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  Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 11:32 am

(10:27) We see Eric about to fire his SG. Phil realizes that filming Eric from behind is not going to work.

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PD : " Hey , hold on..Let me..." [ Phil stops filming , moves next to Eric and continues filming.]


                      Eric is tense. 

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Pulls the trigger....BOOM! FIREBALL OF FURY!

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           [ Obviously , firing that under a table , a distance of a few feet , was devastatingly horrific.]

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Eric fires four shots. He fatigues very quickly after each shot. The recoil is difficult to handle. 

[ Notice to the left of Eric's head. Dylan's Shotgun is beginning to appear. AIMING DIRECTLY AT ERIC'S HEAD! CREEPY!]

Last edited by rik75 on Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 1:16 pm

Eric's second shot. [ DYLAN'S SHOTGUN IS POINTING DIRECTLY AT ERIC'S HEAD ! Although Dylan's SG is open and has no shells inside it , IT LOOK'S CREEPY AS HELL ! ]

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              Same as the first shot , Eric manages to keep both hands firmly on the SG.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 3:55 pm

Eric fires his third shot and ALMOST BLOWS HIS LEFT HAND OFF ! His left hand holds on to the pump. 

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                                   Eric's left hand slips off of the pump handle.

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 Eric's left hand was firmly on the pump handle , the recoil pulled the SG away from his left hand , so now ,


[ Dylan gazes into the empty barrel for several seconds. He may have watching Eric , transfixed by Arlene's WRATH.]

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Eric's left hand appears to be limp and injured , and Dylan gazes into the empty barrel.

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Eric is swinging his SG up and will reload it in a moment.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 5:05 pm

rik75 wrote:

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Eric fires four shots. He fatigues very quickly after each shot. The recoil is difficult to handle. 

[ Notice to the left of Eric's head. Dylan's Shotgun is beginning to appear. AIMING DIRECTLY AT ERIC'S HEAD! CREEPY!]

Um, Dylan is in the foreground, a few feet in front of and beside Eric.  They are shooting side-by-side.  Likely as they did outside during NBK.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 25, 2014 6:23 am

Eric loads another shell for his fourth and final shot , of this sequence. 


If you look at the second picture below , you will see the ejected shell , its pathway looks curved.

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                            Its fast approaching and Eric has little time to move.

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                     The shell hits Eric's right cheek and bounces off onto his sweater.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 3:35 pm

(10:41) Jessica uses Mark's rifle and fires nine rounds.

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(10:52) Eric takes a couple of steps towards the target. He fires two rounds at a BP.
The BP is upright and at the center of the tree. He misses both times , firing high and to the left.

                                                     This is the first shot.

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[ If you look at the Shotgun and look to the right of the muzzle flash , there is a beam of light travelling towards the tree. That may be the shock wave created by the projectile. Following the Shotgun , through the center of the muzzle flash and following the beam of light , you can see the flight path of the projectile , from muzzle to tree. ] 

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Here is the slug hitting the tree. A white puff of smoke / wood erupts out of the left side of the tree.

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                                  This second shot was more accurate than the first.

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                         Eric misses by a few inches. Too high and to the left of the BP.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 2:08 pm

(10:59) Eric is a short distance away from the camera filming him. He is shooting at a BP.

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                                                       Eric hits the BP.

DK : " Ha Ha Ha !"

EH : " WOO ! HOO !"

JM : " He got it !"

                                          Eric runs to show the others the BP.

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DK : " Did it shatter ?"

PD : " What did it do ?"

EH : " There !"

Eric proudly shows us the slug damaged BP.

EH : " Entry ! Exit !"

PD : " Holy shit."

DK : " There's frozen wood in it."

JM : " Holy shit."

EH : " Oh man."

MM : " You got another round?"

DK : " Fuck ! I don't have any."

                                                          EH : " Entry."

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                                                            EH : " Exit !"

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[ I think this moment was a turning point for Eric regarding his relationship with Arlene.
 As seen many times during this video , Eric often misses the targets he aims for.]

[ Chopping off the barrel obviously effected its accuracy.
 When firing straight at a target ,the slug lands too high and to the left.]

[ But now , Eric has learnt how to deal with Arlene's inaccurate firing , he learnt how to compensate for her inaccuracies.]

[ When i spoke of Eric's relationship with Arlene , i was referring to Arlene being a tool of which Eric used to express his anger , hatred and rage.] 

[ Eric and Arlene's bond is now much stronger physically , and in a spiritual way too because they have both " clicked ."
Eric feels so supremely triumphant. He looks at the BP , at the clean entrance hole and the jaggedly blasted out exit hole. He appears shocked and overwhelmed , and in a trance like state , like a morphine high.]

[Dylan want's to be a part of the action too. He reaches over to Feel the destruction created by Eric & Arlene.]

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[ Eric sees Dylan's hand reaching over Touching his prized possession. Eric feels uncomfortable , Dylan is making Eric Feel uncomfortable. Although a BP is merely a chunk of wood , with a hole in it , It is Eric's BP.

It is Eric's prize , nobody else , but Eric's.

 Eric pulled Arlene's trigger and she did as instructed. 
Right now , Dylan doesn't matter to Eric , Its Eric's moment. Just Eric's moment.

[ Eric pulls the BP away from Dylan and holds it in a guarded manner.]

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[Dylan reaches over and holds onto the BP. Eric holds on too. There is miniature , but quite momentary tussle between Eric and Dylan. Dylan wants to hold it and Eric does not want to let go.]

