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 Sayonara to the Sunkaras

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PostSubject: How Do You Feel About How People Romanticize Eric & Dylan?    Sayonara to the Sunkaras Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2019 7:55 pm

I see a lot of this type of content on sites like Tumblr and even some fanfiction websites, so I was wondering what you guys think of the topic, since I personally think the demographic on this forum is much different from the Tumblr audience. I personally think that it's weird, but people will have their quirks (for lack of a better term) one way or another, so it's not really up to me what others find attractive. I look forward to your response.

"Excuse me for not being thrilled by the extra jimmies on my ice cream cone.”
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PostSubject: Sayonara to the Sunkaras   Sayonara to the Sunkaras Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2019 6:22 pm

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Why does anyone do anything?
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Sayonara to the Sunkaras
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