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 Who would have the worst time in jail ?

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Adam Lanza
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Adam Lanza

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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 10:43 am

I think Adam, Elliot and Randy
Adam Lanza would get bullied for how skinny he is and his long bowl cut hair.
Elliot Rodger would get bullied for being short and all the cringy lonely videos he made on YouTube.
Randy Stair would get bullied for his content aswell and wanting to be a woman.

Why did you do that to me mom ?

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 10:58 am

Adam And I’m not sure how much crap dylan would get in prison but he would definitely be hard on himself and more than likely try to kill himself.

I imagine Eric would be treated much like James Holmes is in prison and probably be transferred out of Colorado.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:01 am

To be honest everyone is pretty much fair game in a jail/prison setting in one way or another.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:16 am

Adam Lanza wrote:

Adam Lanza would get bullied for how skinny he is and his long bowl cut hair.

Adam would have a hard time in prison not because of his hair but because he murdered 20 poor innocent children who were still almost babies. Watch their faces before you ever tell us again that you worship Lanza:

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Just like Dylann Roof probably have a hard time in a prison where most offenders are either Afro-American or Latinos. And it is not because of his hair but because he was a white supremacist who killed innocent people who even welcomed him in their church.
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:27 am

Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of it.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:32 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:39 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.  

This makes me think of the discussions we’ve had here...

Would Eric and Dylan he looked at as “child killers”?

How is TJ Layne treated? Is he looked at as a “child killer” he was a kid who killed kids.

Adam was an adult who killed very small children

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:48 am

Hard to say really as in jail it's who you get along with more than who dislikes you. If one of them bunked with a kingpin they would almost certainly be well taken care of.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 11:49 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.  

This makes me think of the discussions we’ve had here...

Would Eric and Dylan he looked at as “child killers”?

How is TJ Layne treated? Is he looked at as a “child killer” he was a kid who killed kids.

Adam was an adult who killed very small children

I don't think it is the same, because they were the same age as their victims.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 12:04 pm

Neah wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.  

This makes me think of the discussions we’ve had here...

Would Eric and Dylan he looked at as “child killers”?

How is TJ Layne treated? Is he looked at as a “child killer” he was a kid who killed kids.

Adam was an adult who killed very small children

I don't think it is the same, because they were the same age as their victims.

Agreed. Adam would have been a huge target. But teens killing other teens would likely be looked at differently to a certain degree.
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2018 12:40 pm

They would all end up like Martin Bryant.
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2018 4:11 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
Adam And I’m not sure how much crap dylan would get in prison but he would definitely be hard on himself and more than likely try to kill himself.

I imagine Eric would be treated much like James Holmes is in prison and probably be transferred out of Colorado.

How was James Holmes treated in prison?
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2018 4:15 pm

James Holmes has been moved to a prison in Pennsylvania.
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2018 4:39 pm

For a mass shooter, I'm guessing that Wellington Oliveira would have the toughest time in prison.
If we're going to include those who just did mass murder in general, Damiao Santos would likely have the toughest time in prison.
Child killers get treated the worst when behind bars, and I'm pretty sure that Brazil isn't known for having better prison conditions than the United States.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Thomas Hamilton would have had a bad time had he not become an hero, for obvous reasons.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2018 11:38 pm

Zerogoth22 wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Adam And I’m not sure how much crap dylan would get in prison but he would definitely be hard on himself and more than likely try to kill himself.

I imagine Eric would be treated much like James Holmes is in prison and probably be transferred out of Colorado.

How was James Holmes treated in prison?

He had to be isolated from all the other inmates because they wanted to kill him; at one point they accidentally let another person into the showers with him and he got beaten up.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 12:44 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Zerogoth22 wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Adam And I’m not sure how much crap dylan would get in prison but he would definitely be hard on himself and more than likely try to kill himself.

I imagine Eric would be treated much like James Holmes is in prison and probably be transferred out of Colorado.

How was James Holmes treated in prison?

He had to be isolated from all the other inmates because they wanted to kill him; at one point they accidentally let another person into the showers with him and he got beaten up.

Dylann Roof was also attacked. Terrorists would also probably have a hard time if they were not isolated. Although he complained about it, I think Breivik is lucky to have such good conditions in prison. Had not him be granted a special status he would probably have been killed by now.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 12:56 am

Most shooters aren't exactly the type of people who'd thrive in prison. Hell, if you go with the theory that most school shooters are the product of bullying and harassment, they couldn't even cut it in school. Being a physically unfit asocial dweeb who kills kids isn't a good way to survive the prison life. Those who epitomize those traits, like Adam Lanza and Randy Stair, would likely end up in protective custody. They might even kill themselves. Those most likely to thrive are the ideologically motivated types, like Anders Breivik and Omar Mateen, because they could theoretically reach out for protection from certain prison gangs.

