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 Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?
Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_lcap115%Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_rcap1
 15% [ 13 ]
Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_lcap174%Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_rcap1
 74% [ 65 ]
I'm not sure
Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_lcap111%Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Vote_rcap1
 11% [ 10 ]
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 12:49 am

There has always been a debate on whether or not Eric was a full blown psychopath.
He definitely had some psychopathic traits, but the fact that he: shed tears on the basement tapes, spoke about what his parents were going to go through, and showed bits of remorse here and there always made me second guess myself.
He apparently loved his dog Sparky and no evidence points to any signs of animal abuse, which is common trait.

So I think I'm on the fence with this one.
How would you classify Eric?
We can't technically diagnose a dead person, but I'm interested in hearing how you view Eric.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 2:12 am

Eric always striked me more as a sadistic/borderline personality rather than a frigid psychopath, he definitely used to struggle with himself to sweep his real feelings under a rug

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 2:44 am

Sadistic narcissist and megalomaniac to me. Let's remember those were just some faucets of his character which now get overemphasized due to what we think they resulted in.

I sometimes wonder how many teens worldwide howl, scream and spit in their journals like Eric did. Nosology is a bitch. We all would get some diagnose. And if media narrative was involved, I'm sure psychiatrists would deliver something appropriately unpleasant-sounding.

They couldn't have said 'oh, just a common angry teen -- who actually did it', right?

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 12:17 pm

If we put Dave cullens theories aside, and ignore what he said, it might be easier for us to admit that Eric actually was a psychopath. I know Cullen is generally disliked here, so if we can say that Eric is a psychopath because WE say it, and not because Cullen said it, it might be easier to accept it. The only thing that would make me think Eric ISNT a psychopath is the part in the basement tapes when he says “I wish I was a sociopath but I’m not.” Other than that, I definitely think he is one.
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 12:59 pm

I think he may have had some tendencies, but so did Dylan.. I posted this video yesterday on the discord server and I will share it here, many of these factors reminded me of both Eric and Dylan.

I really wish we could see more of Eric and the way he was around many people... because I would love to know more about his "superficial charm" I always got the vibe that his charm came from him being smart, dependable and organized so adults loved him. He had a nice smile and I imagine he was really polite.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 09, 2019 12:23 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I think he may have had some tendencies, but so did Dylan.. I posted this video yesterday on the discord server and I will share it here, many of these factors reminded me of both Eric and Dylan.

I really wish we could see more of Eric and the way he was around many people... because I would love to know more about his "superficial charm" I always got the vibe that his charm came from him being smart, dependable and organized so adults loved him. He had a nice smile and I imagine he was really polite.

The way they were able to deceive everyone is sort of impressive to me, especially being teenagers who usually can't keep quite about anything.
I always wonder just how much they might of let slip before NBK.
From what we know, they never outright said anything beforehand, but they might have made off hand comments and only in hindsight would someone know what they we talking about.

One example, Eric was heard saying something like "I'm working on something for tomorrow" the day before when questioned about what he was doing.
Imagine if one of their close friends really did know of something...

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 09, 2019 11:45 pm

This is a tough one to answer. On one hand he comes across as manipulative and using people to get what he wants (or so his journals say). But then there’s apparently the BT tapes of him crying and (as some journalists have reported) him showing more love and kindness when talking about his mother. If we want to believe that this was Dylan’s big plan and he wanted to go NBK first, then wouldn’t Eric follow him in any way possible to do it and do it right? Was his manipulation “faked” to get what he needed for him and Dylan to go NBK? I don’t feel we have enough info on Eric to say yes or no. What we do have is him breaking down in his journals saying he wanted to be part of the group. He wanted to hang with the cool kids. I don’t believe psychopaths worry about being popular or not. They do what they need to do to get others to give them what they want. Who coerced Robyn into getting guns? More likely Dylan over Eric. Who really did Eric manipulate other than parents thinking he’s a nice kid? Is it far fetched to think maybe Eric FELT he was manipulative and able to make people believe things that weren’t true (such as climbing Mount Everest and having a twin grow out his back)?

