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 What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?

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Marisa Kirisame88
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What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 1:59 am

Kimveer Gill once threw a shampoo bottle through a window while attending Rosemere High School when goofing around with his friends, a school security guard saw the act, and Kimveer denied doing it to the security guard, then walked away. It's not known if he received disciplinary action for this

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2022 3:07 am

The day after the Emsdetten school shooting Sebastian Bosse had been due in court for illegal possession of a firearm.

Between Eros and Thanatos

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2022 3:33 am

Seung-Hui Cho and Steven Kazmierczak bought their guns from the same gun dealer. After the NIU Shooting, said dealer advocated for students to be able to conceal carry guns in classrooms.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2022 2:33 pm

Adrian Schurr’s mother had wished she had a daughter and tried to spike his food with estrogen

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2022 2:55 am

Ahmed Hassan (Attempted Parsons Green Bomber) was awarded "Student of the Year" at his college.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2022 5:14 am

Margarita Engaus was actually shot twice in the head during the Perm shooting. Initially after being shot by Timur Bekmansurov she survived, so he executed her. You can't actually see the final shot in the CCTV footage because it was cut out.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2022 5:35 pm

Adam Lanza bookmarked a YouTube video titled "Me singing a song for Alyssa Bustamante.wmv" from December of 2009 which is unavailable, but the lyrics are still in the description!

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A song I wrote when I read about Alyssa.
I feel really sorry for Elizabeth and her family, but also for Alyssa. If anybody had taken action earlier, nothing would have happened.

You take a look around
the room is empty, no one is here with you
Theres a knife in front of you
You cut your wrist, is it really worth the pain
I feel so sorry now
For the people who felt your wrath
But it dont come out of nowhere
The society wasnt ready for you yet

Just give me a smile Even though you had troubled life
The sun havent seemed to forget to shine
And though you dont believe its true
Anywhere but here, will be better for you
Anywhere but here, will be better for you I felt sympathy for you when I heard the words you said:
This is all I want in life, a reason for all the pain

You lived like a wolf in the shadow
Hiding your face and all the tears you cried
Dont let your fears control you
I know you will regret it in your life

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2022 11:41 am

Jordan Cofer, the brother and victim of Connor Betts, reblogged a post on Tumblr praising Willem van Spronsen's attack and calling for 'groups' to commit similar attacks on ICE facilities due to lone wolves like van Spronsen being easier to stop.

It's the first confirmed case of a victim referring to another mass killer in a positive light that I'm aware of.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2022 10:21 pm

>Erik Salvador Ayala, Perpetrator of the 2012 Portland Nightclub Shooting, got his 9mm Tanfoglio T95 from Milwaukie's 99 Pawn & Guns. He had to provide an alien resident card, which was required because he was not a citizen, and proof of at least 90 days of residency in the state. He passed a background check and purchased the ammunition for the pistol the same day.
>Ayala shot himself below the chin.
>Ayala had no alcohol or illegal drugs in his system, only a tranquilizer, but no more than is traditionally prescribed.
>Ayala had been a part-time clerical worker for temp agencies since he completed a 17-month contract job as a data entry operator for the state Department of Human Services in July 2007. 
>Ayala had threatened to bring a gun to school in September 2000. The cops got involved and he confided that “he was not happy with school or with himself” but insisted he had no intention of hurting others. Two months later, Ayala tried to kill himself by swallowing a fistful of Aleve tablets. He was admitted to a private mental health facility in Portland, where he was diagnosed with “numerous mental disorders,” according to the police officer’s report. The most notable mental disorder was Schizophrenia, which would have led to him not having the pistol if the pawn shop had adequately checked his background history.
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2022 2:38 pm

Michael Slobodian often wore platform shoes to appear taller

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2022 4:20 pm

Not a school shooter but he could have shot himself in his school had he not live-streamed his suicide from his home. (Shuaib Aslam)[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2022 4:21 pm

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2022 12:07 pm

One of William Atchison's favourite songs was And the beat goes on by the whispers

