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  103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre

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 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Empty
PostSubject: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2013 11:08 am

They are available at the Jefferson County Sheriff website (completely free of charge). The diagrams show the significant movements of E&D on April 20, 1999.

The witnesses to each event are shown as GREEN dots.

The injured are shown as YELLOW during the event that caused the injury and return to GREEN if they witness other events.

The deceased are shown as RED and convert to GRAY once that event has passed.

Harris is shown as a RED with letter (H) inside it.

Klebold is as a BLUE with the letter (K) inside it.

The diagrams of the portions of school where the events are occurring. Where appropriate an overview of the school is shown with a RED square indicating what area of the school is magnified.

H&K are not shown in every diagram, but rather only just the events that witnesses actually observed them.

There are lots of videos, pictures and audio files that available too.

These diagrams are AWESOME! We can see each crime scene diagram showing who was there and where they were and where H&K were. There is a timeline too! If you have not seen this then check it out !!!
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 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Empty
PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2013 11:10 am

DOH! My words are gray
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2013 11:19 am

The layout of each room are great too. I,m looking at the library diagrams and i can see an over head view. The desks and book shelves are placed well. You can see E&D's movements form the moment they arrived at school and until their deaths. Its good to see the teachers & students movements too. AWESOME!
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 8:05 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Are these the ones you are talking about? If so I agree they are very useful and make it easier to understand the layout of the school. There's the odd discrepancy but overall I find these diagrams extremely useful.
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 9:37 am

queenfarooq wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Are these the ones you are talking about? If so I agree they are very useful and make it easier to understand the layout of the school. There's the odd discrepancy but overall I find these diagrams extremely useful.
Hi queenfarooq, yes those are the ones. Thanks for the link. Being able to click onto page 1 and then scroll through the rest is good too.
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 9:53 am

I've studied these diagrams a lot few years ago. Definitely gives you more detail.

BTW, how come there are no Witness in the Commons diagram before the bomb partially exploded?! We see in the cameras that there were "at least" 5 students present: One in a white shirt hiding behind a few bookbags and one who is seen crawling from under a few tables to outside the door (which must've been the closest to Klebold as he threw the bomb)

Where are their statements??!!
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Posts : 504
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Age : 49
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 10:17 am

JohnnyB wrote:
I've studied these diagrams a lot few years ago. Definitely gives you more detail.

BTW, how come there are no Witness in the Commons diagram before the bomb partially exploded?! We see in the cameras that there were "at least" 5 students present: One in a white shirt hiding behind a few bookbags and one who is seen crawling from under a few tables to outside the door (which must've been the closest to Klebold as he threw the bomb)

Where are their statements??!!
Hi johnnyB, check out the 11K report -pages 2272 to page 4838. There are 2560 pages of the cafeteria witness statements.
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PostSubject: Re: 103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre    103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre Icon_minitime

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103 Crime scene diagrams of the Columbine massacre
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