Edit side note: after it happened people said “oh yeah Eric would’ve done this” but were shocked about Dylan doing it. Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but isn’t a psychopath able to trick you into thinking they are wonderful and then can turn around and do horrible acts? People didn’t think Eric was wonderful. They all liked Dylan though.
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 11:02 am

SenSpiritedAway wrote:
This is a tough one to answer. On one hand he comes across as manipulative and using people to get what he wants (or so his journals say). But then there’s apparently the BT tapes of him crying and (as some journalists have reported) him showing more love and kindness when talking about his mother. If we want to believe that this was Dylan’s big plan and he wanted to go NBK first, then wouldn’t Eric follow him in any way possible to do it and do it right? Was his manipulation “faked” to get what he needed for him and Dylan to go NBK? I don’t feel we have enough info on Eric to say yes or no. What we do have is him breaking down in his journals saying he wanted to be part of the group. He wanted to hang with the cool kids. I don’t believe psychopaths worry about being popular or not. They do what they need to do to get others to give them what they want. Who coerced Robyn into getting guns? More likely Dylan over Eric. Who really did Eric manipulate other than parents thinking he’s a nice kid? Is it far fetched to think maybe Eric FELT he was manipulative and able to make people believe things that weren’t true (such as climbing Mount Everest and having a twin grow out his back)?

Edit side note: after it happened people said “oh yeah Eric would’ve done this” but were shocked about Dylan doing it. Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but isn’t a psychopath able to trick you into thinking they are wonderful and then can turn around and do horrible acts? People didn’t think Eric was wonderful. They all liked Dylan though.

There seemed to be two versions of Eric.
The model student and employee, who cared about his sick dog and parents, and then the murderous vengeful Eric.

Common psychopath traits:

Glibness and superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Being conning and manipulative

Eric exhibited all three.
I can't say if psychos care about being popular, but tricking people into thinking your're a good person and being manipulative is definitely a psychopathic trait.

I've always found it odd that people discount him being a psycho just because he shed a few tears in the BT's, and seemed to care about what his parents were going to go through post Columbine.
There were many cases of murderous psychopaths that were perfect husbands and wives, who took care of their families, and showed them love and affection.

That's what makes it so hard to come to a solid conclusion, aside from the fact that he is dead.
He fits the main traits of being a psycho to a tee, but there are a few things he's said and done that make me second guess myself.

I'll probably always be one the fence when it comes to this question.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 12:27 pm

I have to agree with you. I can go back and forth all day on is he/isn’t he. He fits and yet he doesn’t fit. Is there a spectrum for psychopathy? If so, then yes, he’d fall into that. It could be quite possible to have all three traits you mentioned and yet have a limited amount of empathy. I don’t think psychopathy is black or white. There has to be people with it with varying degrees of symptoms. My vote is “I don’t know” since we don’t have enough info on him.
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 2:34 pm

SenSpiritedAway wrote:
I have to agree with you. I can go back and forth all day on is he/isn’t he. He fits and yet he doesn’t fit. Is there a spectrum for psychopathy? If so, then yes, he’d fall into that. It could be quite possible to have all three traits you mentioned and yet have a limited amount of empathy. I don’t think psychopathy is black or white. There has to be people with it with varying degrees of symptoms. My vote is “I don’t know” since we don’t have enough info on him.

There technically is a spectrum for most mental disorders, but as you stated it isn't as cut and dry as one might think.
I agree with you that it isn't black and white, and it's hard to gauge because there have been other psychopaths that showed love and affection to others.
Based off of that fact, it's safe to say that you can be a full blown psychopath yet still show feelings and affection.

So I think I'm on team "I don't know" along with you.
Loads of people voted no, yet hardly anyone explained how they came to that conclusion.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 2:42 pm

When it comes to psychology its very hard to properly diagnose if someone has mental disorders and how severe they are. Everyone reacts to emotions and thoughts differently than the next person due to childhood experiences, genetics and their current surroundings.

Even the most level headed people with no mental disorders can go on killing sprees.
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 6:11 pm

