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 Anyone know who was on the hitlist

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Preston Condra
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Anyone know who was on the hitlist Empty
PostSubject: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 4:17 pm

Does anyone know Whos on the hitlist that E & D made??
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 4:57 pm

Item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 2 Pieces of Paper [Shit List] - Removed from Item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] from Eric's Bookshelf

CN 1808 Peggy Dodd - Teacher/Tech Lab/Comp Lab Assistant
CN 1824 Ellin Hayes - Teacher/Hall Monitor
CN 1874 Unassigned - info only
CN 1880 Austin Stephen Eubanks 10-7-81
CN 1884 Ryan McGrath 2-9-81
CN 1887 Kevin James Hofstra 2-24-81
CN 1891 Lacy Koch's boyfriend 9-15-80 - intervened when Dylan called girl bitch gym class
CN 1894 Dustin Harrison 5-2-80
CN 1896 Jason Thompson Grade 12
CN 1898 Insufficient info to ID
CN 1901 Insufficient info to ID
CN 1902 Insufficient info to ID
CN 1903 & CN 2138 & CN 2449 Patrice Doyle 10-9-80/10-1-80
CN 1907 Kevin Robert Larson 7-31-81
CN 1932 info only
CN 1936 & CN 50 & CN 51 Chatfield HS students/brothers ? - info only
CN 1938 info only
CN 2192 Unassigned - info only
CN 2195 [Charles] Andy Milam 2-28-80
CN 2200 Lead Previously Done
CN 2205 Erik Trenck
CN 2219 Lead Covered 4-30-99
CN 2224 Joshua Swanson 6-20-81
CN 2228 Unassigned - info only
CN 2230 Unassigned - info only
CN 2233 Unassigned - info only
CN 2234 Ryan Foster 11-6-80
CN 2235 Unassigned - info only
CN 2237 Matthew Carmichael
CN 2239 Unassigned - info only
CN 2246 Unassigned - info only
CN 2247 & CN 2320 Devon Adams
CN 2248 Shawn [Shaun] Lee
CN 2250 Unassigned - info only
CN 2252 Unassigned - info only
CN 2253 info only
CN 2257 Male 12-26-80 - Football/Wrestling before '99 - knew Dylan in Elementary School & Cub Scouts - had contact with Robyn Anderson in class & was friends with her
CN 2259 Amy Michelle Evans 9-26-80
CN 2262 Nicholas James Zupancic 7-11-80
CN 2268 Lead Previously Done
CN 2277 Jonathan Allen Broden 10-2-80

*** Kim Fox - Sophomore - According to Rocky Mountain News article "Columbine Killer Harris had enemies list of classmates" her name was found on the Shit List - Student Staff Location List says Location Unknown & No Info - Master Index says Threats Schools & Chatfield High School

Item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Package of Misc Paperwork [Shit List] - Removed from Dylan's Bedroom

CN 1310 Note ISP address Telcal with Concentric Research Corporation
CN 1322 Unable to ID "?" without more info
CN 1329 Unable to ID "?" without more info
CN 1335 Male [Mexican] 3-20-81 - Basketball Team - Associated with Robyn Anderson in class - no classes with Dylan but did with Eric
CN 1661 Male [Paul Hofer] 3-6-81 [Brother [Jeffrey Hofer] 5-19-84] - argument/fight with Brian Sargent '97/'98 - did not attend CHS '98/'99 - going to alternative school '99
CN 1664 & CN 1671 Matthew James Friedman 4-8-81
CN 1666 Karen Ann Schott 10-13-80 dates student from Colorado School of Mines
CN 1668 Louis W Scileppi 3-9-81
CN 1671 Christopher Lyn Stinson 10-9-80
CN 1723 Ryan "Waldo" Gregory Walda 11-28-80
CN 1725 [Charles] Andy Milam 2-28-80
CN 1726 Jeffrey Dean Marquardt 8-24-81
CN 1800 Dustin Kent Thurmon 10-9-80
CN 1801 Nicholas Baker 8-20-80
CN 1804 & CN 2199 Nicholas J Baumgart 5-14-81
CN 1853 Jonathan Allen Broden 10-2-80
CN 1867 Aaron G Belliston 4-15-81
CN 1960 ? - in classes with Eric/Dylan - saw Eric @ 11:10am wearing black trenchcoat carrying grayish duffel bag
CN 2017 Dustin Kent Thurmon 10-9-80
CN 2019 Unable to ID "?" without more info
CN 2022 info only
CN 2023 info only
CN 2025 Michael Dinkel 5-13-81
CN 2027 & CN 4464 Andrew Anderson
CN 2029 Male 7-25-80 - had English class with Dylan '98 - had argument with Dylan about spoiled kids - Dylan had seen him on occasion with Robyn Anderson
CN 2030 John Reffel
CN 2032 Paul D Serverts 7-27-81
CN 2034 Spencer Grange
CN 2035 Male - known Dylan since Grade 3 & was with him in accelerated program at Governor Ranch Elementary School - never had problem with Eric/Dylan or their friends
CN 2036 Alex [Dudik?] 12-7-80 - didn't know Dylan
CN 2037 & CN 3692 Christopher Clary
CN 2039 Mr ?
CN 2040 Male - played sports until sophmore year - doesn't know why he is on the list
CN 2149 Don Klein
CN 2153 Unassigned - info only
CN 2156 Unassigned - info only
CN 2158 Unassigned - info only
CN 2159 Christine Mikesell administrator 4-8-51
CN 2161 Mike Paavilainen
CN 2162 Duplicate - covered by Sgt Webb 5-4-99 re: lead # ?
CN 2163 Kyle Barnes
CN 2165 Unable to ID "?"
CN 2167 Unable to ID "Gold Dust"
CN 2169 Zachary Rissmiller
CN 2172 & CN 2509 Jeffrey Hulse
CN 2173 Brett O'Neill Grade 12
CN 2177 Male [Mexican] - didn't know Eric/Dylan
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Anyone know who was on the hitlist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 9:04 pm

