I think, just to be concise and not ramble on about Adam Lanza, I’d say simply: it would’ve been far worse. Like, sub-ten kills worse. It’s important to remember that he wasn’t the typical deadly school shooter type. He wanted to be, I’m pretty sure, but he wasn’t. He was a tall, anorexic freak, not a reasonably handsome, but still short and malnourished gunman like Eric, Cruz or Cho. He knew what his skillsets in the career of mass murder were. He made one of the best—relative to his position in the world—tactical decisions to target the elementary school that I’ve ever seen. That’s why he got so many. It was logically perfect. He didn’t know how to use explosives or anything like that, but he was trained with weapons from a young age, and surely had an acceptable memory for the location he was targeting, considering the fact that he didn’t go to any other place of education nearly as much as he went to Sandy Hook. This was combined with the motivation of pedophilia mixed with the other ideological and guerrilla reasons for targeting an early grade school. Including, I’ll again stress, women and children… very easy targets for an armed young man, even the schizo psycho he was, walking with a gait. Not inherently women, I should clarify, but definitely ones in the context of teaching young children. Just generally, that whole situation is easier to handle, as others in this thread have mentioned. You know, the children are cowering; under desks, in bathrooms, whatever. And the teachers sure don’t know how to handle the situation of a 20 year old misanthrope in camo aiming an AR at 5-10 year olds. They were probably paralyzed and traumatized themselves. Now… compare this societally, subjectively monstrous situation where the perpetrator has all the control, to something that is much more likely to be a shitshow: High School and College shootings. Rarely successful, and comparably done much more often than young kids—though it is more common now than it was when Adam first brought kid massacres to notoriety in the modern age—; even high school shootings, which you’d, you know, expect an armed man in, to be instant win, are much more well guarded to the point where you honestly have to respect the bravery of the perpetrator in comparison to other targets they could have, (considering of course the fact that most of the time they don’t target high schools for any logistical reason). Now, Adam Lanza in this context—all I’m really saying, because I do seem to have ended up going off topic a bit—would get fucked. Hard. I can’t even imagine him doing one targeting high school brats that would succeed relatively in getting away or putting him down, because it’s just not Adam’s… destiny…? I do apologize for using that term, but it’s true. He fits perfectly massacring children. His personality. His logical nature. His tributing to school shootings in general, (in a different way than others in the shooting religion), and just in general. All in all, I’m being incoherent, but what I’m trying to say is that Lanza was 100%, not gonna shoot up a high school. He wouldn’t have. He shouldn’t have. He didn’t. And he knew it. And so we have a bathroom of dead kids and a little girl saying all her friends are dead, and not a March for our Lives full of a bunch of fucks and a motherfucker ranting and raving at Lanza as he stares forward in a Connecticut courtroom for shooting up Newtown High. All mass murderers choose their locations well and relevantly to themself, I’d argue wholeheartedly, but Adam Lanza more than most, was meant to kill kids. (Sorry, reading this back, I don’t seem to really have even answered the metaphorical/literal prompt. I just did exactly what I said I wouldn’t beginning to type it. Either way. Who cares).