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[The burning and explosive energy that burns inside Eric's heart , the molten fury that burns through every single fibre of Eric's being , has seen the green light. For now , Eric knows that he is capable of firing kill shots.
He knows Arlene well , he worked out all of her bad ways , recoil , upper left misses , sharp edges.]

[ Eric could not tame a beast , the beast which ruled his heart and mind ,nor could he tame a beast called Arlene.]
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 12:15 am

I've watched the whole video several times and the way Eric and Dylan handle their firearms is scary. They don't anything about gun safety! It's amazing that they didn't hurt themselves before 4/20. Imagine if either one of them had accidentally shot themselves in the foot or something and saw how bad it hurt, if they would still continue with the massacre.

"I'm in love with my sadness"
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 7:10 am

jettfyre80 wrote:
I've watched the whole video several times and the way Eric and Dylan handle their firearms is scary. They don't anything about gun safety! It's amazing that they didn't hurt themselves before 4/20. Imagine if either one of them had accidentally shot themselves in the foot or something and saw how bad it hurt, if they would still continue with the massacre.
Personally , i don't think they cared about gun safety or their own safety. They both had a clear understanding of firearm safety , it's simple common sense. We have to consider E/D's mindset on that day. They were both preparing for their own demise , honing their shooting skills , learning how to do rapid fire and learning how to hold their weapons for maximum comfort and control.

Their superior and invincible mindset may have been one element on display that day. NBK was merely weeks away , so why handle firearms in a reckless manner ? As you said , one of them could have got hurt. If one of them had gotten seriously hurt , NBK might have panned out differently.

I think E/D believed that they could do as they pleased , take risks and cheat serious injury and death because they both wrongly believed they were " GODLIKE " and much stronger than us weak human trash.

They had the power of " self awareness " and they knew that 20/4/99 was the day , and the only day they would die.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 7:48 am

Eric reluctantly allows Dylan to take away his prized BP.

   [ I wanted to show several pictures of Dylan's ring. They aren't very clear unfortunately. ]

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 12:50 pm

rik75 wrote:

[Dylan reaches over and holds onto the BP. Eric holds on too. There is miniature , but quite momentary tussle between Eric and Dylan. Dylan wants to hold it and Eric does not want to let go.]

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I think Dylan's hand looks ghoulish, like the Grim Reaper's.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 1:37 pm

gustopoet wrote:
I think Dylan's hand looks ghoulish, like the Grim Reaper's.
I agree. He looked horribly emaciated. His hands are veiny and his fingers long and slender almost like an old man's.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 3:21 pm

JDM87 wrote:
gustopoet wrote:
I think Dylan's hand looks ghoulish, like the Grim Reaper's.
I agree. He looked horribly emaciated. His hands are veiny and his fingers long and slender almost like an old man's.
Looking at Dylan , especially when his whole body can be seen , he look's like a skeleton. His coat literally hangs off of him. Standing at 6ft 2.5" and weighing ( at autopsy ) 143 pounds , he was incredibly underweight.

When i was Dylan's age , standing at 5ft 10" , i weighed 140 pounds , i was really skinny. Dylan was too skinny. 
I think Dylan's BMI was around 17.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 3:51 pm

(11:25) Mark is going to take a few shots of Eric's SG. Mark ops for a spread legged stance.

                                   He fires two shots in this sequence.

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                           Marks first shot. He handled the recoil quite well.

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                             Mark's second shot , again , he handles Arlene well.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2014 4:33 pm

(11:40) Eric asks Mark if he wants some more shells.

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                         (11:41) Eric challenges Mark to shoot with one hand only.
                        Mark appears to have injured his arm from the powerful recoil.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 8:34 am

EH : " Hold it with one arm if you can , get up real....[ I'm not sure what Eric's last word was.]

PD : " Hold on." [ Phil stops filming. He starts filming again and Eric is looking over his left shoulder.

[ Mark also looks in that direction too. I don't know what caught their attention. They may have spotted or heard something , others may have been there target practicing too , maybe.]

[ Eric turns around to face Mark and quickly glimpses at the camera. He is looking pretty damn cold!
Hands tucked deeply into his sleeves.]

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                                     Mark holds the SG with one hand and shoots.

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                                              Mark's handles the recoil well.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 8:44 am

He's not cold; he's pissed that another guy is holding and using Arlene.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 8:50 am

[ " Hold it with one arm if you can , get up real....[ I'm not sure what Eric's last word was.]


Eric said: "One arm it if you can. Get a real strong grip..."

If you listen close, the tone of Eric's voice is challenging and derisive, like a jealous boyfriend. Like he's watching someone else dance with his girl: "You have to treat her right, man, she's too much woman for you."

Of course, as you pointed out, the opposite is true. Mark is the "alpha male" here and it makes Eric testy.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 3:30 pm

Mark has fired Arlene. He takes a step towards Eric.

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Eric expected Mark to hand him back Arlene.

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       Mark decides to reload Arlene..........

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               .......With one hand.

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          Clearly , Mark finds it amusing.

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PD : " Fucking Linda Hamilton style!"

MM : " That's bad."

Eric looks bemused. 

Mark was Holding on to Arlene , with one hand , he throws his hand to the, like he is hitting a nail with a hammer. He then throws his hand up in the , like he is raising the hammer.

Mark pretty much slammed Arlene around , to his own amusement and Phil's too.
Strangely , i don't hear Dylan laughing. I guess Dylan could sense Eric's feeling of discomfort.

To me , Eric's SG is a piece of metal , manufactured for the purpose of killing.
Eric , on the other hand , treasured her in many ways , one being because she was manufactured for the purpose of killing.

She gave Eric many things , and one of those things was POWER.
" I don't like you...BANG!!! Your dead.." One tiny pull on the trigger...Goodbye head..goodbye life..its over.

