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 Eric's behavior in the cafeteria

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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 2:14 pm

At least for me, I have read accounts and of course we have the 911 tape detailing the things that Dylan was saying. He was quite vocal as we know. Eric was pretty much on a mission and we heard a few things about him in the library but do we have any testimonies of what Eric was like, things he said etc.. in the cafeteria and outside the library.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 2:24 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
At least for me, I have read accounts and of course we have the 911 tape detailing the things that Dylan was saying. He was quite vocal as we know. Eric was pretty much on a mission and we heard a few things about him in the library but do we have any testimonies of what Eric was like, things he said etc.. in the cafeteria and outside the library.

Most reports of them outside were from people some distance away from them who couldn't recognize who is saying what (most witnesses didn't know them and coun't tell their voices apart). So the outside reports are mostly in the vein of: "The shoouters where shouting snd mentioning taht its awesome etc."

The only more up-close account by an outside witness is the more recent version of Rich Castaldo (the one about E&D asking both him and Rachel about God). The veracity oif his account is questioned, including by me.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 9:20 pm

Sabratha wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
At least for me, I have read accounts and of course we have the 911 tape detailing the things that Dylan was saying. He was quite vocal as we know. Eric was pretty much on a mission and we heard a few things about him in the library but do we have any testimonies of what Eric was like, things he said etc.. in the cafeteria and outside the library.

Most reports of them outside were from people some distance away from them who couldn't recognize who is saying what (most witnesses didn't know them and coun't tell their voices apart). So the outside reports are mostly in the vein of: "The shoouters where shouting snd mentioning taht its awesome etc."

The only more up-close account by an outside witness is the more recent version of Rich Castaldo (the one about E&D asking both him and Rachel about God). The veracity oif his account is questioned, including by me.

Eric appears to be on point, and mission oriented. Dylan, on the other hand, appears to be liberated.

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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 9:01 am

There were people that said that Eric was barking orders to Dylan telling him to "cover him" or "shoot over there" I think he very much took it like a military operation

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PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 10:21 am

Lizpuff wrote:
There were people that said that Eric was barking orders to Dylan telling him to "cover him" or "shoot over there"  I think he very much took it like a military operation

He did always fantasize about being a Marine.

I find something like this oddly humanizing for Eric.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 9:51 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
There were people that said that Eric was barking orders to Dylan telling him to "cover him" or "shoot over there"  I think he very much took it like a military operation

He did always fantasize about being a Marine.

I find something like this oddly humanizing for Eric.

And predictable, given his personality. Or at least the personality he projected in his journal.
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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 3:11 am

He wasn't all marine corp, he did smile at Patti before firing and laugh in the hallways as well, taking a drink in the cafeteria and doing a cheers, waving to people.

He was most probably the one who shouted "Go! Go! Go!", that's the only account of him speaking outside the library that I can think of weirdly enough, besides him hooting it up outside the library before going in.

Also, wasn't there several accounts of them mocking people in the kitchen area, talking about the bombs blowing up as if they didn't know people were there?

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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 11:32 am

23september wrote:
He wasn't all marine corp, he did smile at Patti before firing and laugh in the hallways as well, taking a drink in the cafeteria and doing a cheers, waving to people.

He was most probably the one who shouted "Go! Go! Go!", that's the only account of him speaking outside the library that I can think of weirdly enough, besides him hooting it up outside the library before going in.

Also, wasn't there several accounts of them mocking people in the kitchen area, talking about the bombs blowing up as if they didn't know people were there?

I forgot about Eric smiling at Patti.

Didn't Dylan "smile' at Peggy Dodd, I think she said it was more of a sneer. We know that Dylan did NOT like her..

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 1:53 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
23september wrote:
He wasn't all marine corp, he did smile at Patti before firing and laugh in the hallways as well, taking a drink in the cafeteria and doing a cheers, waving to people.

He was most probably the one who shouted "Go! Go! Go!", that's the only account of him speaking outside the library that I can think of weirdly enough, besides him hooting it up outside the library before going in.

Also, wasn't there several accounts of them mocking people in the kitchen area, talking about the bombs blowing up as if they didn't know people were there?

I forgot about Eric smiling at Patti.

Didn't Dylan "smile' at Peggy Dodd, I think she said it was more of a sneer. We know that Dylan did NOT like her..

I don't know if he saw her and sneered, but I know she saw him shooting and smiling, making her think it was a prank because of his expression.

Yeah, didn't Dylan and Eric suspect her of having "ratted" them out for the computer hacking? Also Dylans bitch comment, that boy really did not care towards the end

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PostSubject: Re: Eric's behavior in the cafeteria   Eric's behavior in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 4:49 pm

They did! Peggy told Dylan he was printing too much and Dylan went off

He seemed to be able to hide his anger around his fam and friends but was seething to everyone else.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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