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 Photos of the school

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PostSubject: Photos of the school   Photos of the school Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 1:37 pm

Looking for photos of the school, I have some really detailed floor plans of both levels but would like some reference photos of the interior, closer to the time of the shooting but any would help, of any of the rooms.

I'm planning on making a 3d model of the school through computer programs.
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the school   Photos of the school Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 2:59 pm

Should tag [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the school   Photos of the school Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 12:48 am

I have tonnnnss of pictures from all over inside the school, mostly the Commons, some of the hallways and some of the classrooms. Mine are from around 09-10 so not close to the shooting, but the wonder of digital cameras with almost unlimited pictures that can be accessed from any computer wasn't around closer to the shootings. I think my siblings only have like a handful of pictures from anywhere in the school at all (mostly Homecoming) and most of them are gone in storage somewhere. Other than the library and some cosmetic changes, things today are the same as in 99 though.

I can send them to you, some of them might be a little redundant, but I should be able to explain where most of them are within the school and answer any additional questions you might have. Let me know if you'd be interested, I'll try to think of the easiest way to get them to you if you are/
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Posts : 309
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the school   Photos of the school Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 10:59 am

milennialrebelette wrote:
I have tonnnnss of pictures from all over inside the school, mostly the Commons, some of the hallways and some of the classrooms. Mine are from around 09-10 so not close to the shooting, but the wonder of digital cameras with almost unlimited pictures that can be accessed from any computer wasn't around closer to the shootings. I think my siblings only have like a handful of pictures from anywhere in the school at all (mostly Homecoming) and most of them are gone in storage somewhere. Other than the library and some cosmetic changes, things today are the same as in 99 though.

I can send them to you, some of them might be a little redundant, but I should be able to explain where most of them are within the school and answer any additional questions you might have. Let me know if you'd be interested, I'll try to think of the easiest way to get them to you if you are/

Yes that would be great, if you want I can send you those 2 pictures of the blueprints that way you can kind of circle or let me know where each picture is from.

Wetransfer might be an easy way to get them to me if you can throw them all in a zip file or something. Let me know and thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the school   Photos of the school Icon_minitime

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