Did Eric and Dylan also have a friend list. I thought Dylan had one....

Eric supposedly had a Semper Fi list and due to his penchant and love for making lists I assume he had one indeed.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Anyone know who was on the hitlist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 9:53 am

For some reason I forgot Dylan had his own "hit list". I guess Eric really didn't like Devon Adams because she supposedly took his friends away from him. It seems that Austin Eubanks was the only person on the hit lists that we know got hit with bullets. I could be wrong, I just glanced over it.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeFri Jun 07, 2019 12:57 am

I know this is an old thread but I saw that Kimberly Fox wrote a bunch of messages to Chris Bernall Cassie's brother and from the looks of it she was a good friend of Cassie's from West Bowles youth group, she shared a bunch of not publicly known stories and pics and stuff. I thought that was interesting because you don't hear much about Cassie's friends. Like even though my sister was a junior and knew most of her class and a lot of kids at Columbine she barely knew Cassie other than she was one of the hatdcore evangelical Christians which is quite the label to get at a place like Columbine. It would make sense why a sophomore girl was on the list if she was a hardcore evangelizing type. And how she ties to Cassie... I dunno all speculation. Her family moved to Utah immediately following everything too.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 7:03 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
Item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 2 Pieces of Paper [Shit List] - Removed from Item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] from Eric's Bookshelf

CN 1880 Austin Stephen Eubanks 10-7-81
That's interesting

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 7:24 pm

Did Austin ever get asked about that?

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2019 4:29 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Did Austin ever get asked about that?
Wait, so Austin was on the shitlist? If that's so then that goes the narrative that none of the people that they ranted and threatened in their lists, diaries and tapes were actually harmed in the shooting.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2019 4:56 am

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Did Austin ever get asked about that?
Wait, so Austin was on the shitlist? If that's so then that goes the narrative that none of the people that they ranted and threatened in their lists, diaries and tapes were actually harmed in the shooting.

Yea, it is something I don't often hear talked about.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2019 11:23 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Did Austin ever get asked about that?

In his police statement, pg. 30- 31, there are several paragraphs that are blacked out. I have always assumed that this was when police discussed why he thought he might have been on the Hit List.

I've also wondered if knowing that he was on the Hit List, whether it was for a true incident between Eric or Dylan or some nonsense thing they dreamed up, is part of the reason for his drug addiction. i.e., if he had had an altercation with them, perhaps even had been a jerk to them, did this unnecessarily make him feel blame for the attack itself? Did he think that maybe his presence under that table is what brought them over there and therefore maybe blamed himself for Corey's death?
Yet another mystery about Columbine.
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Anyone know who was on the hitlist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2019 12:35 am

It's simply heartbreaking to see both names of Austin Eubanks who died a month ago but also  Kyle Barnes who commit suicide shortly after the shooting... Sad
I wonder if being on the hitlist afected them...
When it's come to the ones who where on the hitlist and said they didn't knew them at all, i find it hard to believe.

Where are the hitlists available ? I didn't found it in the 11K.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeWed Jun 19, 2019 10:55 am

Supacocky wrote:
It's simply heartbreaking to see both names of Austin Eubanks who died a month ago but also  Kyle Barnes who commit suicide shortly after the shooting... Sad
I wonder if being on the hitlist afected them...
When it's come to the ones who where on the hitlist and said they didn't knew them at all, i find it hard to believe.

Where are the hitlists available ? I didn't found it in the 11K.

I'm sure it deeply affected those who were on the hitlists. Knowing that you were on a list of people hated by the two boys who shot up your school and murdered your friends would be deeply psychologically damaging.
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Anyone know who was on the hitlist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeThu Aug 08, 2019 8:30 pm

They definitely wanted to do a bombing instead of much of a shooting. Should we assume that they thought the people in their hit list would be taken care of but when things turned south...they just tried to kill whoever they wanted regardless of the list?

