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 Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?

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Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Empty
PostSubject: Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?   Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2019 3:11 pm

I’m wondering this as I’m still surprised so little info has been revealed by this late date. You’d think someone who’d seen them, especially an angry parent, would’ve revealed more by now like it’s suspected Mr. Rohrbough leaked the suicide photos (don’t blame him a bit if true). I actually can’t imagine an NDA stopping someone like Mr. Rohrbough.
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Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?   Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 26, 2019 6:24 am

Most likely not, given its perceived status as an eventual public record [at that moment, at least], and JeffCo Sheriff Stone's general laxity with the investigation (e.g., access to Time magazine, and the Westwood pieces, fire department video, etc.).  

The copycat worries, victims' rights, ownership issues with the school district and H/K families, and individual privacy concerns for this type of material were still an evolving subject.

The nearest thing to an NDA is the journalists and families were verbally warned not to use any recording devices (microcassettes, for that era) during the limited viewings.  I think we know by now that some still did.
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Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?   Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 26, 2019 9:24 am

Thanks, mbiholding. Now I’m doubly surprised more hasn’t been revealed. If I’d seen it I’d want to talk, but I guess I’d also worry about copycats. If someone shot up a school and quoted what I’d revealed I’d feel horrible. I suppose this is why nobody has talked.
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PostSubject: Re: Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?   Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures? Icon_minitime

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Were the BT viewers required to sign nondisclosures?
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