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 Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2018 6:52 am

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The late mother of the Parkland school shooting suspect, Nikolas Cruz, allowed her son to buy guns even though mental health counselors warned her against it, according to NBC News.

The New York Daily News reports that Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, described the mom, Lynda Cruz as "an enabler," who interfered with efforts to get her son treatment.

A commission investigating the Florida High School Massacre learned the new information on Tuesday.

TIME Magazine notes that Gualtieri said Lynda Cruz told his counselors “If he wants to have a gun, he could have a gun.”

Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand.

I really don't agree that she tried to interfere with Nikolas getting help though. There is documented proof of her reaching out and asking for help many, many times. BUT I do think she was a tad bit of an enabler. She did allow him to buy the guns. She let him keep them even after his violent outbursts became worse. Hell he even pulled a gun on her, holding it to her head. Yet she still let him keep them in the house.

Maybe she was afraid of him or hoped he would act better if she let him have what he wanted.  No
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 5:16 am

I don't think you could drop the ball anymore if you tried in this case.

Its incredible really.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 5:51 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The late mother of the Parkland school shooting suspect, Nikolas Cruz, allowed her son to buy guns even though mental health counselors warned her against it, according to NBC News.

If it was really that dangerous for him to get a gun because of his mental health, authorities should not simply have warned against it and let his mother decide. He should have been prevented from getting a gun, not just advised it's not a good idea.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 7:10 am

W.A.R. wrote:
I don't think you could drop the ball anymore if you tried in this case.

Its incredible really.

Agreed. It is both infuriating and extremely sad seeing the number of times Cruz could have been stopped. It truly boggles my mind that anyone could've looked at this kid's history and still think "Nah he's OK". Evil or Very Mad
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 7:17 am

Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The late mother of the Parkland school shooting suspect, Nikolas Cruz, allowed her son to buy guns even though mental health counselors warned her against it, according to NBC News.

If it was really that dangerous for him to get a gun because of his mental health, authorities should not simply have warned against it and let his mother decide. He should have been prevented from getting a gun, not just advised it's not a good idea.

True. The problem was EVERYONE just kept overlooking, or down playing his behavior. I mean this kid was waving a "Red Flag" that could have been seen from space, but somehow he was still missed.

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 7:26 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The late mother of the Parkland school shooting suspect, Nikolas Cruz, allowed her son to buy guns even though mental health counselors warned her against it, according to NBC News.

If it was really that dangerous for him to get a gun because of his mental health, authorities should not simply have warned against it and let his mother decide. He should have been prevented from getting a gun, not just advised it's not a good idea.

True. The problem was EVERYONE just kept overlooking, or down playing his behavior.  I mean this kid was waving a "Red Flag" that could have been seen from space, but somehow he was still missed.

It is as if each person that had to deal with Cruz refused to face his responsibility and preferred to let others do the job, which they obviously didn't do either.

When the shooting happened, people said they already knew it was him. If they knew it for sure, why was he still able to do the shooting without people trying to prevent him from doing so? It's incredible how everybody around him failed. I understand it is not easy, but people cannot say they knew when they did nothing to prevent it.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 7:40 am

Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
The late mother of the Parkland school shooting suspect, Nikolas Cruz, allowed her son to buy guns even though mental health counselors warned her against it, according to NBC News.

If it was really that dangerous for him to get a gun because of his mental health, authorities should not simply have warned against it and let his mother decide. He should have been prevented from getting a gun, not just advised it's not a good idea.

True. The problem was EVERYONE just kept overlooking, or down playing his behavior.  I mean this kid was waving a "Red Flag" that could have been seen from space, but somehow he was still missed.

It is as if each person that had to deal with Cruz refused to face his responsibility and preferred to let others do the job, which they obviously didn't do either.

When the shooting happened, people said they already knew it was him. If they knew it for sure, why was he still able to do the shooting without people trying to prevent him from doing so? It's incredible how everybody around him failed. I understand it is not easy, but people cannot say they knew when they did nothing to prevent it.

Agreed. As I have said before, the number of shoulders the blame ultimately should fall on are many. Evil or Very Mad

BUT whether anyone will be held accountable for letting this kid slip down a crack, or in my opinion more like stuffed down a crack is another issue.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 7:51 am

I have to be honest. This is one of the reasons I’m so interested in seeing the trial and I hope it plays out where we can see it like the Aurora trial. Because I think he is one of the shooters that I can think of that so clearly had red flags and was just begging for help.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 8:08 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Because I think he is one of the shooters that I can think of that so clearly had red flags and was just begging for help.

