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 Bayonne, France mosque shooting

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Bayonne, France mosque shooting Empty
PostSubject: Bayonne, France mosque shooting   Bayonne, France mosque shooting Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2019 3:01 am


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Bayonne, France mosque shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bayonne, France mosque shooting   Bayonne, France mosque shooting Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2019 10:24 pm

anonman wrote:
He's 84 years old

Wait, what...? Neutral

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"A former election candidate for Marine Le Pen’s far-Right National Rally has been arrested for allegedly shooting and injuring two Muslim worshippers at a mosque in Bayonne, south-western France on Monday.

The 84-year-old suspect, named locally as Claude Sinké, is also accused of trying to burn down the mosque. He was arrested at his home in Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx, near Bayonne after fleeing the scene by car.

He reportedly set a vehicle on fire before he left. Police found a gas canister and a handgun in his car.
Patrice Peyruqueou, a police union official in Bayonne, said: “The suspect threw an incendiary device at the mosque and then drove away. He was apparently trying to set fire to the mosque when two worshippers intervened and he shot them.”

One of the worshippers was hit in the chest.

The two wounded men, aged 78 and 74, were taken to hospital. They were described as being in serious but stable condition.
The suspect reportedly admitted the shootings when questioned by Bayonne police, but the motive for the attack was unclear. He was said to have no police record and was not on the radar of French intelligence agencies.

The suspect was reportedly an unsuccessful candidate for her party in regional elections in 2015. He attended a military academy in his youth.
A source close to the investigation said: “There was widespread panic at the mosque. There were a lot of people inside at the time.”
The incident follows an increase in attempts to vandalise mosques in France."

Another article:
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We learn that the suspect, Claude S., confessed to the fire of the entrance to the mosque and a nearby vehicle. "But he denies having the will to kill anyone. He explains his gesture by his desire to avenge the destruction of Notre-Dame cathedral, saying that the fire of this building was caused by members of the Muslim community. The whole of his hearing questions
on his psychological state of health, so that he is currently presented to a psychiatrist to be informed of his criminal responsibility. "

We also learn that during the arrest of the suspect, Monday around 15:30 in front of his home, it "seized a revolver" and held the police. "Claude S. was thus arrested in possession of his revolver, whose barrel contained five cartridges, three of which were struck. "

The various testimonies, as well as the exploitation of the video surveillance of the mosque, made it possible to trace the course of the attack of the mosque. "Arrived in his vehicle, Claude Sinké was approached by a witness he put to flight by pointing with his revolver, says the prosecutor. He then set about torching the main gate of the mosque, which was closed after taking care of pouring gasoline first. After moving his vehicle, he walked back and fired at a first victim, who was sitting on a chair outside the mosque. She had a chest injury. "

The second victim, who arrived at the same time in his vehicle, was watching the scene and trying to extricate himself from the area. "It would have been caught by Claude Sinké, who would have pulled through the glass of the car, causing injuries to the cervical of the driver. The vehicle would have ended its race against the side of the mosque, the mis en cause would have risen to it, would have sprinkled with gasoline before firing, and that while the victim was always inside. She was pulled out of the vehicle by a witness. "

The search of Claude S.'s home led to the discovery of a batch of ammunition: two plaster grenades, a smoke grenade, a 9 mm automatic pistol, several cartridges and a shotgun type shoulder gun.

The wikipedia page: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

A few pictures of him:
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Bayonne, France mosque shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bayonne, France mosque shooting   Bayonne, France mosque shooting Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2019 11:14 pm

Wow, 84 is rather old! I'm glad not that many people were injured.
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PostSubject: Re: Bayonne, France mosque shooting   Bayonne, France mosque shooting Icon_minitime

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