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 Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell

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AD 19-95
Tommy QTR
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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2019 9:33 pm

Nikolas Cruz is seemingly writing love letters to a girl from his jail cell. These letters have been obtained by the Sun Sentinel.
Here is the article: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Here are his letters:

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2019 9:35 pm

I wonder if it's to that Angie girl he mentioned in his videos.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2019 9:48 pm

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page 4 depicts Nikolas Cruz, circa 2019
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2019 10:03 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
I wonder if it's to that Angie girl he mentioned in his videos.

The article wrote:
Cruz’s letters are to a young woman in the United Kingdom named Miley, one of his cyber-supporters, and her brother, Liam

It would seem not.

I wonder if this is how Eric would act if he was serving a prison sentence. You know, write back and forth to one of the many fangirls.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2019 11:17 pm

I often wonder what it was in our evolution that led to Hybristophilia.

"How did the first man alive realize you need to shove shit in your mouth and swallow it to stay alive?" -Randy Stair

"little teen pirn" -Nikolas Cruz
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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2019 10:10 am

Clogerhead wrote:
I often wonder what it was in our evolution that led to Hybristophilia.

That's an easy one. All female primates want strong genes. They produce strong offspring. A man who murders has demonstrated those genes. His offspring will have a higher survival rate.

Basically, murder makes women horny because we humans are chimps with shoes.

Last edited by sympathyforEandD on Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2019 10:13 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
I wonder if it's to that Angie girl he mentioned in his videos.

The article wrote:
Cruz’s letters are to a young woman in the United Kingdom named Miley, one of his cyber-supporters, and her brother, Liam

It would seem not.

I wonder if this is how Eric would act if he was serving a prison sentence. You know, write back and forth to one of the many fangirls.

I wonder about this too...

I wonder how Dylan would have reacted too...

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeFri Apr 12, 2019 7:01 am

Bizarre. He even recommended for her to listen to Pumped Up Kicks.
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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeFri Apr 12, 2019 11:00 am

I find it normal, he probably needs to connect with someone even if the girl is just a fangirl and she may not be sincere or her feelings may not last. I don't even think he is aware of that, his mind probably tricks him into thinking that it is true love in order to make him feel better alone in prison. I don't know if he has visits.

I can imagine Dylann Roof being the same, he seemed to be quite romantic.
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2019 12:31 am

Neah wrote:
I find it normal, he probably needs to connect with someone even if the girl is just a fangirl and she may not be sincere or her feelings may not last. I don't even think he is aware of that, his mind probably tricks him into thinking that it is true love in order to make him feel better alone in prison. I don't know if he has visits.

I can imagine Dylann Roof being the same, he seemed to be quite romantic.

Roof is notoriously difficult to get in contact with - plenty of fangirls have tried and failed. Only people who've had luck to my knowledge are fellow white supremacists and a guy I follow on twitter who has years of experience writing to killers.

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2019 6:15 pm

I once wanted to write Kip Kinkel a letter but not a love letter. His story seems so sad - the poor boy probably had a major psychotic episode and ruined his entire life. It's probably very lonely out there - but it seems that he is doing just fine there so maybe there's no need to write him. And he probably gets quite a few letters.

But Nikolas... I don't understand. Not only I have no sympathy towards him because what he did was just evil and stupid as well, no motive besides ''I want to kill people'' and ''I want to get famous''. Disgusting.
Also he's a cringelord. His pre-shooting video is retarted. The way he acted about having voices while being caught... jeez, ew. And not only that, he's ugly.
But I bet he will still get married while in prison because some people are dumb as that. Happened before, will happen again.

But sympathyforEandD is totally right. Also, chimps with shoes, haha, that's accurate.

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AD 19-95

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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2019 12:47 am


"There is more to life than money. But while ever I work I do not have time to do what I truly enjoy doing, playing video games, snorting coke and hiring strippers." - Brenton Tarrant

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2019 10:39 pm

Clogerhead wrote:
I often wonder what it was in our evolution that led to Hybristophilia.
If you want to understand the natural selection behind this phenomenon, you got to see how our modern lifestyle interferes with our physiological hardware. I mean, do you think spending 99,9% of our existences as hunter-gatherers then flipping this dynamic over its head isn't going to produce any consequences? We are domesticated animals, and, by observing the behavior of any animal in captivity, it's clear how sick we can become under these circumstances. So, i would say that hybristophilia is similiar in origin to the impulses that make zoo animals gang up to attack their treaters from time to time.
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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2020 11:08 am

@The Speaker whats going on? Your last post's doesnt make sense...
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2020 11:45 am

Futility wrote:
@The Speaker  whats going on? Your last post's doesnt make sense...

It's just a troll, don't bother acknowledging him.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2020 1:57 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] thank you
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2020 3:41 pm

Clogerhead wrote:
I often wonder what it was in our evolution that led to Hybristophilia.

The girl who he's writing to is actually a Redditor and has talked about it before. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it, but it isn't too hard to find. His attraction to her is one-sided, and she has no illusions about what he did or his mental capacity. I'm not entirely sure what her motive is for writing to him, but, it's definitely not hybristophilia.
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeFri Jul 22, 2022 3:23 am

sympathyforEandD wrote:
Clogerhead wrote:
I often wonder what it was in our evolution that led to Hybristophilia.

That's an easy one. All female primates want strong genes. They produce strong offspring. A man who murders has demonstrated those genes. His offspring will have a higher survival rate.

Basically, murder makes women horny because we humans are chimps with shoes.

I'm not a woman tho.

checkmate, atheist.

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Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero

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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2023 2:53 am

Nick is so genuinely incomprehensibly retar-ded, worthless, insecure, homicidal and lonely, that it’s honestly more endearing than Martin Bryant. What a loser. Jesus Christ. Imagine your stupidity being so transparent that I can see it because you’re writing like this as a man in your twenties. He’s never gonna get a brain. He’s literally going to be acting like this as a senile old man. He’s like a rabid dog. I don’t think he even knows what he’s doing or saying. He just shot up the school because he thought it’d get him hard or something. He didn’t even know what was happening. I thought he was smart and pretending at first about multiple things, but I think he’s actually just kind of dumb. How’d he manage to do such a perfect shooting what the fuck? Rhetorical question. He managed it because of a number of factors I’m not going to list because I’m aware no one cares about this post.

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Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell   Nikolas Cruz pours his heart out in love letters from jail cell Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2023 2:56 am

Kłléyn: Lord of Utero wrote:
Nick is so genuinely incomprehensibly retar-ded, worthless, insecure, homicidal and lonely, that it’s honestly more endearing than Martin Bryant. What a loser. Jesus Christ. Imagine your stupidity being so transparent that I can see it because you’re writing like this as a man in your twenties. He’s never gonna get a brain. He’s literally going to be acting like this as a senile old man. He’s like a rabid dog. I don’t think he even knows what he’s doing or saying. He just shot up the school because he thought it’d get him hard or something. He didn’t even know what was happening. I thought he was smart and pretending at first about multiple things, but I think he’s actually just kind of dumb. How’d he manage to do such a perfect shooting what the fuck? Rhetorical question. He managed it because of a number of factors I’m not going to list because I’m aware no one cares about this post.

The fact he has a non zero amount of fangirls perplexes me.
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