All those feeble rants of Eric's were just words , words on paper , words on screen.
Words don't mean shit and Eric knew that all too well. 

When Eric opens his coat and reveals what's been hidden inside , he ain't that " weird Eric kid ," anymore.
He's Rebel , and when Reb opens his coat and reveals his inner strength , out pops Arlene.

Arlene gave Eric , absolutely and nothing less than GODLIKE POWER.
Eric knows that his words will never mean shit to anyone , that didn't matter.
Words are just words. So what? Arlene gave Eric powers of which , he could only dream of.

He could push her muzzle onto someones face , tell them that they are going to die.
Eric and Arlene had the power to make people defecate themselves , and without a single word having been said.

Eric could see the fear in people eyes , the petrified fear of dying , by Eric's own hand.
He could smell the fear , and even taste it. 

A massive shot of morphine would never match the high of holding Arlene , pulling her trigger , feeling the awesome recoil , the sweet smell of molten gunpowder.

The feeling of GODLIKE power was , nothing less than GODLIKE power , because Eric could take away life , destroy it in his own way , in his own time.

He could witness death in real time , no longer a fantasy , a day dream , a distant hope.
Arlene brought Eric's dreams to life , and wow ! ERIC FUCKING LOVED IT!

LOVED the thrill of killing.

LOVED the sight of killing.

LOVED the feeling of killing.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 3:38 pm

gustopoet wrote:
[ " Hold it with one arm if you can , get up real....[ I'm not sure what Eric's last word was.]


Eric said: "One arm it if you can. Get a real strong grip..."

If you listen close, the tone of Eric's voice is challenging and derisive, like a jealous boyfriend. Like he's watching someone else dance with his girl: "You have to treat her right, man, she's too much woman for you."

Of course, as you pointed out, the opposite is true. Mark is the "alpha male" here and it makes Eric testy.
I see what you mean , Mark was kind of rough handling Arlene , i don't think Eric ever loaded her one handed.
Also , Mark wonders off into the woods with Arlene , without even asking for Eric's permission. 
I get the hands in the sleeves thing , Eric looked like he was sulking !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 30, 2014 7:40 am

(12:00) Mark looks at the sharp edges on Arlene's handle. Mark gives Eric some advice.

MM : " You should try to round that out".

EH : " Yeah , i'm gonna work on that."

Mark fires another round.

                            [ Notice how close Mark's face is to the SG handle.]

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The massive recoil attempts to overcome the resistance created by Mark's hands.
Without a conscience thought or effort , Mark instinctively moves his head away from the SG.

He manages to avoid an unwelcome kiss from Arlene , and as Eric knows himself , a kiss from Arlene could send any man dizzy , weak at the knees , and totally spaced out.

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Mark attempts reloads Arlene with one hand , but this time Mark can't quite manage it.
Mark tries again and manages to reload Arlene.

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Mark walks away with Arlene , and , as he walks , Mark blows into Arlene's shell slot and blows the smoke out.
The smoke can be seen , as it leaves the muzzle.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 31, 2014 9:43 am

I never noticed Dylan giving a thumb's-up or Eric getting hit by his own shell-casing. I also never noticed the little tug-of-war between Eric and Dylan over the bowling pin.

This frame by frame analysis is awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 31, 2014 1:50 pm

(12:14) Phil has Eric's SG and aims for a BP.

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                        Phil misses the BP , firing too high by at least four feet.

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PD : " Damn."

DK : " You gotta aim way low because it kicks."

                            Phil takes two more shots. With a cigarette in his mouth.

[ These images of Arlene are some of the best , most clearest and close up pictures in the whole movie.]

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                                                          DK : " Aim low."

                              Phil shoots , and replies : PD : " I was aiming low."

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(12:27) Dylan is ready to take a shot with his SG.

[ Notice Dylan's body posture - his legs are spread for stability - He looks quite apprehensive.]

[ During Dylan's earlier shooting scenes , he is confident and quite sure of himself.]

[ The firearms didn't intimidate Dylan , he was in full control of his firearms.]


[12 Minutes and 27 seconds into the movie , Dylan has fired plenty of rounds with his SG.]

[ In the following shot , There is something making Dylan feel this way about this particular shot.]

[ Has Dylan loaded a different shell ? , it was a very powerful round. Two muzzle flashes with one shot. ]

DK : " Err...Alright." [ With obvious apprehension.]

                                                This is the first muzzle flash.
                     Frame 1.                                                                 Frame 2.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                            Here is the second muzzle flash.

                 [ This single SG blast is the most powerful we have seen fired by Dylan. ]

                          Frame 3.                                                      Frame 4.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                   Dylan starts feeling the awesome recoil........

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                               .........Not only throughout his upper body , but.......

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                            .....Throughout his whole body.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

[Dylan is rocked by the awesome recoil. Many of his previous shots have been powerful , not as powerful as this one.]

[Dylan manages to stay on his feet , and manages to keep his he stumbles backwards....]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                            [ .....and out of camera range.]

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 31, 2014 2:20 pm

gustopoet wrote:
I never noticed Dylan giving a thumb's-up or Eric getting hit by his own shell-casing. I also never noticed the little tug-of-war between Eric and Dylan over the bowling pin.  

This frame by frame analysis is awesome.  
Thank you , it isn't word for word perfect , i do have difficulty with the dialogue at times.
When i first started watching RR , to get a feel of the movie , i didn't see the thumbs up , shell casing in the face or the tussle. I noticed Dylan's thumb as i was attempting to capture Dylan's way of handling the recoil.

