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 Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France

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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2019 8:32 am

Here is a story that may interest you. My family told me about it when I met them for Christmas. I didn't know of this event because I wasn't born yet but my parents and grandparents still remember about it so I think people were really shocked.

This is a Google translation of a French article summarizing the events. I improved it to make it more pleasant to read and to correct the mistakes and I added information and extracts from some English articles so please forget the rather French and fragmented style, I was too lazy to re-write it entirely. I am trying to find good articles in English for you but for now you have the basics of the event here:

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Erick Schmitt, the hostage taker

On May 13, 1993 at 9:25, Erick Schmitt - whose name remained unknown until after the denouement - broke into a class on the ground floor of a nursery school in Neuilly, where 21 children of three and four years had started class with their teacher, Laurence Dreyfus.

The man, who was wearing gloves and was masked with a hood, presented himself as "HB" (for "Human Bomb" [I didn't translate his name, it was really Human Bomb in English, even in French.), brandished a revolver and, as he had meticulously planned, set an explosive system in the class with sticks of dynamite similar to those that he was wearing around his waist. He kept the detonator during the whole crisis. Schmitt's explosives were placed around the classroom, she said, making it difficult to walk around without touching the wires leading to his detonator.

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He made his claims known by written messages: 100 million francs (15.2 million euros) and a car to flee. The Raid prepared itself, set its microphones, cameras and psychologists came.

Charles Pasqua, the Minister of the Interior, gave the madman, at his request, his ID to show that authorities cared about the event. Nicolas Sarkozy, the Budget Minister and deputy mayor of Neuilly [he would later become president], played the role of a mediator.

Each time a wish by the hostage taker was fulfilled (television, food, money, meeting with parents and then with a journalist) one or more children was freed. Schmitt, who had surprised the police by his calm in the early hours of the incident, became more and more nervous as time went on, police said. He asked repeatedly for black coffee to help him to stay awake. Authorities agreed but sleeping pills were put in his coffee.

At the end of the first day, while the whole French people was watching the event, six little girls were still in the room with their teacher who wanted to stay with her students.

As the remaining six of the original 21 children in the class played on throughout the last day, a little boy who had been freed said Mrs Dreyfus had explained that the gunman was armed 'to kill the wolf'.

Constantly turning the ordeal into a game, she was at times aided by the hooded Schmitt himself, who, according to Evelyne Lambert, a paediatrician who was allowed into the classroom on Friday to help, told the children to call him 'the bandit', and encouraged their games.

Allowed to leave the classroom from time to time, Mrs. Dreyfus was able to meet the parents of the hostages and reassure them that their children were well.

Schmitt showed extraordinary and cruel determination, combined with a perverse compassion. He allowed a camera to be installed so that the parents could watch their children on closed-circuit television, after he had threatened in a letter to bleed them to death.

During the two days, the police surrounding the school had unusual access to the gunman, who at one point agreed to meet psychiatrists for 30 minutes, enabling them to draw up a portrait of a man who signed his letters 'H B' - which, he explained, stood for 'human bomb'. He said he preferred to die rather than be taken alive.

On Saturday at 05:30, Charles Pasqua launched an intervention by the Raid as HB, who had remained awake for two nights, had fallen asleep, still holding the detonator while the children hid under mattresses at the request of the teacher, so that they would not see the violent intervention of the Raid.

At 7:25, after 46 hours of hostage crisis the Raid burst into the classroom, shot the hostage taker three times in the head and saved the children and their teacher. Mrs Dreyfus was praised for her 'exceptional courage'.

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The Human Bomb was later identified as 42-year-old Eric Schmitt, an Algerian-born French citizen and a loner. His computer business had been made bankrupt two years before and 18 months later he was made redundant from an electrical firm.

He had no previous convictions apart from two for speeding and drink-driving. He had spent seven years in the army where he had learned to handle firearms.

He had already demonstrated this by exploding a small bomb in an underground car park in Neuilly the weekend before. In a letter to a newspaper, signed 'H B', he said that a minor incident would be followed by an event which would 'mobilise the media'.

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After the event, there was controversy regarding the death of the hostage taker. Some people said he shouldn't have been killed as he was asleep. I heard some people say that he was starting to wake up but I am not really sure.
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Tommy QTR

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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2019 10:32 am

Very interesting story Neah, thank you for sharing. Eric Schmitt seems like a very fascinating man.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2019 5:03 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
Very interesting story Neah, thank you for sharing. Eric Schmitt seems like a very fascinating man.

Glad you like it Tommy, this guy is fascinating isn't it! It's crazy to see how people can go wrong when they have issues or suffer from depression.

I found a "funny" thing about it. In Paris we've got catacombs, if you don't know how they are you should definitely google it and see pictures, this is very impressing (there are plenty of skulls, bones and scary messages about death). Only a small part can be visited, the rest of it is closed to the public and I think is abandoned and neglected. Yet some people, usually young people I guess, visit it in secret, often by night which is obviously illegal. They visit it, spend time with their friends and even sometimes do parties or gigs. Some of them leave paintings, tags, art... And there is a room which is not opened to the public dedicated to HB. Some people came illegally and painted his face on the wall:

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It is written:
1951   1993
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Tommy QTR

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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeMon Jan 07, 2019 6:10 pm

Oh yeah I've heard of the Paris Catacombs before, I've always wanted to visit there if I ever went to France. It's quite interesting that someone did a painting, I guess it'll be the only tribute there is to him.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2019 2:51 am

Neah wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Very interesting story Neah, thank you for sharing. Eric Schmitt seems like a very fascinating man.

Glad you like it Tommy, this guy is fascinating isn't it! It's crazy to see how people can go wrong when they have issues or suffer from depression.

I found a "funny" thing about it. In Paris we've got catacombs, if you don't know how they are you should definitely google it and see pictures, this is very impressing (there are plenty of skulls, bones and scary messages about death). Only a small part can be visited, the rest of it is closed to the public and I think is abandoned and neglected. Yet some people, usually young people I guess, visit it in secret, often by night which is obviously illegal. They visit it, spend time with their friends and even sometimes do parties or gigs. Some of them leave paintings, tags, art... And there is a room which is not opened to the public dedicated to HB. Some people came illegally and painted his face on the wall:

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It is written:
1951   1993
Probably the only time a criminal like this will get a memorial...

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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2019 9:22 am

"Persecutor and victim" they were probably paying tribute more to the so-called victim of the police than the persecutor. I guess it was made by people who were against the police and not by people who sincerely cared for HB. I think many people who went to the catacombs illegally in the 90s and 2000s were young people, so I would not be surprised that it was simply them being rebellious against the authority.
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Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France   Human Bomb - 1993 hostage taking in a nursery school in France Icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2019 4:34 pm

Philippe Bouvard (French journalist), 2 days after the death of HB wrote:
Potential murderers must know that death sentence, although abolished in courts, still exists in the field and that it is there immediate and without appeal.
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