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 New book by father of Parkland victim

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PostSubject: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 11:04 am

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Why does anyone do anything?
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 2:21 pm

LPorter101 wrote:
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Quote :
One student, Paige, recalled the time that she met Cruz. They were standing outside their classroom waiting for their teacher to open the door, and Cruz offered her a hug, which Paige accepted. Their teacher later pulled Paige aside and warned her, “Don’t touch him. He just got caught jerking off.”
Sept. 4: Nick drew naked stick figures (showing body parts, sexual)
Sept. 27: Another student also informed me (once Nick was escorted out of class) that Nick asks him all of the time “How am I still at this school?”

LOL ding ding ding

I really shouldn't be laughing but holy shit this is unintentional comedy gold. I like how even Cruz was surprised he was still allowed in school, even he knew that the whole system was a fucking joke.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 3:26 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
LPorter101 wrote:
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Quote :
One student, Paige, recalled the time that she met Cruz. They were standing outside their classroom waiting for their teacher to open the door, and Cruz offered her a hug, which Paige accepted. Their teacher later pulled Paige aside and warned her, “Don’t touch him. He just got caught jerking off.”
Sept. 4: Nick drew naked stick figures (showing body parts, sexual)
Sept. 27: Another student also informed me (once Nick was escorted out of class) that Nick asks him all of the time “How am I still at this school?”

LOL ding ding ding

I really shouldn't be laughing but holy shit this is unintentional comedy gold. I like how even Cruz was surprised he was still allowed in school, even he knew that the whole system was a fucking joke.

Don't forget about drawing "creepy sexual pictures (dogs with large penises)" Haha
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2019 9:45 pm

I might actually read this book. It seems pretty good. The dad sure knows that the school and police department really failed here. He's not trying to push some other agenda in this book it seems.

Also this:
Quote :
On Oct. 24, Assistant Principal Antonio Lindsay came to class to observe Cruz. As soon as Lindsay left the room, Cruz yelled, “Yes, now I can talk!” He continued to be disruptive, and Yon said, “I know that you can behave. I have seen you. You’re a good kid.” Cruz shouted, “I’m a bad kid! I want to kill!”
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2019 2:04 pm

I bought the book online yesterday. I’ve only read the first chapter so far, but I can tell it’s gonna have new information about the case. Definitely recommend buying it
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2019 4:07 pm


Last edited by W.A.R. on Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2019 10:15 am

I actually went through a similar situation regarding schools shuffling me around. I wasn't close to the nutcase Cruz was but i got in my fair share of trouble and basically bullshitted everyday. In middle school i got sent to an alternative school where honestly i didn't show any improvement but after a year and a half they got tired of me and dumped me off to the high school in the middle of the year.
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2019 12:49 pm

W.A.R. wrote:
I actually went through a similar situation regarding schools shuffling me around. I wasn't close to the nutcase Cruz was but i got in my fair share of trouble and basically bullshitted everyday. In middle school i got sent to an alternative school where honestly i didn't show any improvement but after a year and a half they got tired of me and dumped me off to the high school in the middle of the year.

I can relate. I misbehaved horribly in sixth grade, and would get suspended every other day, just like Cruz. So for seventh and eighth grade they sent me to a special education middle school. Once I finished that, I applied to a regular high school, and got in! I only got suspended five times the entire time I was at high school, so I’d say my behavior improved
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2019 8:02 pm

DanielGardner wrote:
I can relate. I misbehaved horribly in sixth grade, and would get suspended every other day, just like Cruz. So for seventh and eighth grade they sent me to a special education middle school. Once I finished that, I applied to a regular high school, and got in! I only got suspended five times the entire time I was at high school, so I’d say my behavior improved

I suppose once i got to HS i improved as i stopped acting out in class and didn't get in any real trouble while there.

I think the freedom of the setting really helped. There wasn't someone over my shoulder pestering me or all in my business.
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2019 12:38 am

W.A.R. wrote:
DanielGardner wrote:
I can relate. I misbehaved horribly in sixth grade, and would get suspended every other day, just like Cruz. So for seventh and eighth grade they sent me to a special education middle school. Once I finished that, I applied to a regular high school, and got in! I only got suspended five times the entire time I was at high school, so I’d say my behavior improved

I suppose once i got to HS i improved as i stopped acting out in class and didn't get in any real trouble while there.

I think the freedom of the setting really helped. There wasn't someone over my shoulder pestering me or all in my business.

Funny you say that because I hated college with a passion for being so freeform. Ironically it felt more stifling then any structure from K-12 school.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: New book by father of Parkland victim   New book by father of Parkland victim Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2019 6:37 am

All education systems sucks.
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