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 Eric and Racism

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PostSubject: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 6:41 pm

Talking about racism,I have always found weird how Eric stated in the basement tapes how much he hates all races,but at the same time on his website,he just wrote how badly would he like to torture and kill racists tough.

Basement tapes: We hate niggers, spics...and let's not forget you white pieces of shit also. We hate you,

Rant from Eric's site:


---RACISM!!Anyone who belives that blacks, asians, mexicans, or people from any other country or race besides white-american....people who think that should be drug out into the street, have their arms ripped off, be burnt suht at the stumps, then have every person of the race that YOU hate come out and beat the shit out of you. and if you are female, then you should be raped by a male from the race you hate and be forced to raise the child! You people are the scum of society and arent worth a damn piece of worm shit. You all are trash. And dont let me catch you making fun of someone just because they are a different color because i will come in and break your fucking legs with a plastic spoon. i dont care how long it takes! and thats both legs mind you.

May the answer be,that he simply hated everyone on this planet,or did he just become racist over time?
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 7:10 pm

He was fucking crazy dude. I think that’s the simple answer.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 7:29 pm

Here you can find many interesting opinions about this: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2019 12:17 am

Eric was bundled in contradictions. He claimed to hate jews, he also was in good terms with Dylan. He had a deep desire to be accepted, yet he believed in the harsher side of natural selection. He wanted to be in the shoes of a supervillain, yet he had enough heart to help some of his friends and loved his pet dog. I find it hard to believe that he had actual faith in some of his hate claims, he just became too engulfed in his constant rantings to make up for his uncertainties

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2019 11:52 am

I doubt he was racist. A lot of his rants were just him expressing anger rather than truly meaning them. All bark and no bite, at least until the massacre came around. I don't think he was crazy, per say, and by that I'm referring to the Eric before NBK was starting to form. Eric had a horrible temper but also, as Amarantha stated, loved his dog and cared for his friends (those closest to him). And, if those basement tape transcripts are true, he also loved his family and seemed to realize he was turning into something he wasn't. But the overall hatred toward the ways of the world, everything that had happened in Columbine during his first three years, and even toward himself just grew too much. This is merely my opinion, but yet we'll never know the exact truth. However, our speculation makes everything far more intriguing.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2019 1:40 pm

I think it was just a way for his anger to have more "bite"; using the N word has a lot more bite than calling someone an asshole. Also, I think the infatuation with Nazis was more of an interest in Germany/ the idea of power and genocide.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2019 4:48 pm

For some reason, this reminds me of one of my favorite shirts lol!

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeFri Jan 31, 2020 5:08 pm

Its a superiority complex of 'I hate everyone equally'.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeFri Jan 31, 2020 9:30 pm

IMO Eric and Dylan both were so consumed with the cruelness of mental illness. Eric was just as much, if not moreso, mentally ill as Dylan was. They just had different diseases, but both still suffered greatly before they took their own lives (even Sue Klebold said the same). That is definitely not excusing what they did, but it sure makes a person think how things could have been different if they got the help they both so desperately needed...

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2020 3:10 pm

Theres an interesting perspective here.

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Now, I take some of the stuff that Langmann says with a grain of salt. Such as the one about bullying. They may or may not be bullied more or less than others, but I have seen research which argues that bullying is a factor in many cases regarding school shootings. Cullen also argues this in hes book(allthough, he denies that Eric and Dylan were bullied, så opposed to Langmann). A finish study have examined the link between bullying and school shootings and draw the conclusions that bullying has a certain impact

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2020 3:24 pm

With that being said, I do have a lot of respect for the work that he does, given that he has worked exstensively with children that have been at risk of violence, so the knowledge also comes from personal experience. And what he says about Dylan is quite an eye opener in many ways. I think I understood the mindset of Klebold a bit better after reading what he had to say about Klebold. Up until that point I only saw a lot of hes writings as random ramblings without any proper meaning. But I suppose maybe he was severely mentally ill. Didnt the team of expert examine both the two boys? I think Fuselyer described Dylan as a classic adolescent depressive. But IDK to what extent he was paranoid as Langmann says.

I should say that I dont think narssissism is a mental disorder, though, but a personality disorder.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Racism   Eric and Racism Icon_minitime

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