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 1:00 am

AlteRoad wrote:
Those most likely to thrive are the ideologically motivated types, like Anders Breivik and Omar Mateen, because they could theoretically reach out for protection from certain prison gangs.

It depends I think. Far-right inmates could attack Omar Mateen and inmates from minorities might attack Breivik. But terrorists are probably protected by their own ideology, given that they are isolated so they don't try to spread it in prison.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 3:37 am

In the UK supermax prisons, ISIS jihadis are locked up in a speperate wing to prevent them radicalising other inmates.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 10:27 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.  

This makes me think of the discussions we’ve had here...

Would Eric and Dylan he looked at as “child killers”?

How is TJ Layne treated? Is he looked at as a “child killer” he was a kid who killed kids.

Adam was an adult who killed very small children
No they were TEENAGERS killing TEENAGERS! I am so tired of seeing people call teenagers kids.

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 10:36 am

But at least for Dylan he would still looked at as a minor under the law. Also your brain is are not fully developed till you’re 25. Eric Was barely 18.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Who would have the worst time in jail ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 12:39 pm

I doubt Lanza would even be able to be in general population. They would kill him.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 6:36 pm

AlteRoad wrote:
Those most likely to thrive are the ideologically motivated types, like Anders Breivik and Omar Mateen, because they could theoretically reach out for protection from certain prison gangs.

I think Omar Mateen would function well in prison for the simple reason that he's physically imposing.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 1:01 am

Ziamber II wrote:
In the UK supermax prisons, ISIS jihadis are locked up  in a seperate wing to prevent them radicalising other inmates.

In France this is what they would like to do but due to lack of money and space I guess, they don't manage to prevent radicalization. Many inmates become radicalized. The perpetrator of the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Casher attacks even met in a prison...
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 3:29 pm

Probably Walter Seifert. He basically did what Lanza did but to an even worse degree. He burned children alive and some of them lived for weeks in unimaginable pain before finally dying of their burns. I would hope he'd get beat up every day in prison.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 8:26 pm

Perhaps I'm lacking knowledge about this certain subject but doesn't those who have commited unimaginable crimes (for example, something of the same magnitude as Sandy Hook) get isolated from the general population for the sake of protection? Perhaps it varies and depends on the situation but in such case, (for example) Adam Lanza's interaction with fellow inmates would be kept to a minimum, possibly even nothing, thus, issues concering treatment from the others wouldn't be of substantial worry. Then again, Dylann Roof managed to get beat up (but that was because of a mistake on the behalf of the officers).

But I do believe Adam Lanza would suffer greatly dealing with the prison environment. He would be forced to get accustomed to a new fixed schedule that greatly differentiates from his daily life, which through knowing about his mental disorders, could very well present issues. Then you also have to factor in Adam's Sensory Processing Disorder which would undoubtedly in my mind present problems in a prison environment. What about his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? He reportedly had to go through boxes of tissues throughought a day just touching door knobs and change his socks more than a normal amount of times a day.He wouldn't have the acess to such privliges and it could very well have caused issues such as anxiety.

Keeping the topic of children killers alive, I coulnd't imagine Andrew Kehoe being treated well in prison, especially during those good ol' days...

As far as Elliot Rodger and Randy Stair goes; They wouldn't make the most popular inmates in terms of a positive reputation or fearsome image, however, they would in the most probable case make for popular pleasure devices.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 8:48 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
Neah is correct. It’s very commonly known anyone that hurts children in anyway he gets the worst of  it.

True. Inmates seem to have their own kind of set rules. Child killers/molesters etc are at the bottom of the food chain.  
Outside of prison, cheaters aren't very high up either...
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 8:52 pm

I didn't want to make my previous post too long so I thought I'd make a seperate one concering this:

The idea of bad people serving vigilante justice on the behalf of other bad people, to make themselves look less bad, is absolutely hilarious. The majority of people serving time are doing just that for a reason. The high profile prisoners placed among other high profile prisoners, are not in there because of their charitable donations to starving African children, for saving a kitty from a tree and generally being what's considered a 'saint'. They're most likely in there because they commited an atrocity just like everyone else around them. That is why it's hilarious to me when 'bad' people use other 'bad' people as scapegoats (examples of this can be seen outside of prison life but it's not relevant to this discussion). Inmates who would hypothetically share facilities with mass murderers we call 'monsters', are very likely to have done something of similar magnitude. However, if you know anything about human nature, you would understand that we are hypocrites who are quick to point out flaws in others whilst ignoring our own. Prisoners love targeting sexual offenders, rapists, peadophiles etc because it shines positive light on themselves and the satisfaction of revenge blinds people to the reality. The inmates who beat up such people, are in a lot of cases no better in any way, shape or form. I guess you can do whatever terrible thing you want, as long as you point out that someone else also did a bad thing. Or if you're in prison where 'morals' and logic doesn't apply, punch a peadophile.

