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 Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon

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Tommy QTR
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2018 6:34 pm

I'd like to share this list of mass shootings by single or two individuals that occurred in countries that mostly does not have mass shootings due to gun laws.

1995 Zhaodong massacre: Beginning with China deadliest mass shootings committed by two individuals. Two suspects, 26-year-old Feng Wanhai and 22-year-old Jiang Liming, armed with a double-barreled shotgun and a small-bore rifle, opened fire at 48 people, killing 32 people and wounding 16 others. 37 families were affected by the incident. More information at the Wikipedia article.

January 23, 1961 Krobo, Ghana shooting: Obscure mass shooting that occurred in Ghana on January 23, 1961 in Krobo. Six people were killed.

July 7, 1999 Buxton massacre: Raul Herod, 36-year-old operations supervisor, shot his 97-year-old grandmother, Angela Herod, his mother, Shirley Cole-Herod, 60; aunt Patricia Harris 58; niece, Jonelle Herod, nephew, Orin Herod, daughter, Adele Herod, and son, Rodel Herod. Herod then re-entered his house, set the building alight, and then shot himself dead.

1996 Mozes Kilangin Airport massacre: Second Lieutenant Sanurip began firing with his assault rifle at about 7 a.m. He first shot five other military personnel, including Lieutenant Colonel Adel Gustinigo, commander of Detachment 81, the counter-terrorist arm of the Indonesian army's elite special forces, as well as a major and captain, and then shot indiscriminately at anyone, while running out of the hangar. Within seconds he killed 16 people. Ocurred on April 15, 1996.

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2018 7:16 pm

Depends on what you consider as common and uncommon. Here's a few I can think of, off the top of my head.
I can think of 5 in Britain
3 in Australia
2 in New Zealand
1 in Holland
4 in Finland
1 in Switzerland
1 in Belgium
2 in Austria
5 in France
8 in Germany
(Didn't include the actual details because that would take way too long, if you want specifics then ask)

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2018 8:18 pm

3 in the Great Britain
1 in Slovakia
5 in Canada

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 2:32 am

1 in the Netherlands
1 in Brazil
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Tommy QTR

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2018 7:57 am

I know of at least 1 in India.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeTue Aug 14, 2018 5:33 pm

TheOne99 wrote:
1 in the Netherlands
1 in Brazil
There's actually at least 12 well known shootings in Brazil.
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2018 12:29 pm

I know 1 in Peru
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2018 12:56 pm

The Arkankergen Shooting in Kazakhstan, 15 Soldiers dead after fellow Soldier Vladislav Chela opens fire on them with an AK 74 and a Makarov at a Kazakhstan-China border checkpoint.
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2018 3:28 pm

TheyAllFloatDownHere wrote:
The Arkankergen Shooting in Kazakhstan, 15 Soldiers dead after fellow Soldier Vladislav Chela opens fire on them with an AK 74 and a Makarov at a Kazakhstan-China border checkpoint.
In Kazakhstan there were at least 5 mass shootings
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2018 6:02 pm

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Tomislav Petrović in 2008, killed 6 people in Lipnica - Lipnica is fairly close to Tuzla, the city where I live but I commuted from Lukavac when it happened and I had the privilege of reading his court case file in 2017 when I started my judicial clerkship.
Nepal - 2001 Royal massacre, such a bizarre and often overlooked mass shooting. Zero Hour had an episode about it. It can be found on YouTube.
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSat Aug 18, 2018 5:05 pm

The mass murders in Falun, Sweden 1994 is one I can think of at the moment, but many more have occurred internationally.

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Another mass shooting that occurred in Sweden the same year is the mass murders in Stureplan, Stockholm:

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1994 seems to have been a pretty dark year for Sweden considering two mass shootings, not to mention the sinking of M/S Estonia in 1994 as well. That is another topic, yet still worth mentioning.
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Tommy QTR

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2018 2:58 pm

Azerbaijan had one in 2009:

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"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 4:51 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Depends on what you consider as common and uncommon. Here's a few I can think of, off the top of my head.
I can think of 5 in Britain
3 in Australia
2 in New Zealand
1 in Holland
4 in Finland
1 in Switzerland
1 in Belgium
2 in Austria
5 in France
8 in Germany
(Didn't include the actual details because that would take way too long, if you want specifics then ask)
This is just anything that happened outside of the USA.
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2022 5:16 pm

There was a Shooting in Cabo Verde in 2016.

