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 Good and bad after Columbine

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PostSubject: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2019 6:58 am

What are the good and bad outcomes from Columbine? And I'm talking about the whole lot (community, media, mental health, bullying, victims/injured etc.) What did we learn from the shooting that we have fixed or tried/are trying to fix? What haven't we learnt? What bad things have remained or have appeared? With the 20th anniversary coming up, I'm curious to see which outweighs the other and how the decisions that have been made impact today's society. In saying that, do you think Eric and Dylan would've liked to see these outcomes or do we think progress has been made at a good rate?
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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2019 4:03 pm

Rise of zero tolerance in schools

Banning of trench coats in school as well?

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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2019 11:46 pm

shrekt48 wrote:
Banning of trench coats in school as well?

Was this really a good thing though? For me, banning trench coats was based on the fear that teenagers who were into the same things as Eric and Dylan were going to do something similar. Makes me wonder how the "dark" kids in other schools at the time found they weren't allowed to express themselves as much because of the shooting
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Good and bad after Columbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2019 8:28 am

Police response has changed in reaction to columbine. I think that has saved many lives at subsequent shootings.

I hope there are people out there that have learned from Columbine to try to treat others respectfully but I don't think that is going to happen

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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2019 8:49 am

shadowofthewill wrote:
shrekt48 wrote:
Banning of trench coats in school as well?

Was this really a good thing though? For me, banning trench coats was based on the fear that teenagers who were into the same things as Eric and Dylan were going to do something similar. Makes me wonder how the "dark" kids in other schools at the time found they weren't allowed to express themselves as much because of the shooting

At my school not only did the troubled kids or the alternative kids get called down to the office after but also the ones that didn’t have a ton of friends. So that included me. And then I started my edgy phase so people would leave me alone.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2019 4:12 am

Lizpuff wrote:
Police response has changed in reaction to columbine.  I think that has saved many lives at subsequent shootings.

I hope there are people out there that have learned from Columbine to try to treat others respectfully but I don't think that is going to happen

I agree with both of your points. The police response point has been improved greatly, yet despite the improved plans of police reaction during a school shooting - we seem to always end with high body counts and I just find that really sad...
And yes, I believe some people had a step back and had a look at how they acted and it really changed them. Unfortunately though, it had/has to be through violence that some may have fully realised how they were, but it still gave them a wake up call.
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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2019 4:20 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
shadowofthewill wrote:
shrekt48 wrote:
Banning of trench coats in school as well?

Was this really a good thing though? For me, banning trench coats was based on the fear that teenagers who were into the same things as Eric and Dylan were going to do something similar. Makes me wonder how the "dark" kids in other schools at the time found they weren't allowed to express themselves as much because of the shooting

At my school not only did the troubled kids or the alternative kids get called down to the office after but also the ones that didn’t have a ton of friends. So that included me. And then I started my edgy phase so people would leave me alone.

Do you remember what was said to you during this time? Also, did they ever call you back during your edgy phase? I can't imagine how it was for you, as some students may have constantly gave you weird looks. I guess a positive is that you still found a way to express yourself in another way
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PostSubject: Re: Good and bad after Columbine   Good and bad after Columbine Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2019 6:36 am

I think the reason we´re still ending up with high bodycounts is because the shooters know they need to "hurry up". They have researched previous shootings and they know that they almost always have a maximum of 10 minutes before the police are there.

I think that´s why both Sandy Hook and the Parkland shooting hade so many fatalities. If Dylan and Eric were stopped within 10 minutes I don´t even think they would´ve made it to the library. So i`d say that police being quicker on the scene is good, but i don´t know how much it actually effects the outcome.
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