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 Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?

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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime13/9/2018, 13:46

I tried buying it from Jeffco but they responded with "The Denver Dispatch Tapes are no longer available, you will need to contact Denver". I contacted Denver Police Department and they responded with "we don't have any dispatch tapes related to this incident." I know that transcripts of the tapes have been shared here but does anyone have any audio files?
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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime13/9/2018, 17:13

The full dispatch tapes have not been released afaik.

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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime15/9/2018, 13:33

"Denver dispatch cassette tapes containing 7 1/2 hours of communication 
Released March 6, 2003 

They were selling them at one point in time. In the "Columbine Investigation Records Finding Aid", the denver dispatch has been labled "Not yet converted to digital" and it was reprocessed June, 2016. I'm guessing, they're long gone since it's been over 2 years and they have not been converted to digital. On top of that, the agencies responds with "we don't have them"
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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime15/9/2018, 15:32

Daniel768 wrote:
"Denver dispatch cassette tapes containing 7 1/2 hours of communication 
Released March 6, 2003 

They were selling them at one point in time. In the "Columbine Investigation Records Finding Aid", the denver dispatch has been labled "Not yet converted to digital" and it was reprocessed June, 2016. I'm guessing, they're long gone since it's been over 2 years and they have not been converted to digital. On top of that, the agencies responds with "we don't have them"

So, to clarify? The audio we have with Tom calling about the suitcase, that was through 911 not dispatch?

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime24/9/2018, 23:21

This website: Here

Has some download links to 911 calls and police radio, though I don't know if it is exactly what you're looking for.
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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime7/10/2018, 14:30

hvernon wrote:
This website: Here

Has some download links to 911 calls and police radio, though I don't know if it is exactly what you're looking for.

Thanks for the link! Unfortunately, the web page only has Jefferson County dispatch audio and not Denver's.
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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?   Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes? Icon_minitime

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Does anyone have the Denver Dispatch Tapes?
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