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2022 6:36 am

Montenegro had a mass shooting this year.
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2023 5:50 am

Serbia had 2 this year

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 5:23 am

5 in Russia/Soviet Union
2 in Finland
2 in Australia
3 in S Korea
1 in Japan
1 in Brazil
2 in UK
2 in Canada
1 in Czech Republic
1 in India

Favourite cases:

Taipei Metro Attack, Sandy Hook, Akihabara massacre, Kerch, Perm State, Virginia Tech, Bard College Shooting

"Even if my parents were on the train I attacked, I would have killed them" -Cheng Chieh

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 6:45 am

weyofox wrote:
5 in Russia/Soviet Union
2 in Finland
2 in Australia
3 in S Korea
1 in Japan
1 in Brazil
2 in UK
2 in Canada
1 in Czech Republic
1 in India

WTF bro

Russia has like 50+ shootings, including minor ones
Finland has up to dozen shootings, including familicides
Australia has up to dozen shootings too
Japan has had at least 5+ public shootings, but probably had many more
Brazil had a shittons of shootings, including school rampages, familicides, gang shootings etc
UK has 10+ shootings
Canada had dozens
Czech Republic had 4+ shootings (probably more)
India had a lot of terrorist shootings, probably 100+ or even more

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 6:25 pm

2017 Lima shooting was incredibly badass. After getting his hot dog stand taken away due to an expired license, Eduardo Romero shot up the neighborhood he got evicted from and killed 5 people and injured 9 as revenge, all with a pistol on each hand, before getting suicided by the local pigs. Not a bad score for a Latinx third worlder using shitty narco handguns; Mass shootings in Latin America mostly happen in narco-run countries (mostly Mexico and Colombia) so rural shitholes like Peru and Bolivia getting them is rare as fuck.

self loathe
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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 7:19 pm

the Plymouth shooting in 2021: Jake Davison took a fucking shotgun and shot several people with it before taking his own life, apparently a day before the shooting, he messaged a 16yo girl on Reddit and told her to take a plane from the US to fly to the UK to have sex with Jake, however, she was underage, of course, she reported her to the mods and they banned him from the site, so it looks like the motive here was sexual frustration, I persume.

the Dunblane massacre in 1996: Thomas Hamilton, who was apparently a gun collector, went into a primary school, went over to the gym of the school, and started shooting everywhere, like a madman, he shot a teacher and yes, several children before killing himself, apparently, Hamilton was kind of a nonce, because he had a stange thing with kids, specifically boys, it believed that he took pictures of young boys, almost naked, without consent, and I heard in a YouTube video about the shooting that he hanged those pictures on the front window in the living room of his home, and Hamilton said in letters that the rumors of him taking pictures of semi-naked boys led to the decline of his business company in 1993, so I think the motive of the shooting was pro-pedophillia activisim.

"The purest surrealist act is walking into a
crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly"
- André Breton (1896 - 1966)

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Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon   Mass shootings that occurred in countries where shootings are uncommon Icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 7:26 pm

Akrn1337 wrote:
weyofox wrote:
5 in Russia/Soviet Union
2 in Finland
2 in Australia
3 in S Korea
1 in Japan
1 in Brazil
2 in UK
2 in Canada
1 in Czech Republic
1 in India

WTF bro

Russia has like 50+ shootings, including minor ones
Finland has up to dozen shootings, including familicides
Australia has up to dozen shootings too
Japan has had at least 5+ public shootings, but probably had many more
Brazil had a shittons of shootings, including school rampages, familicides, gang shootings etc
UK has 10+ shootings
Canada had dozens
Czech Republic had 4+ shootings (probably more)
India had a lot of terrorist shootings, probably 100+ or even more

Ik ik they are just the ones I know

Favourite cases:

Taipei Metro Attack, Sandy Hook, Akihabara massacre, Kerch, Perm State, Virginia Tech, Bard College Shooting

"Even if my parents were on the train I attacked, I would have killed them" -Cheng Chieh
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