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 Possible way to get the library crime scene photos

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PostSubject: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 1:50 pm

Would it be possible to get the crime scene photos of the library released if one of us sent an open records request to Colorado? Has anyone tried this before? The photos I am talking about were described in the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Scene Report Team 2, beginning around page 50. Wouldn’t they be required to release these if someone asked for them and included the report with the photo descriptions?

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PostSubject: Re: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 3:29 pm

I do believe that you couldn't request photos of the victims bodies because the victims were minors. However, any other crime scene photos I think would be fair game. I'm guessing they have released everything they want to release though... otherwise I think we would have already seen these photos.
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PostSubject: Re: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 7:01 pm

i wonder if they technically could release photos of erics corpse as he turned 18 just 11 days before the massacre
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PostSubject: Re: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 7:45 pm

Jaxgart wrote:
i wonder if they technically could release photos of erics corpse as he turned 18 just 11 days before the massacre

Technically, Colorado is not one of the 9 states that exempts certain crime scene photos (photos for coroners, graphic photos, etc.) from FOIA requests. Those states are: California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Texas. However, I still think that if any of these photos of Eric or anyone else could be released that someone would have already gotten them out to the public.

You can see Eric pretty clearly in both of the suicide photos though. That's likely all we will get.
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PostSubject: Re: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 12, 2020 7:21 am

I'm not sure about the conditions regarding all the post-11K documents, but when those first 11,000 pages were made available in November of 2000 the crime-scene photos were left excluded from the release.

Denver Post wrote:
The families fought for the first-hand documents because, Rouse said, they will provide a more accurate account of what happened April 20, 1999, than what's contained in the sanitized Columbine Report.

But in ordering the documents released, Jefferson County District Judge Brooke Jackson is withholding from public disclosure crime-scene photos, medical records and autopsy reports.

Names of targeted students, some witness names and how the killers' bombs were made and their effectiveness also will be blacked out.

Material recovered from the two killers' homes also will not be released because Rouse's clients, the parents of slain students Daniel Rohrbough and Kelly Fleming, did not request it, said Bill Tuthill, assistant county attorney.
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PostSubject: Re: Possible way to get the library crime scene photos    Possible way to get the library crime scene photos  Icon_minitime

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