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 months/years with multiple major mass shootings

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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeFri Nov 30, 2018 10:16 pm

1966 - Charles Whitman (16, 31), Robert Smith (5, 2), and Richard Speck (8, 0) - not a shooter but he's still historically important

May 1984 - Denis Lortie (3, 13), Michael Silka (9, 1) - Silka was a spree shooter.

1999 - Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold (13, 24), Zane Floyd (4, 1), Mark Barton (12, 13), Larry Ashbrook (7, 7), Armenian parliament shooting (8, 30+), Martin Peyerl (4, 7), Byran Uyesugi (7, 0) - The attacks of Peyerl and Uyesugi only happened a day apart.

March 2005 - Terry Ratzmann (7, 4), Jeff Weise (9, 5)

2012 - One Goh (7, 3), James Holmes (12, 70), Wade Page (6, 4), Jacob Roberts (2, 1), Adam Lanza (27, 2) - I'm including Clackamas because it happened just three days before Sandy Hook.

July 2016 - Micah Johnson (5, 11), Gavin Long (3, 3), David Sonboly (9, 36)

I'm also including locations with shootings and other incidents.

Empire State Building
- 1945 accidental plane crash (11+3, ?)
- 1997 shooting (1+1, 6)
- 2012 shooting (1+1, 9 injuries by stray police gunfire)

World Trade Center
- 1975 fire
- 1993 bombing (6, 1042)
- 1998 robbery
- 2001 plane attacks (2606+147+10, about 6000 injuries at WTC)

Last edited by NSAhoneypot on Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:14 pm; edited 12 times in total
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeFri Nov 30, 2018 10:39 pm

October 1st, 1997 - Luke Woodham (3 dead, 7 injured)

October 1st, 2015 - Chris Harper-Mercer (9 dead, 8 injured)

October 1st, 2017 - Stephen Paddock (58 dead, 851 injured)

Last edited by SavageGlocker on Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2018 12:05 am

I'm betting that Harper-Mercer did it on 1 October just because it was 4chan's birthday.
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2018 3:42 am

November 5th - 2009 Fort Hood, Texas - 2017 Sutherland Springs, Texas
November 7th - 2007 Jokela, Finland - 2018 Thousand Oaks, California
February 14th - 2008 Northern Illinois University, Illinois - 2018 MSD Parkland, Florida
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2018 6:02 pm

July 22nd, 2011 - Anders Breivik (77 dead, 319 injured)

July 22nd, 2016 - David Sonboly (9 dead, 36 injured)

July 22nd, 2018 - Faisal Hussain (2 dead, 13 injured)

September 23rd, 2008 - Matti Saari (10 dead, 11 injured)

September 23rd, 2016 - Arcan Cetin (5 dead, 0 injured)
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2018 7:27 pm

2018 has had a ton of major shootings it seems:

Marshall County High School Shooting: 2 dead 14 injured

Ed's Car Wash Shooting: 5 dead 0 injured

Johnson County Shooting: 5 dead 0 injured

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting: 17 dead 17 injured

Waffle House Shooting: 4 dead 3 injured

YouTube HQ Shooting: 1 dead 3 injured

Denton County Shooting: 5 dead 1 injured

Santa Fe High School Shooting: 10 dead 10 injured

Capital Gazette Shooting: 5 dead 2 injured

Claiborne Avenue Shooting: 3 dead 7 injured

Danforth Shooting: 3 dead 13 injured

Jacksonville Madden Tournament Shooting: 3 dead 11 injured

Cincinnati Bank Shooting: 4 dead 2 injured

Bakersfield Shooting: 6 dead 0 injured

Rite Aid Distribution Center Shooting: 4 dead 3 injured

Taft Birthday Party Shooting: 4 dead 1 injured

Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting: 11 dead 7 injured

Tallahassee Yoga Studio Shooting: 3 dead 5 injured

Borderline Bar and Grill Shooting: 13 dead 1 injured

Chicago Mercy Hospital Shooting: 4 dead 0 injured

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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 11:49 am

September 6th, 1949 - Howard Unruh (13 dead, 3 injured)

September 6th, 2011 - Eduardo Sencion (4 dead, 7 injured)

September 6th, 2018 - Omar Perez (3 dead, 2 injured)
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 3:04 pm

Mh_12rm_66 wrote:
2018 has had a ton of major shootings it seems:

I have a bad feeling that the coming years aren't going to see a drop in their number and scale.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 8:28 pm

1987 - Julian Knight (7, 19), Michael Ryan (16, 15), Frank Vitkovic (8, 5)
1996 - Thomas Hamilton (17, 15), Martin Bryant (35, 23)

These were both significant years for Australia and Britain, particularly 1996 and what it did to prompt changes to gun laws.

Australia had a fair amount of gun violence in 1987 with shootings perpetrated by Julian Knight (7, 19), Frank Vitkovic (8, 5), Joseph Schwab (5, 0), John Tran (5, 0), and Richard Maddrell (4, 0). Yet the destruction for that year was less than that caused by Martin Bryant in a single day. It's insane to think about.

Also noteworthy for 1987 was the Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 (42, 0). It's not really thought of as a mass shooting, however the hijacker shot 5 dead before the plane crashed. And that the incident was a murder-suicide suggests similarities with other mass shootings.
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2019 11:47 am

December 14th, 1992 - Wayne Lo (2 dead, 4 injured)

December 14th, 1993 - Nathan Dunlap (4 dead, 1 injured)

December 14th, 2012 - Adam Lanza (27 dead, 2 injured)
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings Empty
PostSubject: Re: months/years with multiple major mass shootings   months/years with multiple major mass shootings Icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2021 4:43 pm

The 2017-18 school year had four high school shootings with multiple fatalities. (Atchison with 2 dead, Parker with 2 dead, Cruz with 17 dead, Pagourtzis with 10 dead)

If the couch didn't exist and Gabe Parker had better aim, we could've seen four 5+ fatality high school shootings in a single school year; the rest of the 2010s had none if you exclude the perpetrators, and only one if you include them (Marysville Pilchuck).
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months/years with multiple major mass shootings
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