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 Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter

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Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter Empty
PostSubject: Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter   Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter Icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 4:43 pm

27 October 1975 at St Pius X high school ,Robert opened fire on his class with a shotgun killing 1 and injuring 5 others. Finally shooting himself dead. Robert had raped and stabbed to death his 17 year old friend Kim Rabot prior to the shootings.

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Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter   Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2019 8:42 pm

One of my favorite shooters from Canada to research, not much info on him though
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Robert Poulin, aged 18: Rapist, killer, school shooter
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