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 Videos, executive summary released in the Fifth Third Center shooting

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Primate Murder

Primate Murder

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Videos, executive summary released in the Fifth Third Center shooting Empty
PostSubject: Videos, executive summary released in the Fifth Third Center shooting   Videos, executive summary released in the Fifth Third Center shooting Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2019 11:26 pm

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CINCINNATI (WKRC) - The executive summary is now out on the Fifth Third Center mass shooting.

Last September, police shot and killed Omar Santa Perez, who had already killed three people and wounded two others.

The summary does not offer much new information.

It does seem to suggest the motivation for the shooting was a dismissed federal lawsuit.

Perez had sued NBC. The day before the shooting, he learned the suit was dismissed for a second time.

The Fifth Third Center, where the shooting took place, is very near the federal courthouse.

Cincinnati Police released video in August 2019, that showed Perez walking across Walnut Street towards the federal courthouse. Investigators have previously said he approached that building before going to Fountain Square.

While the shooter never made it out of that lobby, he had enough ammunition to kill dozens of other people.

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Videos, executive summary released in the Fifth Third Center shooting
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