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 Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting

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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting   Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2018 5:41 am

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"Six months before his murderous attack, Nikolas Cruz trespassed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, wearing a hoodie, carrying a backpack and -- ominously now -- mingling among students, newly released records reveal.

He’d been forced out of Stoneman Douglas the prior school year. But computer science teacher Sandra Rennie told a detective she saw Cruz among other students on the first day of school in August 2017.

‘I was like oh Nik, you’re back, and he’s like: ‘Yeah I’m back,’ and I was like okay well good to have you back.”

In a recent interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Rennie said she wasn’t alarmed but immediately went to an administrator and asked whether Cruz was on her classroom roster.

She was told no — and an administrator hustled off to find Cruz and presumably escort him off the property.

Rennie was very familiar with Cruz, having taught him in an engineering class. She said he “didn’t make a lot of eye contact, kept his head down a lot,” and was quiet.

He once admitted destroying a class project — bridges made out of toothpicks and Popsicle sticks — so others wouldn’t get a better grade, she said.

Asked about his grades, she said: “He has Fs.”

“Every, every semester he did, he did nothing, and if he did do something he didn’t do enough to follow through and finish any assignment.” She said he was absent a lot or uninterested.

In her class he got upset because a firewall on a class computer prevented him from researching “different types of guns,” used for hunting.

He also showed her images of disfigured people that he thought were funny.

After Cruz’s fight in September 2016, she said, an assistant principal sent out an email telling teachers that Cruz was not allowed to carry a backpack. Rennie said she recalled the school was trying to get paperwork together to return him to Cross Creek, a school for children with emotional behavioral disorders.

Instead, Cruz, then 18, refused to go and ultimately was forced out of Stoneman Douglas in February 2017.

Rennie said he didn’t have enough credits to graduate and was directed, instead, to a program that could help him get a high-school equivalency diploma. “He did not want to leave Stoneman. Did not want to go. He was so, he was so mad. He did not want to go,” she said.

From Rennie’s account, administrators and security staff at Stoneman Douglas were well aware of Cruz. She surmised that they viewed him as “sneaky.”

“They would always call him over: ‘Hey Nik, how you doing today,’ you know, and just, like, keep contact with him all the time and always calling him up to the office for something and he’d go: ‘What did I do now?’”

Looking back, Rennie said she wasn’t surprised when she learned the shooter on Valentine’s Day was Cruz.

“I just felt like he was one of these kids that would just do something just to see what it was like to do it.”"

I wonder if he was still planning his massacre back when he trespassed onto that school..

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.

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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting   Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2018 9:48 am

HMM. scratch  It's possible he was trying to see IF he could actually make it on campus, and how long it would take before he was noticed, or if he was noticed, etc.
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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting   Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2018 11:08 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
HMM. scratch  It's possible he was trying to see IF he could actually make it on campus, and how long it would take before he was noticed, or if he was noticed, etc.

Or he really was trying to go back to school and didn't want to accept his expulsion.

Either way add this to the already massive list of red flags and warning signs that were neglected or mishandled.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting   Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2018 12:22 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
HMM. scratch  It's possible he was trying to see IF he could actually make it on campus, and how long it would take before he was noticed, or if he was noticed, etc.

Or he really was trying to go back to school and didn't want to accept his expulsion.

Either way add this to the already massive list of red flags and warning signs that were neglected or mishandled.

True. Honestly this whole case is just a huge, extremely sad, clusterfuck on a massive scale. Evil or Very Mad
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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting   Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting Icon_minitime

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Nikolas Cruz trespassed onto Stoneman Douglas months before the shooting
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