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 Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???

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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2020 6:15 pm

Hello! I have found a photo of Dylan eating a donut, which I never saw before, it looks like it came out of ABC. Try to find the origin of this image, but I only see old pages from 2008 where the image has very poor quality, however the one I found (from a twitter post) has enough, does anyone know where this photo is from? Please help! I searched documentaries and ABC interviews but I found nothing ...[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2020 7:21 pm

there was a guy on youtube who was also trying to track down where the photo was from but kept hitting a brick wall. the picture he showed was of crappy quality and had a GMA emblem on the top left. I recently came across the good quality pic that you posted and thought that someone finally solved the puzzle...but no.
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2020 9:11 pm

It is really mysterious where this image comes from, from a documentary or lost interview too? It looks like a video ... but if it has the ABC logo it should come from somewhere
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 3:15 am

Holy crap! Thank you so much for sharing. It's said that this was aired during Dykemans GMA interview and people seem to think it was part of the morning ritual video. The old clubhate zine that went with the trenchcoat diaries video tape says it was the day before the shooting which i believe is more likely. It's clear that it aired more than once so this increases our chances of finding the footage if it even is a video. It looks like someone is possibly posing next to him but was cut out.
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 11:47 am

Of course! It is very strange, perhaps the image was only broadcast ... or perhaps the video in some lost report or documentary, but this image only confirms its existence! I hope it can be found soon....
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 12:31 am

Some more info here I found;

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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 10:33 am

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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 2:58 pm

interesting! thanks!
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2020 4:01 pm

I've never seen that picture so clear. You can even make out his mustache!
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 11:33 pm

you can see his reservoir dogs "serial killer" shirt.
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2020 8:43 pm

when you have a look at the "breakfast run" video, you can see dylan wearing exactly the same clothings in the video (at the beginning when he run to the car) as in the screenshot picture. the backward cap, the sunglasses and the reservoir dogs shirt. it will also matches the time when he had his moustache. so i think it's safe to say it should be from the end of the video and the video on youtube is missing the end where the screenshot is from. dylan may eat his mini cinnamon roll in the screenshot
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 1:34 am

303 wrote:
when you have a look at the "breakfast run" video, you can see dylan wearing exactly the same clothings in the video (at the beginning when he run to the car) as in the screenshot picture. the backward cap, the sunglasses and the reservoir dogs shirt. it will also matches the time when he had his moustache. so i think it's safe to say it should be from the end of the video and the video on youtube is missing the end where the screenshot is from. dylan may eat his mini cinnamon roll in the screenshot

I think it's highly possible it was the same day but he wore all 3 often and I don't think that's the best way to judge when this was taken. I also don't think it was from the video because it's way too clear. Dylan didn't order anything from Burger King in the video. Eric Jackson was the one that got the cinnaminnies.
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 9:27 am

i remember CVA hunting for this video and thought he found it after seeing this pic but i guess not :/

i miss his channel
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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???   Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut??? Icon_minitime

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Very rare photo of Dylan Klebold eating a donut???
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