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 Doom: Eternal

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V. Pascow

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PostSubject: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2020 9:46 pm

I wonder what Eric would've thought about the new DOOM game, had he lived to see it. Just a random thought. I imagine he would've made some wicked maps with the level creator of Doom 2k16.
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PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2020 11:24 am

I don't think he would've liked Doom 3, the pacing is just waaaaay different for a Doom game.

I think he would have loved 2016. It's got the mix of innovation he was looking for and a lot of the original the core game design is still there. Lots of corridors and tight arenas

Eternal is pretty hardcore, I think he would've loved the gameplay, and enemy design, but he might've hated the level design. There's moments when you get squeezed into tight areas & corridors, but generally the arenas in Eternal are more wide open. There's no labyrinth/corridor style levels like classic Doom 1 & 2, and even 2016. It was an intentional choice, because they want to be flexible with the demons that can be dropped into the arenas in future updates.

Pretty sad, that everything he wanted in a Doom game happened after he died. The ability to look up & down, climb, jump, extended lore on the Doom Marine, and not 1, but 2 crappy Doom movies!
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V. Pascow

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PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2020 11:28 am

Toua77 wrote:
I don't think he would've liked Doom 3, the pacing is just waaaaay different for a Doom game.

I think he would have loved 2016. It's got the mix of innovation he was looking for and a lot of the original the core game design is still there. Lots of corridors and tight arenas

Eternal is pretty hardcore, I think he would've loved the gameplay, and enemy design, but he might've hated the level design. There's moments when you get squeezed into tight areas & corridors, but generally the arenas in Eternal are more wide open. There's no labyrinth/corridor style levels like classic Doom 1 & 2, and even 2016. It was an intentional choice, because they want to be flexible with the demons that can be dropped into the arenas in future updates.

Pretty sad, that everything he wanted in a Doom game happened after he died. The ability to look up & down, climb, jump, extended lore on the Doom Marine, and not 1, but 2 crappy Doom movies!

Yeah, it's sad to think of what could've been. I'm honestly surprised nobody has tried to remake any of his levels in the 2016 map editor.
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Doom: Eternal  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2020 11:45 am

WasteOfGoodSuffering wrote:
I wonder what Eric would've thought about the new DOOM game, had he lived to see it. Just a random thought. I imagine he would've made some wicked maps with the level creator of Doom 2k16.

He's playing Doom Eternal right now!
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V. Pascow

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PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2020 11:49 am

TheOne99 wrote:
WasteOfGoodSuffering wrote:
I wonder what Eric would've thought about the new DOOM game, had he lived to see it. Just a random thought. I imagine he would've made some wicked maps with the level creator of Doom 2k16.

He's playing Doom Eternal right now!

Hell doesn't exist Rolling Eyes
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Doom: Eternal  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2020 11:52 am

WasteOfGoodSuffering wrote:
TheOne99 wrote:
WasteOfGoodSuffering wrote:
I wonder what Eric would've thought about the new DOOM game, had he lived to see it. Just a random thought. I imagine he would've made some wicked maps with the level creator of Doom 2k16.

He's playing Doom Eternal right now!

Hell doesn't exist Rolling Eyes


And hey man its cool im an Agnostic Atheist
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Doom: Eternal  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2020 10:40 am

WasteOfGoodSuffering wrote:
I wonder what Eric would've thought about the new DOOM game, had he lived to see it. Just a random thought. I imagine he would've made some wicked maps with the level creator of Doom 2k16.

I have DOOM (2016) on PS4 and I fucking love it! Cannot wait to get my hands on Eternal.
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Doom: Eternal  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 3:48 am

Great game:D
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Doom: Eternal  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2020 8:03 pm

He probably wouldve loved it and Doom 2016 because they were very simmilar to the DOOMs he grew up playing. I wonder what kind of SnapMaps he wouldve made.
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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2020 4:07 pm

Don't forget the glory kills, he would have loved to have had a lot more ideas for his fantasies if doom 2016 and Doom eternal were to have been out during his time.

Also for those who have played Doom Eternal what would he have thought of the Marauder?
I think Eric would likely talk down to those complaining about him and written about them in his journal and website. Not to mention there will be a longer shit list due to some people not liking the Marauder.

<<Yet what is a Nation? Can we actually see the physical lines that divide one from another?>>

<<If all shall turn against me, I'll fight like I always have.>>

<<There are three kinds of people: those who seek strength, those who live for pride, and those who can read the tide of battle.>>

<<Belka did absolutely nothing wrong.>>
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PostSubject: Re: Doom: Eternal    Doom: Eternal  Icon_minitime

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