The shell casing in the face was captured accidentally too , as i was trying to capture Eric's way of handling the recoil, and the awesome muzzle blast.

The tiny tussle was accidental also. I noticed it as i was trying to capture clear images of the BP damage.

Although RR runs for only 16 minutes , i have found out that there is a hell of a lot of interesting things to see , and many of these things can be easily missed , especially when viewed at normal speed. I have only 3 and half minutes to cover , there is still lots more too see !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2014 5:13 am

Thanks rik75 for your hard work and analysis here. It's definitely putting this short video in a new light!
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2014 9:14 am

rik75 wrote:

Although RR runs for only 16 minutes , i have found out that there is a hell of a lot of interesting things to see , and many of these things can be easily missed , especially when viewed at normal speed. I have only 3 and half minutes to cover , there is still lots more too see !

I've watched it at least 10 times and I still see and hear new things.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 02, 2014 1:54 pm

(12:33) Jessica loads the pistol. She is wearing ear protection.


                                                           < CREEPY >

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[ The following dialogue may not be 100% accurate. The camera starts and stops during conversation]

DK : " You have the ear muffs and everything."

PD : " Hey man , you guys are going to copy this one..."

JM : " Already got one." [ Points to BP.]

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PD : " Fuck , i ain't even gonna try , i'm just gonna follow orders."

                                                [Jessica fires six rounds.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

DK : " Arrgghh." [ Dylan grabs his coat off the tree.]

DK : " Reb."

PD : Says to JM : "It's empty." [ Referring to the pistol.]

EH : " What?"

PD : ".....Like fuck man , here comes Phil."

Phil fires four shots and misses the BP.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

MM : " Did you win?"

Dylan fires a shot using the pistol and........

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                ....Passes it to Eric.

PD : " Its double action ! So its still loaded!"

MM : "That's not what double action means ,Phil."

PD : " Err..i mean , not fucking , ah.."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Eric fires one round and looks down at the gun.

Eric looks unimpressed with the pistol.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                 Eric fires once more.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 02, 2014 2:59 pm

rik75 wrote:
EH is squatting as he shoots using his carbine.
                   I can imagine Eric in this position , shooting at Neil Gardener .

It's interesting you mention that rik as i think this has been something that has been previously noted, i'm not sure if it was on this forum or SBB. But i remember a discussion about how this is likely the position Eric assumed when firing at Deputy Gardner. Gardener describes Eric as been in a "crouched" or "crouched down" position several times when he exchanged fire with him. pg(11216) pg(11233) Likewise I imagine this was also the position he assumed in the library when talking to Bree Pasquale, she describes him as ""squatting" balancing on the balls of his feet." pg(530)

rik75 wrote:
Thank you , it isn't word for word perfect , i do have difficulty with the dialogue at times.
When i first started watching RR , to get a feel of the movie , i didn't see the thumbs up , shell casing in the face or the tussle. I noticed Dylan's thumb as i was attempting to capture Dylan's way of handling the recoil.

The shell casing in the face was captured accidentally too , as i was trying to capture Eric's way of handling the recoil, and the awesome muzzle blast.

The tiny tussle was accidental also. I noticed it as i was trying to capture clear images of the BP damage.

Although RR runs for only 16 minutes , i have found out that there is a hell of a lot of interesting things to see , and many of these things can be easily missed , especially when viewed at normal speed. I have only 3 and half minutes to cover , there is still lots more too see !

I think this frame by frame analysis gives us a great deal to consider in terms of body language and what is said during this tape. I feel like I've seen this video so many times and it's great to read others interpretations of the actions and events in this tape, some of which i had never even considered before. I always find it interesting how we can all watch the exact same piece of footage yet interpret what we are seeing differently.

From my perspective I re-watched the "thumbs up" section of the tape at 10:25, but to me it looks like Dylan's hand just happens to have fallen into that position after he fired his weapon as opposed to him giving his shot a thumbs up. This particular camera shot seems to be taken from a small clip of footage and i don't hear any reaction to signify whether or not Dylan made a particularly impressive shot. I'll have to give it another watch but i'm not sure if feel like Dylan is giving his shot a thumbs up reaction.
I had never noticed Eric's shell practically hitting him in the face before at around the 10:36 mark, he doesn't appear to acknowledge this and neither does anyone else.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 02, 2014 5:43 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
From my perspective I re-watched the "thumbs up" section of the tape at 10:25, but to me it looks like Dylan's hand just happens to have fallen into that position after he fired his weapon as opposed to him giving his shot a thumbs up. This particular camera shot seems to be taken from a small clip of footage and i don't hear any reaction to signify whether or not Dylan made a particularly impressive shot. I'll have to give it another watch but i'm not sure if feel like Dylan is giving his shot a thumbs up reaction.
I had never noticed Eric's shell practically hitting him in the face before at around the 10:36 mark, he doesn't appear to acknowledge this and neither does anyone else.

I'm in agreement with you on this!  While Dylan may be reckless on the reloading of his weapon with himself and around other people, he appears cautious, slow and deliberately mindful with his body language while firing the SG - much more than Eric who is just an eager beaver to fire whatever he can get his hot little hands on.  A shell even hits Eric's face at one point but he just keeps on bangin' away.  In this particular instance with Dylan, he tries to move his upper body and arms in tandem with the motion of the powerful SG to buffer it's tremendous kick. And after it fires, he (almost gracefully) arcs his his arms up rhythmically.  When he finishes the shot, it looks as though the way his hand is positioned that he is giving a thumbs up but it looks clearly to me that it is merely just part of the position in the way he's holding the weapon.  