Interesting, what makes you think that he was begging for help ? (I don't disagree with you, it's just that I don't know what were the signs that show he wanted to be helped.) I tend to see mass shooters as people who turned to destruction because their begging for help in the past actually failed, I don't know if most of them still begged for help until their last moments.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 8:19 am

Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 8:36 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s  journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and  other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

I agree, it is why I found mass murders so tragic and interesting, much more that serial killers. Mass shooters have many killed innocent people, but yet they are not "pure evil", even if they are sometimes described that way. They are in fact very humans and they were in desperate suffering. Suffering so much that you can only think of your destruction and the destruction of others is awful.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 8:40 am

Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s  journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and  other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

I agree, it is why I found mass murders so tragic and interesting, much more that serial killers. Mass shooters have many killed innocent people, but yet they are not "pure evil", even if they are sometimes described that way. They are in fact very humans and they were in desperate suffering. Suffering so much that you can only think of your destruction and the destruction of others is awful.

Exactly. I remember when my mom found out I had empathy for Eric and Dylan back with it happened. she was so freaked out. I told her it was because I feel bad for any kid my age that would feel so angry that they had to hurt innocent people. That’s scary.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 8:56 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s  journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and  other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

I agree, it is why I found mass murders so tragic and interesting, much more that serial killers. Mass shooters have many killed innocent people, but yet they are not "pure evil", even if they are sometimes described that way. They are in fact very humans and they were in desperate suffering. Suffering so much that you can only think of your destruction and the destruction of others is awful.

Exactly. I remember when my mom found out I had empathy for Eric and Dylan back with it happened.  she was so freaked out. I told her it was because I feel bad for any kid my age that would feel so angry that they had to hurt innocent people. That’s scary.

A very lucid and pertinent reply! Much better than:

But muuum, they were sooooo cute! <3

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 9:10 am

Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s  journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and  other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

I agree, it is why I found mass murders so tragic and interesting, much more that serial killers. Mass shooters have many killed innocent people, but yet they are not "pure evil", even if they are sometimes described that way. They are in fact very humans and they were in desperate suffering. Suffering so much that you can only think of your destruction and the destruction of others is awful.

Exactly. I remember when my mom found out I had empathy for Eric and Dylan back with it happened.  she was so freaked out. I told her it was because I feel bad for any kid my age that would feel so angry that they had to hurt innocent people. That’s scary.

A very lucid and pertinent reply! Much better than:

But muuum, they were sooooo cute! <3

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Indeed a MUCH better response when compared to flower crowns and hearts! Haha
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Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 9:16 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Not so much that he was begging for help personally. However if you put all the red flags together he really needed intervention and he kept slipping through the cracks.

Kind a like when you look at all of Dylan’s  journals and in hindsight when talks about how he lost weight and  other things he was crying out for help even though he wasn’t doing it out right

I agree, it is why I found mass murders so tragic and interesting, much more that serial killers. Mass shooters have many killed innocent people, but yet they are not "pure evil", even if they are sometimes described that way. They are in fact very humans and they were in desperate suffering. Suffering so much that you can only think of your destruction and the destruction of others is awful.

Exactly. I remember when my mom found out I had empathy for Eric and Dylan back with it happened.  she was so freaked out. I told her it was because I feel bad for any kid my age that would feel so angry that they had to hurt innocent people. That’s scary.

A very lucid and pertinent reply! Much better than:

But muuum, they were sooooo cute! <3

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Indeed a MUCH better response when compared to flower crowns and hearts! Haha

Aw, thanks Smile will admit that I may have delved into the online stuff when it first happened. I posted some of the old yahoo groups for people’s viewing pleasure :-)

I will also admit that I did find Eric to be one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my life. But that was back then And I certainly didn’t tell my mother that
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 9:40 am

Screamingophelia wrote:

Aw, thanks  Smile will admit  that I may have  delved  into the online stuff when it first happened. I posted some of the old yahoo groups for people’s viewing pleasure :-)

I will also admit that I did find Eric to be one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my life. But that was back then And I certainly didn’t tell my mother that

You're not helping your case! Haha

Screamingophelia wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Some people here are sounding like fangirls lmao.

