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 Mass murderers and patriotism

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PostSubject: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2018 5:26 pm

Here are some quotes I found that can help us see what mass murderers thought of patriotism:

Eric Harris wrote:
Here’s something to chew on... today I saw a program on the discovery channel about satellites and radar and aircraft and stuff, and at the end of the show the narrator said some things that made me think “damn, we are so advanced, we kick ass, America is awesome, we have so many things in our military, we would kick anyone’s ass.” For a minute I actually had some pride in our nation... then I realized, “hey, this is only the GOOD things that I am seeing here. Only the pros, not the cons.

Dylann Roof (on his website, before the shooting) wrote:

I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets. Many veterans believe we owe them something for “protecting our way of life” or “protecting our freedom”. But im not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the jews. I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940’s American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be proud of and fight for.
Dylann Roof (in jail) wrote:

I feel like I stated my opinions in the text I put on my website, but I can’t remember so I will put it here anyways.

Modern American patriotism, or really modern patriotism in most White countries, is an absolute joke. Firstly, what is there to be patriotic about? I find it beyond comical when I hear people thank veterans of any war after Vietnam for their service. Even more hilarious is that golden line, “Thank you for protecting us.”

Modern military men disgust me in a way. They walk around as if someone owes them something. I think many of them really believe that we do owe them something. They truly believe that they are “protecting our way of life.” What way of life they are referring to, I’m not sure of. Maybe they are referring to the homosexual, race-betraying, self-destructive, anti-White way of life. I think some of them have this mystical view of America, truly a delusional view that they are fighting or have fought for an America that in reality ceased to exist long ago.
Dylann Roof wrote:
My Race is My Nation. My only nation is my race.

Dylann Roof and Eric have a rather similar view of patriotism and their country. They both think that people are ignorant, and so there is nothing to be proud about America. Eric because people are denying their true nature and because there are laws and notions such as good and bad; and Dylann because according to him white people are not aware enough of the racial threat and do nothing to preserve their white race.

If you have other quotes or information it could be interesting to see what other mass murderer thought. I am sure we can at least find something by Anders Breivik and maybe also Pekka-Eric Auvinen.

Last edited by Neah on Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2018 6:17 pm

Anders Breivik wrote:
it is our duty as Europeans to prevent the annihilation of our identities, our cultures and traditions and our nation states! Please contribute to distribute the compendium to as many patriotic minded Europeans as humanly possible in all 26 European countries.
Anders Breivik wrote:
I highly recommend that especially a French, German and Spanish patriot takes responsibility and ensures that this compendium is either distributed and/or translated to your respective language.

He used the words "patriot" and "patiotic" many times in his preface. Being a patriot seems to be first being a European patriot, but yet he does not deny that Europe is made of different countries and cultures. It seems that what a patriot is for him is more defined by what it is against (Islam and Marxism) than what it really is.

Last edited by Neah on Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2018 7:00 pm

Thomas Mair said in court "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain", and the reason he killed Jo Cox was that she was "one of 'the collaborators' [and] a traitor".
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Mass murderers and patriotism Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2018 4:55 pm

Pekka Eric Auvinen made videos on Finland
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Mass murderers and patriotism Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2018 7:16 am

Roof also posted several pictures of him holding the Confederate flag, which may be opposed to those of him burning the American flag or spitting on it:

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PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2018 8:09 am

I don't think Eric Harris' quote is necessarily a refutation of patriotic sentiment, merely an awareness that he was watching a form of propaganda. With that said, I don't think he was a patriot (or capable of patriotism) in any sense of the word. Frankly, I think Eric Harris simply looked up to anything he considered powerful, be it Hitler, the USMC, or firearms. It's telling that his reaction to witnessing military technology was "damn, we are so advanced, we kick ass... we would kick anyone’s ass." which is an indication that he was drawn in by the projection of power. It's not a real patriotic sentiment, so much as it is a desire to demonstrate power, which as we all know, he found in the barrel of a gun. The fact that America was, and remains the most powerful country on Earth probably did appeal to him a great deal.

As for patriotic mass shooters, I think you'd have a difficult time finding one who truly feel patriotism for their nation as it is. Most of them hearken back to some golden age, or identify with a foreign group, as they tend to feel disenfranchised and frustrated and project it on the society around them. It stands to reason that the more politically minded shooters feel as if the society they're living in is deeply flawed and has failed them, to some extent. In other words, the country may have once been good, but is no longer that way and they're contemptuous towards it - and their fellow citizens - for betraying them (or more accurately, their perception of what it should be). In essence, they're already alienated enough from their nation and countrymen to murder them in cold blood, with the intent of massacring as many as humanly possible. They probably aren't going to say "yeah, my country's great", even the ones who blame a foreign element in their country, as their country allowed this foreign element in to begin with, and their fellow citizens probably don't feel the same way they do, or at least nowhere near as passionately.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass murderers and patriotism   Mass murderers and patriotism Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 6:46 am

James Huberty called a woman a "Tijuana Whore" before killing her, however, according to his wife he wasn't racially motivated because he "hated everyone".
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