There's another moment where Dylan is shooting Arlene and as Rik pointed out, it's a bit obvious Dylan is a bit intimidated, so he tries out a wide spread leg stance to absorb the kick.  Instead, Dylan gets taken along for a ride with Eric's weapon and finds himself falling backwards really fast.  He's really trying to figure out the physics of firing and absorbing it.  Even advising PD "aim low because of the kick."  I can only imagine what went through Dylan's mind the moment Eric declared sheepishly that 'I hit myself" with Arlene. Oopsy!  I think someone said Dylan goes "well, why'd you do that?"  I can only imagine what a stupid sounding exchange that was!   Laughing Anyway, enough of my digressing - but yeah, to me this appears clearly to be Dylan's hand position upon completing a shot and not a thumbs up.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 1:15 am

rik75 wrote:

DK : " Arrgghh." [ Dylan grabs his coat off the tree.]

I've always thought that it's Eric's coat)
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 3:47 am

I think it makes sense that Dylan was intimidated by the sheer force and tremendous recoil of the shotgun. He didn't like to fire it and rarely used it during the attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 9:14 am

He was firing both barrels at once. That's why it kicked so hard.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 12:24 pm

gustopoet wrote:
He was firing both barrels at once. That's why it kicked so hard.
Right , that explains the two muzzle flashes and the kick , thanks.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 1:35 pm

rik75 wrote:
gustopoet wrote:
He was firing both barrels at once. That's why it kicked so hard.
Right , that explains the two muzzle flashes and the kick , thanks.

Also why Dylan looked a bit apprehensive. He's like "Okayyyy..." BLAM!
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 2:11 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
rik75 wrote:
EH is squatting as he shoots using his carbine.
                   I can imagine Eric in this position , shooting at Neil Gardener .

It's interesting you mention that rik as i think this has been something that has been previously noted, i'm not sure if it was on this forum or SBB. But i remember a discussion about how this is likely the position Eric assumed when firing at Deputy Gardner. Gardener describes Eric as been in a "crouched" or "crouched down" position several times when he exchanged fire with him. pg(11216) pg(11233) Likewise I imagine this was also the position he assumed in the library when talking to Bree Pasquale, she describes him as ""squatting" balancing on the balls of his feet." pg(530)

rik75 wrote:
Thank you , it isn't word for word perfect , i do have difficulty with the dialogue at times.
When i first started watching RR , to get a feel of the movie , i didn't see the thumbs up , shell casing in the face or the tussle. I noticed Dylan's thumb as i was attempting to capture Dylan's way of handling the recoil.

The shell casing in the face was captured accidentally too , as i was trying to capture Eric's way of handling the recoil, and the awesome muzzle blast.

The tiny tussle was accidental also. I noticed it as i was trying to capture clear images of the BP damage.

Although RR runs for only 16 minutes , i have found out that there is a hell of a lot of interesting things to see , and many of these things can be easily missed , especially when viewed at normal speed. I have only 3 and half minutes to cover , there is still lots more too see !

I think this frame by frame analysis gives us a great deal to consider in terms of body language and what is said during this tape. I feel like I've seen this video so many times and it's great to read others interpretations of the actions and events in this tape, some of which i had never even considered before. I always find it interesting how we can all watch the exact same piece of footage yet interpret what we are seeing differently.

From my perspective I re-watched the "thumbs up" section of the tape at 10:25, but to me it looks like Dylan's hand just happens to have fallen into that position after he fired his weapon as opposed to him giving his shot a thumbs up. This particular camera shot seems to be taken from a small clip of footage and i don't hear any reaction to signify whether or not Dylan made a particularly impressive shot. I'll have to give it another watch but i'm not sure if feel like Dylan is giving his shot a thumbs up reaction.
I had never noticed Eric's shell practically hitting him in the face before at around the 10:36 mark, he doesn't appear to acknowledge this and neither does anyone else.
The first time i saw RR and saw Eric squatting down and firing his carbine , the Neil Gardner " shootout " came to mind , simply because Eric was shooting from a low position and was squatting / crouching.

I think Dylan was giving a thumbs up sign , Dylan fires a shot , he is holding the barrel with his right hand , takes his right hand away from the SG and holds up the SG with his left hand and raises the thumb of his right hand , and holds it still for a moment .That is what i see. I have to admit , Dylan's thumb wasn't fully raised.

 Eric knew a shell was about to hit him in the face , he winces and jerks his head and tries to avoid it , but he doesn't react quickly enough. If you watch that sequence , Eric is firing and reloading from the hip.
The reason why Eric's face came into contact with a shell , was because he reloaded the SG quite close to his face.
Nobody else reacted either because , they may not have seen it , they were too busy focused on the targets.
Bear in mind , these people did not react , in any way what so ever , when Dylan turned the SG on himself ,no one said a single word. Eric looked over with a blank expression on his face. If i witnessed that i would have said something.
Its not everyday that a friend loads a SG and points it at himself. 

There is so much we can learn about Eric and Dylan , and a hell of a lot can be learnt from watching RR.
If RR had never been released to the public , we would all be talking about it for the next 20 years , without a doubt.
Every time i watch it , i see something new and i feel like i am learning more about Eric and Dylan , especially their violent and suicidal tendencies.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 3:56 pm

If  "Rampart Range" had been locked away from the public eye , as other material has been , myself and a hell of a lot of other people would be asking questions , like these.


