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 Adam Lanzas psychosis?

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Breeding Lilacs
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PostSubject: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 1:16 am

What would you call Lanzas psychosis when he puts black tape all over his windows in his bedroom and communicates with his mother only through email even though they still live in the same house? I know he was anti-social, that's a given, but what else could he of had?
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Adam Lanzas psychosis? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 1:31 am

He put the tape over his windows because he had a sensitivity to sunlight, so that's not really psychosis.

As for rejecting verbal communication in favor of text-based communication where neither party faces the other, I don't believe that's evidence of psychosis either, but it is definitely extreme in its avoidance of external stimulus.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Breeding Lilacs

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Adam Lanzas psychosis? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 1:53 am

I think both those things were to do with ASD, including a related sensory disorder, and probably some resulting anxiety or depression, though those last two are speculation, as I do not believe he was diagnosed with either. Still, anxiety and depression are, in my understanding, relatively common, and can certainly result in not wanting direct communication or sunlight (in my experience, so take that as you will).

Get your prehistoric knee out of the toilet and eat your breakfast!

--The Adventures of Granny, Lanza et al.

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 2:52 am

Personally, I just think he was pure evil. Hell even Eric and Dylan wouldn't kill their parents or little children.


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Breeding Lilacs

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 3:06 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Yes, we can definitely condemn his actions as evil. But there are always questions about sanity, bizarre motivations. People want a more complete explanation (how did the evil come about?), and we may never have one. We probably won't here, because dude is dead. This isn't like, say, the Waffle House case, where still-alive Reinking displayed a string of utterly batshit behavior, probably cannot conscionably be held responsible for the four deaths, but there are people who certainly can be held responsible for letting a severely reality-challenged man run around free and armed. To me, that case is much more clear cut, and in a way sadder, because there doesn't seem to be evil at work, just sickness and negligence. I could be wrong, of course, in judging Lanza as responsible for his evil, and Reinking as not.

Get your prehistoric knee out of the toilet and eat your breakfast!

--The Adventures of Granny, Lanza et al.
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 8:56 am

bradt93 wrote:
Personally, I just think he was pure evil. Hell even Eric and Dylan wouldn't kill their parents or little children.
I do not get this about humans, why is killing children or your parents really any worse than killing someone else?
Adam's mother could be considered lucky even because she didn't have to see the aftermath of the shooting, which she was even partly blamed for and would have most likely been blamed much more for had she not been a victim herself.
The children on the other hand, yes most of them would have a lot of their life left to live if not killed but would it be any better than the life of the person who ended up killing them?
We have to remember everyone was a child. Some people are born psycopaths, most become evil as little children and then go on to torment thous who have not, in turn making them monsters, some of whom will end up shooting up a school full of these demons. Adam Lanza was a child too, his victims were not innocent any more than he was.

I know most of you will disagree, go on. I know this is not something you can debate about with a normal person. Children are weirdly sacred to most of us.

I'm Deranged

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 11:28 am

11B-X-1371 wrote:
Children are weirdly sacred to most of us.

It's connected to core biological impulses that humans have had since the cavemen times: protect the young in order to keep the species alive and able to expand. It's why you see people condemn people who murder or harm children as absolute monsters - their biological impulses are telling them that the death of future generations is abhorrent and should be prevented at all costs.

I imagine part of it is also because children are small and almost totally defenseless too. It's why many people also get severely upset at hearing about cases of animal cruelty.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 11:32 am

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They get upset about animal cruelty, then they go to McDonald's.

I'm Deranged
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2019 11:43 am

11B-X-1371 wrote:
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They get upset about animal cruelty, then they go to McDonald's.

People are selective in which animals they care for. Dogs and cats are considered companion animals to be cherished while cows, pigs, and chickens are considered a quick meal. Hypocritical perhaps, but such is life.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 28, 2023 4:09 am

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 5:16 am

nama3faux wrote:
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Peter Langman can suck my cock.

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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 8:56 am

Samson wrote:
nama3faux wrote:
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Peter Langman can suck my cock.

whats up with peter langman? i remember he made a few books about school shooters but thats all. bounce
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanzas psychosis?   Adam Lanzas psychosis? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 30, 2023 6:50 am

raggedslx wrote:
Samson wrote:
nama3faux wrote:
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Peter Langman can suck my cock.

whats up with peter langman? i remember he made a few books about school shooters but thats all. bounce
He steals people's shit and doesn't give them credit.

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