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 This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns

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This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns Empty
PostSubject: This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns   This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2018 3:59 am

"We . . . . . . . . have . . . . . . GUNS! we fucking got them you sons of bitches! HA! HA HA HA! Neener! Booga Booga. Heh."

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This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns   This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2018 7:08 am

eyutytuheu wrote:
"We . . . . . . . . have . . . . . . GUNS! we fucking got them you sons of bitches! HA! HA HA HA! Neener! Booga Booga. Heh."


This always made me laugh for some reason. Mainly because Eric had this alter ego called "Reb" who tried to be all bad ass and whatnot. But then he would write things like that in his journal as well. Haha
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This is the first thing Eric wrote in his journal when he bought guns
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