I wonder how Eric looked firing his Shotgun?
I wonder how Eric looked firing his Carbine?
Did Eric practice firing his SG with one hand?
How accurate was Eric's SG?
How accurate was Eric's SG after he chopped it?
Could Eric handle the SG recoil ?
Was Eric a good marksmen?
What was Eric using as targets?
Was Eric's SG in good condition?
How fast could Eric rack a round and shoot a round?
Did Eric ever blow away the muzzle smoke?
How did Eric handle Arlene?
Did Eric hold Arlene in a vertical position? Near his mouth and blow smoke away?
How did Eric react when he hit a target?
There was a lot of " WOO HOO " said during the killings , did Eric act like that ,as he hit targets?
If Eric hit a target at quite a distance and was proud of his shot , how did he react? 
Did Eric look confident shooting his firearms?
I wonder what clothes Eric was wearing?
I wonder if he wore his ball cap ?
I wonder if he wore his trench coat?
Did Eric bring along any fireworks?
Did Eric bring along any pipe bombs?
What did Eric talk about that day?
What did Eric say in between shots?
Was Eric happy that day?
What kind of a mood was Eric in that day?

Those are just a few questions that would have been asked for over 20 years ,had RR been locked away from the public eye. ALL THOSE QUESTIONS and much more , HAVE BEEN ANSWERED IN RR the movie !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 4:28 pm


I wonder how Dylan looked firing his SG.
I wonder how Dylan looked firing his T9.
Dylan's SG only held two shells ,how long did it take for him to reload?
How accurate was Dylan's SG after he chopped it?
Could Dylan handle the SG recoil?
Was Dylan a good marksmen?
What did Dylan use as targets?
Did Dylan blow away the SG's muzzle smoke?
How did Dylan react when he hit a target?
During the massacre Dylan said " WOO HOO" , Did he react in this way , as he hit the targets?
Did Dylan look confident with his firearms?
What was Dylan wearing?
Did Dylan wear a ball cap?
Did Dylan wear a trench coat?
Did Dylan bring any fireworks?
Did Dylan bring any pipe bombs?
What did Dylan talk about that day?
What did Dylan say in between shots?
Was Dylan happy that day ?
What kind of a mood was Dylan in that day?
How accurate was Dylan when firing his T9?
Did Dylan practice fast firing with his T9?
How accurate was Dylan when rapid firing his T9?

All those questions are answered in the movie !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 2:20 am

Hey, rik75! that's a tremendous job you've been doing. It is fascinating to look at Rampage Range in detail. There's so much to catch once you take scenes one by one. We actually see how they handled arms and a lot of the dynamic between each other as well. Unless I'm forgetting something, it's really the only video we have where we see them being themselves and talk between themselves, not ''in character'' as in their other productions.

Now, my hope is that one day, you get to do the same for the Basement Tapes you're doing now for RR!

"Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape."
- American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis (1991)
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 10:58 am

JayJay wrote:
Now, my hope is that one day, you get to do the same for the Basement Tapes you're doing now for RR!

Now that would be fascinating  Smile 
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 12:42 pm

(13:39) Eric and Dylan show us their " battle wounds."

[They both have cuts between thumb and index fingers.]

[ When you saw off a gun at both ends , naturally you will be left with rough and sharp edges. E & D didn't bother smoothing out those rough edges , with a file or grinder. That probably wasn't on their long list of priorities regarding NBK.]

PD " .....With guns."

Dylan points to the camera and warns us :

DK : " Don't play with cut off Shotguns !"                              Eric shows us his cuts.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                  [Dylan's cuts are on his left hand and Eric's cuts are on his right hand.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

         [ Dylan and Eric both appear to be quite amused about their " battle wounds."]

[Phil highlights the dangers of illegally sawing off a SG.]

PD : " Guns are bad , when you saw them off and make them illegal , bad things happen to you !"

DK : " Yeah."

                    Dylan's wounds.                                                Eric's wounds.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

   [ Notice Dylan's hand , his fingers are quite long and slender. Kind of like Pianist fingers.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   [ Eric's fingers are slender too. Not quite as long as Dylan's.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                              Eric lowers his head and smiles at the camera.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            Eric has a dimple on his chin. [ Baby faced killer.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

PD : " Just say no to sawed offs !"

Eric takes Phil's advice and jokingly reprimands Arlene.

                                                 [ Dylan is holding Arlene.]

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[ Notice how small Arlene looks in Dylan's hands.]

Eric appears , grabbing hold of Arlene with his left hand.

[ Notice Eric's left hand , it is tightly wrapped around Arlene's barrel.]

[ Although Eric is dead , his body language speaks volumes.]

[ Around Arlene , Eric's acts quite possessive and controlling.]

[ Eric wants Arlene to himself.]

[Eric playfully slaps Arlene.]  
                                                           Slaps her once.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                        Slaps her twice.

                                          Eric reprimands Arlene : " Baaaaaad!"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                    Slaps her three times.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Dylan also reprimands Arlene.

                      DK : " No.......

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                        .......No !

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                      .........No !"

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 3:19 pm

(13:54) We have a very short clip. Almost one second of film. The camera started filming , and then stopped filming quite abruptly. 

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Jessica's hair looks quite golden in the sunlight.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

            (13:55) Jessica takes a shot with Arlene , she was warned about the kick.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                               BANG ! FIREBALL OF FURY ! !

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                  Jessica begins to feel the AWESOME recoil.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   The trigger end begins to fall , and the muzzle end begins to rise.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            Jessica rested the SG on her left arm , for stability.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                  Arlene came incredibly close to Jessica's face. 

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                  JM: " Holy shit !"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                   Everyone has a laugh.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 05, 2014 3:26 pm

(14:06) Mark fires two shots with his rifle , aiming at BP's , Mark hits them both.

              [ A moment before Mark fires his first shot , Eric says : " Shot in the head."]