Ironically so
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Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 10:01 am

Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Aw, thanks  Smile will admit  that I may have  delved  into the online stuff when it first happened. I posted some of the old yahoo groups for people’s viewing pleasure :-)

I will also admit that I did find Eric to be one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my life. But that was back then And I certainly didn’t tell my mother that

You're not helping your case! Haha

Screamingophelia wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Some people here are sounding like fangirls lmao.

Ironically so

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 10:04 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Aw, thanks  Smile will admit  that I may have  delved  into the online stuff when it first happened. I posted some of the old yahoo groups for people’s viewing pleasure :-)

I will also admit that I did find Eric to be one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my life. But that was back then And I certainly didn’t tell my mother that

You're not helping your case! Haha

Screamingophelia wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Some people here are sounding like fangirls lmao.

Ironically so

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 10:37 am

Screamingophelia wrote:

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

Don't worry, I believe you. I wouldn't if you were a 14 year-old girl but since you are a mature grown-up it's ok. It's just that we had this kind of discussion two days in a row so it's funny.
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 11:06 am

Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

Don't worry, I believe you. I wouldn't if you were a 14 year-old girl but since you are a mature grown-up it's ok. It's just that we had this kind of discussion two days in a row so it's funny.

Oh! Yes I tend to do that. Especially when I start joking around especially with Shadowed. You’ll get used to it :-) lol

I’ve spoken to many of the fan girls back in the day including the ultimate fan girl Brenda.... so glad I grew up
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 12:05 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

Don't worry, I believe you. I wouldn't if you were a 14 year-old girl but since you are a mature grown-up it's ok. It's just that we had this kind of discussion two days in a row so it's funny.

Oh! Yes I tend to do that. Especially when I start joking around especially with Shadowed. You’ll get used to it :-) lol  

Yes, Screaming and I tend to goof around with each other. Just harmless fun, I can testify that neither of us are card carrying members of any fan-girl clubs! Haha
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Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor

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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 1:42 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Damn! I stick with my first statement alone when I told my mother that it was because I feel bad for kids who are angry. I too was an angry and bullied kid.

Don't worry, I believe you. I wouldn't if you were a 14 year-old girl but since you are a mature grown-up it's ok. It's just that we had this kind of discussion two days in a row so it's funny.

Oh! Yes I tend to do that. Especially when I start joking around especially with Shadowed. You’ll get used to it :-) lol  

Yes, Screaming and I tend to goof around with each other. Just harmless fun, I can testify that neither of us are card carrying members of any fan-girl clubs! Haha


I just watched a college humor skit where they are talking about the sexiest way to die. And in the first part the guys talking about the fifth dimension and transcending into it and how regular people can’t Imagine it and only think in 3 dimensions. I really want to post in the comments oh so you’ve been researching columbine?
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 4:41 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand. 

Nancy Lanza 2.0

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 4:45 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand. 

Nancy Lanza 2.0

Seems that way, doesn't it?
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 5:01 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand. 

Nancy Lanza 2.0

Seems that way, doesn't it?

Yep. It's almost shocking to me that Nick had enough self-control not to outright shoot his family members considering how he threatened them and pointed guns at them often.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 5:06 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand. 

Nancy Lanza 2.0

Seems that way, doesn't it?

Yep. It's almost shocking to me that Nick had enough self-control not to outright shoot his family members considering how he threatened them and pointed guns at them often.

True. He treated his mom like shit sometimes, but he clearly loved her as well. I seriously think his mom dying was what finally broke him. Crying or Very sad
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Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it   Cruz's mom allowed him to buy guns, even after experts advised against it Icon_minitimeThu Jul 12, 2018 6:17 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Seems as though Lynda had pretty much buried her head in the sand. 

Nancy Lanza 2.0

Seems that way, doesn't it?

Yep. It's almost shocking to me that Nick had enough self-control not to outright shoot his family members considering how he threatened them and pointed guns at them often.

And it's almost shocking to me that his family didn't throw him out considering how he threatened them and pointed guns at them often.

If my kid did that, I don't even know if I would try to help him or get rid of him. Pointing a gun at me might be crossing the line, even if it is in fact because he has mental health issues. I don't think I could bear the risk of living with him. You know one day he could lose it.
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