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 13, 2022 10:38 pm

Sulejman Talovic physically abused his cousin, Safer, by grabbing him by the throat and choking him. He also abused him by throwing a snowball packed with broken glass shards at his head which left him bleeding. Talovic pulled a knife on his family's landlord, Musto Redzovic. Redzovic felt Talovic may not have recognized him and may have been trying to protect his family.
In 1999, Talovic was referred to juvenile court for throwing rocks at a girl. He denied it, according to court documents, but a judge decided it was true. He was sentenced to community service.
In 2001, Talovic was again referred to juvenile court for allegedly swiping a knife toward his other cousin. The girl's mother pulled her away before he could make contact, according to court
Sulejman often moved between schools because the family moved three times in Salt Lake City but he often had a spotty attendance record.
Talovic attended eighth grade at Hillside Intermediate during the 2001-02 school year. Math teacher Virginia Lee said he seemed disinterested in class and was often absent. When she called his mother to ask why, she was told Talovic was sick.
The next year, he entered an alternative program at Highland High School. Teacher Danny Schwam said he rarely attended class. When he did, Schwam said, his head was often on his desk. Talovic was released after fall 2002 due to poor attendance, Schwam said.
For a time, Talovic attended West High School. He started classes at Horizonte High School in fall 2004, and dropped out in November. His father has said two boys with knives at the school threatened to kill him.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 12:23 am

Koschei wrote:
In Kimveer Gill's CD player police found a disc entitled "Shooting sprees ain't no fun without Ozzy and friends LOL"

So do you think he listened to Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath while driving to the school? Was it ever disclosed which songs were on the CD?

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2022 1:10 am

Luiz Henrique De Castro had to repeat 8th grade 3 times.

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2022 6:45 am

Randall Shepherd was never going to take part in the attack on the Halifax Shopping Center. Rather he planned to kill himself the day before by either hanging himself or slitting his wrists. He and James made an agreement that if he chickened out James would shoot him. He also made videos for his parents and posted on r/SuicideWatch (can't find the post)

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2022 6:46 am

An excerpt from one of his videos:

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 18, 2022 7:38 pm

Engel wrote:
Koschei wrote:
In Kimveer Gill's CD player police found a disc entitled "Shooting sprees ain't no fun without Ozzy and friends LOL"

So do you think he listened to Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath while driving to the school?  Was it ever disclosed which songs were on the CD?

There is a black sabbath song called Psycho man a song about an Angel of Death stalking the streets looking for his next victim. That could be a possibly be one of the songs he listened to on the drive there.

I dont think the songs on the list were disclosed but one song I could see being on the list would be "Bodies by Drowning Pool". As well as some Rammstein I'm sure would have been included as well on the mixtape.

Between Eros and Thanatos

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2022 8:18 am

Farda Gadirov had syphilis

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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2022 9:59 pm

Mutsuo Toi's chest lamp died when he was killing people in the penultimate house he invaded.

His shotgun was also modified to fire nine times.

Toi used hollow-point slugs

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous

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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2022 10:53 pm

Gabriel Wortman committed suicide (or attempted suicide) either just before or while police were firing rounds into him.

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2022 1:14 am

Pekka-Eric Auvinen hugged his little brother goodbye before he went to the school on the day of the shooting. He was usaully not that affectionate towards him.

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

Last edited by Engel on Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2022 8:48 pm

Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel literally shat on and pissed on his wife when he was mad at her.

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2022 6:08 am

Gabriel Wortman would roleplay as an adult baby and would wear a diaper while his female sex friend would pretend to be his mother. She also tongued his asshole (no shit was involved).

He also had sex with his female patients, and described himself as a sex addict.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2022 3:47 pm

Timur Bekmansurov had a personal VK account which he deleted prior to the shooting, his girlfriend also said he had a telegram which he deleted.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2022 12:36 am

Mark Anthony Conditt (not a mass shooter, but I found this interesting nonetheless) stated in his 25-minute confession video that he planned to blow himself up in a crowded McDonald's if police closed in on him. He also secretly used Grindr to exchange messages with gay men.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2022 4:53 pm

Esteban Santiago-Ruiz replaced his laptop hard drive with a fresh one from walmart shortly before his shooting. He also left behind a checklist that had a notation to clean his laptop.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2022 3:49 am

Credit to a German friend of mine (from a newtumbl post of his):

During his 2 month stay in the psychiatric hospital, David Sonboly was aggressive and threatening towards his fellow patients, and would have outbursts. He would lock other patients in a wardrobe and threaten to kill them. He also gave the Hitler salute. 5 female patients reported they were genuinely scared of him.