                     [ Eric throws something into the woods , probably threw it at the BP]
                         Mark is very pleased with himself and says : " Yeah !"

                                                    DK : " Two in a row."

                                                    MM : " Right up its ass."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   Marks fires at the BP's laying on their side , to the left of the tree.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                 EH : " Another high one."

                                                EH : " Whoa ! That got it!"

                                           PD : " What you shooting at man?"

                                        EH : " Shot the center one , right up the butt."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                        Phil uses the rifle and aims for the BP's.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                      Phil fires three rounds and misses the BP's , turns around and asks :

                                              PD : " Was i shooting high ?"

                                              EH : " A little bit."

                                      DK : " A little bit and little to the....left."

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                                 Phil fires two more rounds , and misses the BP's.

                           Phil fires three more rounds and hits a BP with each shot.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                       [Phil holds up his BP's with much pride.]

            PD : " Stuff these and hang em on my wall  man , right above my fireplace."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                           PD : " That thing ripped that mother fucker up , dude."

                            [ Eric is filming. / Dylan's hand right hand suddenly appears.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                    [ Reaching for the BP.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                         [ Curiosity drives Dylan's right hand.] 

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

[ Because Dylan wants to feel the bullet damage , touch it and fiddle with it with his fingers.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                              PD : " Damn ! Yo Mark ! Look!"

                                           [ Phil goes over to show Mark his BP.]

      [ Eric is filming , when Phil walked away , Dylan quickly asks Eric to look at the tree.]

                                   DK : " Reb ! You see all the SG pellet holes?"

                                  [ Reb turns around and begins to film the tree ] 

                                          Reb : " This is what a slug does."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                       Reb : " 9 MM."                                                   " SLUG."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            " 9 MM."                                                    " SLUG."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            DK : " Oh this is a Shot....i think this is a SG here too."

                                                        Reb : " Where?"

                                                       DK : " Right here."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                        [ Reb laughs.]

                                                      DK : " Goddammit!"

                                          Reb : " What about those down there?"

                                                       DK : " Where?"

         Reb : " That's form the SK , or the...                            DK : "... Desert?"

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                               [ Dylan probes the " wound " with his sun glasses.]

                                        Reb : " I don't know what that's from."

                             DK : " I think its from the...." [ Camera stops filming.]

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                                        Reb : " This is a normal tree that was wasted"

                                                  MM : " Hey Reb ! Rebel."

                                                   Reb : " Hold on."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   Reb : " Good tree."                                              " Bad."

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                                                       [ REBEL laughs.]
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 06, 2014 12:02 pm

JayJay wrote:
Hey, rik75! that's a tremendous job you've been doing. It is fascinating to look at Rampage Range in detail. There's so much to catch once you take scenes one by one. We actually see how they handled arms and a lot of the dynamic between each other as well. Unless I'm forgetting something, it's really the only video we have where we see them being themselves and talk between themselves, not ''in character'' as in their other productions.

Now, my hope is that one day, you get to do the same for the Basement Tapes you're doing now for RR!
Thank you JayJay ! I appreciate it. We can learn so much about Eric and Dylan in RR.
As you said , we can see E/D being themselves , handling their firearms. I believe RR doesn't get the recognition and attention it deserves ( not because it is a great piece of motion pictures ) , for several reasons. Some people ( a good friend of mine , i am trying to get her interested in NBK  ),  are not interested in the movie and say , " RR is a short movie about E/D target practicing in the woods , just shooting at BP's and trees , yeah so what ?" We can look more deeply than that. 

When i watch RR and work on this thread , taking lots of still pics , looking at scenes frame by frame , i can easily put myself , my eyes and ears , into CHS on 20/4/99 during NBK. I would have never been able to do that without RR. Without RR i would never have been able to see Eric and Dylan standing side by side , wearing their trench coats and being armed to the teeth with weapons that are powerful as hell , firing the weapons , THE weapons , the weapons they both used to kill so many people.

On page 3 of this thread , i outlined many questions of which , would have been asked for several decades  if RR had been banned from public view by the authorities. Those questions are answered in the movie. Not only do we see E/D firing their murder weapons , we can also witness their violent and suicidal tendencies. NBK was merely six weeks away and we can clearly see E/D honing their shooting skills as they prepare for " their life's work and judgement day."

We can see Eric and Dylan's " normal side." As far as Mark , Phil and Jessica are concerned , E/D are exactly that , " normal " , just normal kids having fun by shooting a few rounds. MM/PD/JM never knew exactly what kind of boys accompanied them at Rampart Range that day. They never knew they were spending the day with two incredibly dangerous mass murderers , of which will live in infamy for all of time.
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 Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 08, 2014 7:03 am

(15:45) Reb is filming the bullet damaged tree and zooms in for a closer look.

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                            PD : " ....Right way , gotta chop em down with a gun."

                                                       Reb : " Yeah."

                                                        DK : " Laughs."

               PD : " Fucking shot it with Marks .45 once dude , Fucking thing fell over."

                          [ Phil shows us the tree he " chopped down with a gun." ]

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Shotgun shells litter the area. Reb films the others as they pick up the spent shell casings.

                                         Reb : " Just a few Shotgun shells."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

(16:05) Jessica is firing Marks rifle , aiming for two BP's.

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Misses the first shot of three.

MM : " Left." 

Jessica misses all three shots.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 09, 2014 10:58 pm

rik75 wrote:
(13:39) Eric and Dylan show us their " battle wounds."

[They both have cuts between thumb and index fingers.]

[ When you saw off a gun at both ends , naturally you will be left with rough and sharp edges. E & D didn't bother smoothing out those rough edges , with a file or grinder. That probably wasn't on their long list of priorities regarding NBK.]