I think I can say with most certainty that Eric was not a sociopath. Psychopath, I don't see that either, he may have wanted to be seen as a sociopathic psychopathic murderer who was intent on destroying the world but... First of all he didn't rape anyone, if he wanted to get laid he could've raped someone easily in the last days of his life, maybe he didn't rape Susan cause she could turn him in and disrupt NBK, but go downtown find a hooker make her feel the pain! He didn't do anything like that. The driving video where he is apologizing and "cries". He talked about his mother bringing him beef jerky. Eric felt real love for his friends and family I believe that fully. Eric wanted to live his fantasy of mass murdering psychopath monster but underneath I think he felt the pain I think he felt the pain, especially of those he loved.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 11:20 pm

dereknocturnal wrote:
I think I can say with most certainty that Eric was not a sociopath. Psychopath, I don't see that either, he may have wanted to be seen as a sociopathic psychopathic murderer who was intent on destroying the world but... First of all he didn't rape anyone, if he wanted to get laid he could've raped someone easily in the last days of his life, maybe he didn't rape Susan cause she could turn him in and disrupt NBK, but go downtown find a hooker make her feel the pain! He didn't do anything like that. The driving video where he is apologizing and "cries". He talked about his mother bringing him beef jerky. Eric felt real love for his friends and family I believe that fully. Eric wanted to live his fantasy of mass murdering psychopath monster but underneath I think he felt the pain I think he felt the pain, especially of those he loved.  

Well I don't think you necessarily have to rape someone to fit into the spectrum of a psychopath.
I agree with everything else you stated though.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 11:32 pm

slippy123 wrote:
dereknocturnal wrote:
I think I can say with most certainty that Eric was not a sociopath. Psychopath, I don't see that either, he may have wanted to be seen as a sociopathic psychopathic murderer who was intent on destroying the world but... First of all he didn't rape anyone, if he wanted to get laid he could've raped someone easily in the last days of his life, maybe he didn't rape Susan cause she could turn him in and disrupt NBK, but go downtown find a hooker make her feel the pain! He didn't do anything like that. The driving video where he is apologizing and "cries". He talked about his mother bringing him beef jerky. Eric felt real love for his friends and family I believe that fully. Eric wanted to live his fantasy of mass murdering psychopath monster but underneath I think he felt the pain I think he felt the pain, especially of those he loved.  

Well I don't think you necessarily have to rape someone to fit into the spectrum of a psychopath.
I agree with everything else you stated though.

Why don't you think Eric raped anyone in his final days? This is something that I've thought about myself. There were opportunities why didn't he get "laid" it would've been so easy. Furthermore if neither teen believed in God or afterlife this would've been his last time to feel and apologies to ladies but "pussy".. Why didn't he say fuck it go to Colfax! I wanna feel pussy!
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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 12:38 am

dereknocturnal wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
dereknocturnal wrote:
I think I can say with most certainty that Eric was not a sociopath. Psychopath, I don't see that either, he may have wanted to be seen as a sociopathic psychopathic murderer who was intent on destroying the world but... First of all he didn't rape anyone, if he wanted to get laid he could've raped someone easily in the last days of his life, maybe he didn't rape Susan cause she could turn him in and disrupt NBK, but go downtown find a hooker make her feel the pain! He didn't do anything like that. The driving video where he is apologizing and "cries". He talked about his mother bringing him beef jerky. Eric felt real love for his friends and family I believe that fully. Eric wanted to live his fantasy of mass murdering psychopath monster but underneath I think he felt the pain I think he felt the pain, especially of those he loved.  

Well I don't think you necessarily have to rape someone to fit into the spectrum of a psychopath.
I agree with everything else you stated though.

Why don't you think Eric raped anyone in his final days? This is something that I've thought about myself. There were opportunities why didn't he get "laid" it would've been so easy. Furthermore if neither teen believed in God or afterlife this would've been his last time to feel and apologies to ladies but "pussy".. Why didn't he say fuck it go to Colfax! I wanna feel pussy!

Because the victim would of went right to the police and he'd be arrested, the whole plan would be ruined.
Plus once he's arrested the police might do some digging and find the previous warrant that was never executed, and the next thing you know he's getting charged with an attempted school shooting on top of a rape charge.
I personally don't think he had it in him to rape someone.

Although I find it quite ironic that a good looking girl who seemed into him came into the picture 3 days before the shooting.
He was already too far gone to even care about females at that point.

But I do wonder if Susan came into Eric's life a year prior, if the outcome would be the same.
After all, having a girlfriend, and being accepted is what Eric lusted for.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 1:23 am

slippy123 wrote:
I personally don't think he had it in him to rape someone.

I think the only thing Eric wasn't capable of was animal abuse. It was one of the few standards that he never budged on, never wavered from, I'd say just about to the end he felt compassion for animals.

Everything else? I can't put it past him.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 8:38 am

I get the feeling Eric would have felt he was much more above getting a hooker...