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 9:39 am

I find it interesting Devon was on Eric's list. In her media accounts she seems to want to project the image of being a friend of Eric and Dyl but then again she also seems want the media attention she was given.

- Byron
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 11:06 am

I don’t think Devon and Eric were friends for very long.

I always wondered how Dylan felt about Eric’s hate for Devon, Especially since he warmed up to Devon so much

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 11:10 am

I agree. I know they were not friends for very long. I just think its odd that she tends to give the impression they were good friends when she was better friends with Dyl than Eric. I guess the media can do that when they get creative with the editing

- Byron
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 1:16 pm

Devon has always come off as a media whore to me. Esp the way she tried to portray this love triangle thing. Supposedly Eric and Dylan both loved her....

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 2:55 pm

Couldn’t agree more

- Byron
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2021 8:45 am

I have a question. Why it's assumed that first list is Eric's and second list is Dylan's? I guess the main factor is that they were found in their rooms, but the lists of names are interesting.
First list had Peggy Dodd who didn't say a bad word about Eric and had huge problems with Dylan. Lacy Koch boyfriend, who had problems with Dylan. Some guy who knew Dylan in elementary school.

Second list (from Dylan's room) had Nick Baumgart (Eric hated him), and Michael Dinkel (Eric complained about him to Susan Dewitt twice).

It's just the idea, but maybe lists are switched? First one is Dylan's and second is Eric's?

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2021 9:14 am

Ligeya wrote:
I have a question. Why it's assumed that first list is Eric's and second list is Dylan's? I guess the main factor is that they were found in their rooms, but the lists of names are interesting.
First list had Peggy Dodd who didn't say a bad word about Eric and had huge problems with Dylan. Lacy Koch boyfriend, who had problems with Dylan. Some guy who knew Dylan in elementary school.

Second list (from Dylan's room) had Nick Baumgart (Eric hated him), and Michael Dinkel (Eric complained about him to Susan Dewitt twice).

It's just the idea, but maybe lists are switched? First one is Dylan's and second is Eric's?

Is it not known who's list came first?
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Preston Condra

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2021 8:35 pm

Shit at Stephen Austin Eubanks being on Eric's list. pale
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2021 5:53 am

I know Dan Lab was on Eric’s hitlist for punching Eric in the fast, though Dan asked to be taken off of it.

“You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic, bored life you were extinguishing."
- Seung Hui Cho

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2021 7:32 am

It seams Eric hated everyone more than Dylan lol

Tiocfaidh ár lá

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2021 5:29 pm

I sometimes wonder how many completely arbitrary things got you on Eric's hit list?
I mean like "I don't like that guy's shirt today"on the list now...

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2021 10:56 am

Sadgasm wrote:
It seams Eric hated everyone more than Dylan lol

Eric's list has 41 names. Dylan's list has 47 names.
If we assume that first is Eric's and second is Dylan's.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2021 4:52 pm

I think if you were on a list, you were on for a reason. I know people think E&D made up/inaccurately perceived things; I disagree with that. Denial/gaslighting is a tactic of highly-skilled manipulators in order to further bully victims and avoid responsibility. This goes on not just in schools but in all kinds of institutions and especially with adults in the workplace.

I could definitely see the people on these lists lying about why they are on it to deny their role in the massacre and save their reputations for future job prospects, romantic partners, etc. There are no effects without causes. It is simply against physics.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2021 5:00 pm

Regarding Devon Adams being on the list, I think she was prone to lying & gossiping, which is something that Eric didn't like at all (that is one of the reasons why he despised Brooks remember).

If Devon Adams was going around back then telling everyone "Eric has a crush on me!" like she still does today, that probably would have made him upset with her. Whether it was true or not, it would have been something humiliating, in a way she was making fun of Eric. Her gossipy/lying nature is what I think motivated the dislike towards her.

I think some women definitely have this psychological thing where they think men are more attracted to them than in reality. And Devon has/had that.

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2021 10:46 pm

Juniper wrote:
Regarding Devon Adams being on the list, I think she was prone to lying & gossiping, which is something that Eric didn't like at all (that is one of the reasons why he despised Brooks remember).

If Devon Adams was going around back then telling everyone "Eric has a crush on me!" like she still does today, that probably would have made him upset with her.  Whether it was true or not, it would have been something humiliating, in a way she was making fun of Eric.  Her gossipy/lying nature is what I think motivated the dislike towards her.

I think some women definitely have this psychological thing where they think men are more attracted to them than in reality. And Devon has/had that.
Plus they were kids, they liked/had crushes on a lot of girls

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone know who was on the hitlist   Anyone know who was on the hitlist Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2021 11:34 am

So far from what we know this is how to you would end up on eric and dylans Sh*t/hitlist:

Step 1: Exist
Step 2: Step 1

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