be provided that the other was up to date on its vaccinations."

Thankfully, none of those affected were seriously injured. Harman-Michael said: "Everyone who was taken for additional medical assessment was back home last night."

Willard Intermediate South is open on Wednesday, but will have an indoor recess. Additional staff and counselors will also be on campus in the morning to provide any support and resources students and staff may need.

Harman-Michael said: "When any situation occurs, we come together to discuss what happened, what we could have done differently, and what we can do in the future to prevent similar occurrences from happening. Those are the conversations we will be having in the days and weeks ahead.

"We are encouraging our neighbors to be cognizant of keeping their animals contained near all of our campuses as we continue to encourage outdoor play. We want to thank the Intermediate South staff who responded quickly to the situation, and other district staff who were on site quickly to provide assistance."

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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2022 9:21 pm

Don't share their names. Don't share their faces. Don't give them the infamy they're after.

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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2022 6:41 am

wow animals

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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2022 12:32 pm

BlackAndWhiteKittenz wrote:
wow animals

Dog go brrrrr
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PostSubject: Re: Canine Mass Murderers   Canine Mass Murderers Icon_minitime

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