I never got the vibe Eric wanted sex anymore than a normal teenager and guess what sometimes it’s hard to get laid, especially in a small, conservative town.

Plus people seem to assume that Eric getting laid would have been hHe magical way to stop NBK....he didn’t kill because he didn’t have a gf.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 10:29 am

QuestionMark wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
I personally don't think he had it in him to rape someone.

I think the only thing Eric wasn't capable of was animal abuse. It was one of the few standards that he never budged on, never wavered from, I'd say just about to the end he felt compassion for animals.

Everything else? I can't put it past him.

Well there were multiple scenarios where he could of forcefully put a move on a female, but as far as I know, none of the girls he "dated" or were around Eric ever claimed anything of the sort.
Susan was in his room alone while his parents went to dinner, and from her account he wasn't the least bit pushy, and acted like a gentlemen giving her a kiss on the cheek and offering to let her car warm up.
Knowing that trying to get laid seemed to be a priority before NBK, he still didn't try to push himself onto her.

Does this mean he didn't have it in him?
I guess not exactly, but I feel as nothing conclusively proves he had the balls or even the power to rape someone.
Most girls could of probably taken Eric if they fought back Laughing

Last edited by slippy123 on Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 10:36 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I get the feeling Eric would have felt he was much more above getting a hooker...

I never got the vibe Eric wanted sex anymore than a normal teenager and guess what sometimes it’s hard to get laid, especially in a small, conservative town.

Plus people seem to assume that Eric getting laid would have been hHe magical way to stop NBK....he didn’t kill because he didn’t have a gf.

Very true.
I tend to wonder how things would of ended up if he got a serious girlfriend a few years before Columbine.
With a girlfriend (especially a pretty one like Susan) comes acceptance, which leads to more friends, which leads to going out more, which ends up keeping you busy, giving you less time to wallow in your feelings.

Seeing that the way Eric was treated by his peers in Columbine was essentially the main reason he was pushed over the edge, I can't help but wonder.
It's purely a hypothetical, but it does make me ponder on how things might of been different if Eric was accepted by his peers from the jump.

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 11:57 am

slippy123 wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
I personally don't think he had it in him to rape someone.

I think the only thing Eric wasn't capable of was animal abuse. It was one of the few standards that he never budged on, never wavered from, I'd say just about to the end he felt compassion for animals.

Everything else? I can't put it past him.

Well there were multiple scenarios where he could of forcefully put a move on a female, but as far as I know, none of the girls he "dated" or were around Eric ever claimed anything of the sort.

Well raping a girl isn't the same as going on a rebel mission or dying as part of a murder-suicide. You don't think he was afraid of getting caught, of getting arrested? This would be doubly true after the van incident; Eric considered getting arrested to be the most embarrassing point in his life, why would he take the massive risk of that happening again by attempting to rape someone?

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Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath?   Do you think Eric was a full blown psychopath? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 6:03 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
I personally don't think he had it in him to rape someone.

I think the only thing Eric wasn't capable of was animal abuse. It was one of the few standards that he never budged on, never wavered from, I'd say just about to the end he felt compassion for animals.

Everything else? I can't put it past him.

Well there were multiple scenarios where he could of forcefully put a move on a female, but as far as I know, none of the girls he "dated" or were around Eric ever claimed anything of the sort.

Well raping a girl isn't the same as going on a rebel mission or dying as part of a murder-suicide. You don't think he was afraid of getting caught, of getting arrested? This would be doubly true after the van incident; Eric considered getting arrested to be the most embarrassing point in his life, why would he take the massive risk of that happening again by attempting to rape someone?

You're right, it's absolutely different because the rebel missions and rape are at two opposite ends of the spectrum.
I think he was more embarrassed because he was caught and all of his friends and family found out, not necessarily because he committed a crime.
If he got arrested for a rebel mission instead of the break in, then I'm sure he'd consider that the most embarrassing point in his life.
At the end of the day if you're TRULY afraid of being caught, you wouldn't commit a crime to begin with, so I'm not sure I can say with certainty that he was "afraid".

I just don't think that being a murderer necessarily means you have it in you to rape, just like a rapist might not have it in them to murder someone.

We will never really know for sure, but I haven't personally seen any direct evidence that shows he had it in him to rape someone.
But if any evidence comes to light, I would definitely change opinion on the subject.

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