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2022 11:54 pm

On his last day at school at Geschwister Scholl-Schule, according to an ex-friend of Sebastian Bosse, Henning S., Sebastian told people to remember him, and that he would come back to the school eventually (something along those lines)

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2022 6:50 pm

Some facts about Michael Slobodian:
- He occasionally forged his father's signature to get out of attending classes
- A couple of weeks before the shooting, he got drunk and hit his friend over the head with some branches
- He was described as a 'karate expert' by people that knew him
- He played the guitar and enjoyed listening to folk music

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2022 7:45 pm

lognifiiskurk wrote:
Some facts about Michael Slobodian:

- He played the guitar and enjoyed listening to folk music

And playing the drums

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)
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What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2022 5:14 pm

Robert Poulin bought a sex doll for £29.95 (Equivalent of around $150 today)

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun May 29, 2022 3:11 am

Kimveer Gill's favorite weapon was the TEC-9, but he was upset they were illegal in Canada

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2022 2:52 am

lognifiiskurk wrote:
Robert Poulin bought a sex doll for £29.95 (Equivalent of around $150 today)

He didn't seem to gain much satisfaction from it according to his diary " Everything doll arrived - a big disappointment"

Between Eros and Thanatos

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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2022 7:00 am

Jose Reyes was watching "Monster High" on Youtube.

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2022 7:19 pm

Breivik's apartment door was written on by other people (neighbours) before it was revealed that he was the shooter.

The gremlins in my mind won't show me the light.
For fucks sake reflect the light for everyone and the person I try to be

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 05, 2022 10:47 pm

Ethan Crumbley wanted his shooting to get Joe Biden impeached

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2022 5:16 am

James Huberty drinked some Diet Coke during the McDonalds Massacre

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2022 5:10 am


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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2022 3:55 pm

Adam Lanza was killed by a sniper.

Oh to be a cigarette in a ball pit 3

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humanity is overrated

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2022 12:55 am

Dimitris Patmanidis was rejected by a girl he was in love with when he was Seventeen, I wonder if that was is joker moment he does talk a-lot about 'rejection' in his manifesto "have received nothing but rejection and abuse from those around me"

demon in Nikolas Cruz's head

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2022 1:49 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
One of Dylan Klebolds nicknames was Quackers. Not many people know that.

It's a hard question because this is a research board so a lot of brilliant people reside here...

I mean if you were going to say what do I know that my mom doesn't... well... Smile
Sorry by reply an old post, but how did you know that?
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2022 9:22 pm

Robert poulin was collecting playboy magazine since he was 10 years old.

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 12:06 am

HollowPointRose wrote:
There’s a YouTube video of Stephan Balliet drunkenly humping his sister’s husband. He was like 19 but still.
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 1:58 am

Primate Murder wrote:
Jose Reyes was watching "Monster High" on Youtube.
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 2:26 am

not a mass shooter, but still interesting nonetheless 

Leslie Patrick Bailey...

>Only had an IQ of 67

>Worked as a security guard

>Spent time in a mental hospital

>Nickname was Catweazle

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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 7:24 am

Kimveer Gill had 174 horror movies on DVD

"I'll never understand humans. The way they live their lives, their feelings, the things they want to do in life, probably has something to do with these
invisible gods they pray to. Meh"
- Kimveer Gill

"Humanity is overrated, isn't it?" - Matti Saari

"Live in virtue, no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven and wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear, they question why
Goddamn, not an angel when I die
" - Engel, Rammstein (English version)
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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 1:49 pm

humanity is overrated wrote:
Primate Murder wrote:
Jose Reyes was watching "Monster High" on Youtube.

Sparks Middle school shooter. Little Hispanic boy who stole daddy's gun and shot up his school before killing himself. He also believed he would go back in time after doing it.

Currently dating Seryu Ubiquitous
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PostSubject: Re: What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know?   What's something about a mass shooter only you (or very few people) know? - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 17, 2022 5:51 am

William Atchinson had a orange cat he referred as fuzzball. When the cat died in 2011 he had to bury it. It was one of his most gut wrenching saddest moments.

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