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 British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus

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Primate Murder
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 9:55 am

There's a show currently being aired here in the UK of a school swap between pupils from a predominant Muslim school and pupils from a 'white' school and a photo of E&D was shown to them when they were discussing stereotypes and prejudices and they were asked if E&D looked like terrorists and one pupil said they looked too young to be terrorists and another said she thought Eric was in Hocus Pocus Suspect
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 10:03 am

Lol I can kinda get it. I am not sure what photo of Eric was shown but he was kinda generic looking

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 10:17 am


Well now I have to see who Eric would’ve been in Hocus Pocus

That’s another words lately that people love throwing around- terrorist

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 10:20 am

Screamingophelia wrote:

Well now I have to see who Eric would’ve been in Hocus Pocus

That’s another words lately that people love throwing around- terrorist

He would be ICE. And Dylan the other guy lol[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 10:34 am

HanShotFirst wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

Well now I have to see who Eric would’ve been in Hocus Pocus

That’s another words lately that people love throwing around- terrorist

He would be ICE. And Dylan the other guy lol[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


Yes! That’s perfect.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 11:02 am

You see this really annoys me.

"Hey kids, you see these two WHITE teenagers? Well, they were TERRORISTS!"

Nope, no they weren't. They were two little assholes who shot up a school, not remotely related to politics. Theres no need to make the Muslim kids feel better by trying to prove that EVIL WHITIE CAN BE TERRORIST TOO.

Last edited by G4145 on Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 11:04 am

Someone probably read that part in Ralph Larkin's book talking about how Harris was an Aryan terrorist

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 11:29 am

G4145 wrote:
You see this really annoys me.

"Hey kids, you see these two white teenagers? Well, they were TERRORISTS!"

Nope, no they weren't. They were two little assholes who shot up a school, not remotely related to politics. Theres no need to make the Muslim kids feel better by trying to prove that EVIL WHITIE CAN BE TERRORIST TOO.

Have to agree with this. Not to get too political but Britain seems to be grooming their population and masking it as "racism prevention"

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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Primate Murder
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Primate Murder

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 11:43 am

Eric and Dylan are not even terrorists. An example of an actual white terrorist would be Timothy McVeigh.

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 11:49 am

Lizpuff wrote:
Someone probably read that part in Ralph Larkin's book talking about how Harris was an Aryan terrorist

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 12:10 pm

HanShotFirst wrote:
G4145 wrote:
You see this really annoys me.

"Hey kids, you see these two white teenagers? Well, they were TERRORISTS!"

Nope, no they weren't. They were two little assholes who shot up a school, not remotely related to politics. Theres no need to make the Muslim kids feel better by trying to prove that EVIL WHITIE CAN BE TERRORIST TOO.

Have to agree with this. Not to get too political but Britain seems to be grooming their population and masking it as "racism prevention"
Grooming whites to hate themselves and for other races to hate whites.

"Yeah, these two WHITE teenagers? The WHITE ones. Their skin is WHITE. They were TERRORISTS!"
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 12:29 pm

QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

White people can be terrorists and we all know that. Pittsburgh was a terror attack. McVeigh, Breivik, Tarrant were terrorists and everyone agree with that.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 12:44 pm

Neah wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

I think it's less that the media is outright stupid and far more likely that they're trying to push a very specific narrative.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 12:47 pm

QuestionMark wrote:

I think it's less that the media is outright stupid and far more likely that they're trying to push a very specific narrative.

Well they should stop because it doesn't seem to work and it is pushing some white people toward far-right.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 1:23 pm

Neah wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

White people can be terrorists and we all know that. Pittsburgh was a terror attack. McVeigh, Breivik, Tarrant were terrorists and everyone agree with that.

One of my favourites is that lefty-liberal meme that floats around after every notable mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy:

"If the shooter is white = How can we protect this poor, damaged young men from doing things like this.

If the shooter is black = BLM are terrorists!

If the shooter is Mexican = Build the wall!

If the shooter is Muslim = Ban Islam!"


In reality, the reactions of society are as follows;

If the shooter is white = Evil whitey. Racist whitey. Ban guns and get all white people to apologise and force them to distance themselves from the perpetrator. 

If the shooter is black = Little to no reaction besides black women sporting Afros, Black pop-a-cap-in-yo-ass gangstas and self hating whites posting twitter messages in support of the shooter.

If the shooter is Mexican = Who knows? But I'm sure as hell people would justify the shooting by saying that Trump made him do it.

If the shooter is Muslim = How can we protect these lovely young boys from radicalisation?
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 2:27 pm

G4145 wrote:
Neah wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

White people can be terrorists and we all know that. Pittsburgh was a terror attack. McVeigh, Breivik, Tarrant were terrorists and everyone agree with that.

One of my favourites is that lefty-liberal meme that floats around after every notable mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy:

"If the shooter is white = How can we protect this poor, damaged young men from doing things like this.

If the shooter is black = BLM are terrorists!

If the shooter is Mexican = Build the wall!

If the shooter is Muslim = Ban Islam!"


In reality, the reactions of society are as follows;

If the shooter is white = Evil whitey. Racist whitey. Ban guns and get all white people to apologise and force them to distance themselves from the perpetrator. 

If the shooter is black = Little to no reaction besides black women sporting Afros, Black pop-a-cap-in-yo-ass gangstas and self hating whites posting twitter messages in support of the shooter.

If the shooter is Mexican = Who knows? But I'm sure as hell people would justify the shooting by saying that Trump made him do it.