PD " .....With guns."

Dylan points to the camera and warns us :

DK : " Don't play with cut off Shotguns !"                              Eric shows us his cuts.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                  [Dylan's cuts are on his left hand and Eric's cuts are on his right hand.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

         [ Dylan and Eric both appear to be quite amused about their " battle wounds."]

[Phil highlights the dangers of illegally sawing off a SG.]

PD : " Guns are bad , when you saw them off and make them illegal , bad things happen to you !"

DK : " Yeah."

                    Dylan's wounds.                                                Eric's wounds.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

   [ Notice Dylan's hand , his fingers are quite long and slender. Kind of like Pianist fingers.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   [ Eric's fingers are slender too. Not quite as long as Dylan's.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                              Eric lowers his head and smiles at the camera.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            Eric has a dimple on his chin. [ Baby faced killer.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

PD : " Just say no to sawed offs !"

Eric takes Phil's advice and jokingly reprimands Arlene.

                                                 [ Dylan is holding Arlene.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

[ Notice how small Arlene looks in Dylan's hands.]

Eric appears , grabbing hold of Arlene with his left hand.

[ Notice Eric's left hand , it is tightly wrapped around Arlene's barrel.]

[ Although Eric is dead , his body language speaks volumes.]

[ Around Arlene , Eric's acts quite possessive and controlling.]

[ Eric wants Arlene to himself.]

[Eric playfully slaps Arlene.]  
                                                           Slaps her once.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                        Slaps her twice.

                                          Eric reprimands Arlene : " Baaaaaad!"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                    Slaps her three times.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Dylan also reprimands Arlene.

                      DK : " No.......

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                        .......No !

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                      .........No !"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Can I just ask why the size of their fingers matter?
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 10, 2014 5:28 am

Ivan wrote:
rik75 wrote:
(13:39) Eric and Dylan show us their " battle wounds."

[They both have cuts between thumb and index fingers.]

[ When you saw off a gun at both ends , naturally you will be left with rough and sharp edges. E & D didn't bother smoothing out those rough edges , with a file or grinder. That probably wasn't on their long list of priorities regarding NBK.]

PD " .....With guns."

Dylan points to the camera and warns us :

DK : " Don't play with cut off Shotguns !"                              Eric shows us his cuts.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                  [Dylan's cuts are on his left hand and Eric's cuts are on his right hand.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

         [ Dylan and Eric both appear to be quite amused about their " battle wounds."]

[Phil highlights the dangers of illegally sawing off a SG.]

PD : " Guns are bad , when you saw them off and make them illegal , bad things happen to you !"

DK : " Yeah."

                    Dylan's wounds.                                                Eric's wounds.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

   [ Notice Dylan's hand , his fingers are quite long and slender. Kind of like Pianist fingers.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                   [ Eric's fingers are slender too. Not quite as long as Dylan's.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                              Eric lowers his head and smiles at the camera.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                            Eric has a dimple on his chin. [ Baby faced killer.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

PD : " Just say no to sawed offs !"

Eric takes Phil's advice and jokingly reprimands Arlene.

                                                 [ Dylan is holding Arlene.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

[ Notice how small Arlene looks in Dylan's hands.]

Eric appears , grabbing hold of Arlene with his left hand.

[ Notice Eric's left hand , it is tightly wrapped around Arlene's barrel.]

[ Although Eric is dead , his body language speaks volumes.]

[ Around Arlene , Eric's acts quite possessive and controlling.]

[ Eric wants Arlene to himself.]

[Eric playfully slaps Arlene.]  
                                                           Slaps her once.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                        Slaps her twice.

                                          Eric reprimands Arlene : " Baaaaaad!"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                                                    Slaps her three times.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Dylan also reprimands Arlene.

                      DK : " No.......

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                        .......No !

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

                      .........No !"

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Can I just ask why the size of their fingers matter?
When i noticed the size of Dylan's fingers , i was thinking about Dylan firing his Shotgun.
Dylan's Shotgun had two triggers , one for each barrel. Long slender fingers are ideal for pulling both triggers at the same time. I didn't mention that in the thread , i intending on doing so , but i simply forgot , and stated Dylan had , " pianist fingers." Comparing both Eric and Dylan's finger size was merely an observation of mine.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 10, 2014 12:19 pm

So , after 400+ pictures / A couple of hundred words / A couple of dozen hours.

We have reached the end of " RAMPART RANGE."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 10, 2014 12:20 pm

rik75 wrote:
So , after 400+ pictures / A couple of hundred words / A couple of dozen hours.

We have reached the end of " RAMPART RANGE."

 cheers You have done a great job on this thread.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 11, 2014 4:58 am

queenfarooq wrote:
rik75 wrote:
So , after 400+ pictures / A couple of hundred words / A couple of dozen hours.

We have reached the end of " RAMPART RANGE."

 cheers You have done a great job on this thread.
Thank you , i appreciate it ! I really enjoyed analyzing Eric and Dylan's behavior. I have learnt a great deal about them both too. All of which could only have be done with RR. Without RR , i could never have been able to witness E/D , wearing their trench coats AND firing their murder weapons. Yes , i have gained a massive insight into their behavior. 
I also hope this thread has helped other's and aided them in gaining a better insight into Eric and Dylan's behavior , especially regarding their firearms , and their attitudes regarding violence and suicide.
Thank you queenfarooq  Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 11, 2014 6:05 am

Thanks for the work, Rik. It was thoroughly interesting and revealed many things I would've normally not spotted. Are you doing Radioactive Clothing next?
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