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 Charles Whitmans brain tumor?

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Charles Whitmans brain tumor? Empty
PostSubject: Charles Whitmans brain tumor?   Charles Whitmans brain tumor? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2019 5:42 am

When they found a brain tumor in his autopsy, could that of led to his rage and aggression that day? I know it certainly didn't help. Whitman even knew something had to be wrong with him. This is a case that will always fascinate me too. How can a military man with a family go on a mass murder spree? I think his distant family should come out like Sue did, I'm sure he has cousins and nieces and nephews still alive. They could be an advocate for mental illness too.
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Charles Whitmans brain tumor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charles Whitmans brain tumor?   Charles Whitmans brain tumor? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2019 12:38 pm

I'm not sure if it caused him to be a killer, but I'm sure it was probably the reason he kept having so many headaches. Whitman was complaining about them quite frequently in the lead up to the rampage.

bradt93 wrote:
I think his distant family should come out like Sue did, I'm sure he has cousins and nieces and nephews still alive. They could be an advocate for mental illness too.

What for? The information they're likely to provide is probably minimal at best; most of them probably didn't know him on a personal level.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Charles Whitmans brain tumor?
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