If the shooter is Muslim = How can we protect these lovely young boys from radicalisation?
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

That's what annoys me the most is the stupid politicizing of shootings, and if their gonna do it at least be bothered to fact check, as if Adam Lanza was a democrat.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 3:01 pm

Eric and Dylan never got the chance to vote and I highly doubt Eric would be liberal

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 4:42 pm

I agreed with what we said in the beginning of the thread but it starts being overgeneralization and exageration.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 4:57 pm

Ok y'all got me singing "I put a spell on you" now Roll

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Primate Murder
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Primate Murder

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2019 10:25 pm

Mundus wrote:
G4145 wrote:
Neah wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

White people can be terrorists and we all know that. Pittsburgh was a terror attack. McVeigh, Breivik, Tarrant were terrorists and everyone agree with that.

One of my favourites is that lefty-liberal meme that floats around after every notable mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy:

"If the shooter is white = How can we protect this poor, damaged young men from doing things like this.

If the shooter is black = BLM are terrorists!

If the shooter is Mexican = Build the wall!

If the shooter is Muslim = Ban Islam!"


In reality, the reactions of society are as follows;

If the shooter is white = Evil whitey. Racist whitey. Ban guns and get all white people to apologise and force them to distance themselves from the perpetrator. 

If the shooter is black = Little to no reaction besides black women sporting Afros, Black pop-a-cap-in-yo-ass gangstas and self hating whites posting twitter messages in support of the shooter.

If the shooter is Mexican = Who knows? But I'm sure as hell people would justify the shooting by saying that Trump made him do it.

If the shooter is Muslim = How can we protect these lovely young boys from radicalisation?
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

That's what annoys me the most is the stupid politicizing of shootings, and if their gonna do it at least be bothered to fact check, as if Adam Lanza was a democrat.

I've seen pictures that actually called Nikolas Cruz and John Russell Houser a liberal democrat.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2019 2:11 am

Kerea2244 wrote:
Ok y'all got me singing "I put a spell on you" now Roll

For me it's Sarah Jessica Parker singing "Come Little Children". Hauntingly beautiful. Also I think seeing her pinned up cleavage in that movie gave me my first 'funny feelings' bounce

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2019 4:17 am

HanShotFirst wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
Ok y'all got me singing "I put a spell on you" now Roll

For me it's Sarah Jessica Parker singing "Come Little Children". Hauntingly beautiful. Also I think seeing her pinned up cleavage in that movie gave me my first 'funny feelings' bounce
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2019 5:53 am

G4145 wrote:
HanShotFirst wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
Ok y'all got me singing "I put a spell on you" now Roll

For me it's Sarah Jessica Parker singing "Come Little Children". Hauntingly beautiful. Also I think seeing her pinned up cleavage in that movie gave me my first 'funny feelings' bounce
[Nobody liked that]

SJP as a blonde pinup? You're out of your fucking element Donny

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2019 9:49 pm

Mundus wrote:
G4145 wrote:
Neah wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:

Or the meaning of the word terrorist has degraded to the point where "terrorist" can mean whatever the hell the other person wants it to be. This happens with so many goddamn terms that I'm seriously questioning if most people are just too stupid to use language correctly.

I remember reading many articles about how people are so racist because they call an islamist terrorist a terrorist but don't call a white mass shooter a terrorist.

GQ wrote:
Fifty-plus Americans died in a mass shooting in Las Vegas last night. The shooter was white. It’s still terrorism.

And then it decides to go full bad faith:

GQ wrote:
In fact, when asked if this was a terrorist attack, Clark County sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "No, not at this point; we believe it is a local individual, he resides here locally." He then added, "We don’t know what his belief system was at this time." This is thinly veiled code for "the shooter was a white man."

I'm glad GQ translate the evil hidden language of white authorities because I would have thought that "We don't know what his belief system was at this time" simply meant "We don't know what his belief system was at this time." How stupid I am, I am being fooled by white supremacists...

And then HuffPost, although I'm used to them saying non-sense, wrote:

HuffPost wrote:
White killers are almost never labeled as terrorists.
Though shooting into a crowd of thousands certainly terrorized those who were present, the Las Vegas shooter has not been officially labeled a terrorist.

Fortunately all medias are not that stupid.

White people can be terrorists and we all know that. Pittsburgh was a terror attack. McVeigh, Breivik, Tarrant were terrorists and everyone agree with that.

One of my favourites is that lefty-liberal meme that floats around after every notable mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy:

"If the shooter is white = How can we protect this poor, damaged young men from doing things like this.

If the shooter is black = BLM are terrorists!

If the shooter is Mexican = Build the wall!

If the shooter is Muslim = Ban Islam!"


In reality, the reactions of society are as follows;

If the shooter is white = Evil whitey. Racist whitey. Ban guns and get all white people to apologise and force them to distance themselves from the perpetrator. 

If the shooter is black = Little to no reaction besides black women sporting Afros, Black pop-a-cap-in-yo-ass gangstas and self hating whites posting twitter messages in support of the shooter.

If the shooter is Mexican = Who knows? But I'm sure as hell people would justify the shooting by saying that Trump made him do it.

If the shooter is Muslim = How can we protect these lovely young boys from radicalisation?
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

That's what annoys me the most is the stupid politicizing of shootings, and if their gonna do it at least be bothered to fact check, as if Adam Lanza was a democrat.

Eric and Dylan and Adam were such DEMOCRATS that they cloned themselves and were 2x democrats.
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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Empty
PostSubject: Re: British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus   British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus Icon_minitime

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British teen thought Eric was in the Disney movie Hocus Pocus
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