"Yeah I'm in for tripple homocide, rape, home invasion, fraud and drunk driving but I beat up a guy who allegedly was a sex offender, so everything I did is forgotten about and I'm suddenly a good guy right? It cancels things out you see?"

A good recent example of 'bad' people being used as a chance at redemption by other 'bad' people, would be Dylann Roof. Dwayne Stafford siezed the opportunity of ridding himself of his crimes by beating up Dylann Roof. Dwayne was very well aware of the popularity of Dylann and he was aware of the fact that if he did this, people would look past the 'bad' things he did and purely focus on the positive (because people are irrational). Dwayne, a 'bad' person managed to get released on bail by beating up a fellow 'bad' person.... Should he have been released? No. Should he be celebrated? No. He's not a traditionally 'good' person either, so let's not act like it because he assaulted someone who was also 'bad' (which apparently makes things okay).

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 11:51 pm

Jeremy1234 wrote:
I didn't want to make my previous post too long so I thought I'd make a seperate one concering this:

The idea of bad people serving vigilante justice on the behalf of other bad people, to make themselves look less bad, is absolutely hilarious. The majority of people serving time are doing just that for a reason. The high profile prisoners placed among other high profile prisoners, are not in there because of their charitable donations to starving African children, for saving a kitty from a tree and generally being what's considered a 'saint'. They're most likely in there because they commited an atrocity just like everyone else around them. That is why it's hilarious to me when 'bad' people use other 'bad' people as scapegoats (examples of this can be seen outside of prison life but it's not relevant to this discussion). Inmates who would hypothetically share facilities with mass murderers we call 'monsters', are very likely to have done something of similar magnitude. However, if you know anything about human nature, you would understand that we are hypocrites who are quick to point out flaws in others whilst ignoring our own. Prisoners love targeting sexual offenders, rapists, peadophiles etc because it shines positive light on themselves and the satisfaction of revenge blinds people to the reality. The inmates who beat up such people, are in a lot of cases no better in any way, shape or form. I guess you can do whatever terrible thing you want, as long as you point out that someone else also did a bad thing. Or if you're in prison where 'morals' and logic doesn't apply, punch a peadophile.

"Yeah I'm in for tripple homocide, rape, home invasion, fraud and drunk driving but I beat up a guy who allegedly was a sex offender, so everything I did is forgotten about and I'm suddenly a good guy right? It cancels things out you see?"

A good recent example of 'bad' people being used as a chance at redemption by other 'bad' people, would be Dylann Roof. Dwayne Stafford siezed the opportunity of ridding himself of his crimes by beating up Dylann Roof. Dwayne was very well aware of the popularity of Dylann and he was aware of the fact that if he did this, people would look past the 'bad' things he did and purely focus on the positive (because people are irrational). Dwayne, a 'bad' person managed to get released on bail by beating up a fellow 'bad' person.... Should he have been released? No. Should he be celebrated? No. He's not a traditionally 'good' person either, so let's not act like it because he assaulted someone who was also 'bad' (which apparently makes things okay).

Thank you for saying this.

If some asshole gets beat up in prison for doing a heinous crime, that isn't justice, not by a long shot.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2019 4:57 pm

A Mass Shooter who only killed cops would probably be the only type of shooter to be respected in prison.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2019 1:40 pm

Randy stair most likely if he somehow ended up in jail after wards
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2019 7:18 am

Adam Lanza not only due to his physical appearance but because he gunned down 20 little kids. I’m sure the inmates would treat him very poorly for that (which is definitely understandable).

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 6:16 pm

I guess Lanza.
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 6:54 pm

Adam Lanza, Elliot Rodger or Dylan Klebold

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2021 6:56 pm

Elliot Rodger
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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2022 2:28 am

Adam Lanza and Thomas Hamilton would obviously have a bad time but I think a bronie like Brandon Hole would probably have a bad time as well.

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 12:01 pm

I reckon Dylan Roof is having a hard time.

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PostSubject: Re: Who would have the worst time in jail ?   Who would have the worst time in jail ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2022 12:06 pm

Carnifex879 wrote:
Adam Lanza not only due to his physical appearance but because he gunned down 20 little kids. I’m sure the inmates would treat him very poorly for that (which is definitely understandable).

How are you doing in prison now? geek
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