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 Brooks Brown's personal facebook page

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PostSubject: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 11:26 pm

If it interests anyone. He has set it up mainly to redirect the comments and questions away from his personal Facebook account. I personally thought he was getting away from his columbine connection.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 11:45 pm

Wow, thank you for sharing this. I have 'liked' his page!

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 12:21 am

Thanks for this.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 1:13 pm

He also has a Tumblr and he is soooooo hillarious:

He told someone that said that many Columbiners wanted his dick, that his dick was too alive for them to want.

Almost rolling on the floor lol!

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 1:28 pm

tragedy79 wrote:
He also has a Tumblr and he is soooooo hillarious:

He told someone that said that many Columbiners wanted his dick, that his dick was too alive for them to want.

Almost rolling on the floor lol!

"I assume they meant an army of dudes, not 15 year old girls on tumblr. I may be wrong." He is the sarcasm king. I have new found liking of Brooks.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 2:00 pm

areyoulistening wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
He also has a Tumblr and he is soooooo hillarious:

He told someone that said that many Columbiners wanted his dick, that his dick was too alive for them to want.

Almost rolling on the floor lol!

"I assume they meant an army of dudes, not 15 year old girls on tumblr. I may be wrong." He is the sarcasm king. I have new found liking of Brooks.
Yeah...I think he is awesome!

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 9:03 pm

Quote :
OP:"Do you believe Dylan and Eric might have slept with prostitutes?"
Brooks Brown: lol what?

Wow! I am laughing at the stupid questions. lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 9:11 pm

philosopher_king wrote:
Quote :
OP:"Do you believe Dylan and Eric might have slept with prostitutes?"
Brooks Brown: lol what?

Wow! I am laughing at the stupid questions. lol!

"How do you feel about Dave Cullen's book, Columbine? - Anonymous

Answer: It contradicts direct experience I had as well as almost all reporting from the first five years. so…yeah."

I like that he's just confirmed its a crock santa

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 1:29 am

All of those quotes are fantastic. It's incredible how many of those people still don't "get" that he's rather sickened by how they act. Also, I checked that tag, and I see that there's very little being posted now that they know he's around. I think it's great that he made his tumblr known, but it's also hilarious that a lot of them think he made it for them. As you can see, he's been posting randomly on that account for three years.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 3:12 pm

He looks like a funny guy - lol'd hard at all the weird anon questions

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 3:16 pm

Laeda wrote:
He looks like a funny guy - lol'd hard at all the weird anon questions

Funny or funny looking? Lol

“And may you grow to be proud
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 3:52 pm

My Question:
You dont have to answer this, if you dont want to- but when you look back, do you think, that Eric and Dylan were mentally ill or just evil? Do you believe that Eric was a psychopath? Do you believe that Dylan had schizotypical personality disorder or was even schizophren? - Anonymous

His Answer:
I don’t believe in evil. he probably believe, that they were mentally ill.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 4:13 pm

My favourite one so far has been the ask What did Eric smell like?

Apparently he smelled like HUGE SIGH lolz

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 4:13 pm

My favourite one so far has been the ask What did Eric smell like?

Apparently he smelled like HUGE SIGH lolz

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 6:52 pm

Hale-Bopp wrote:
My Question:
You dont have to answer this, if you dont want to- but when you look back, do you think, that Eric and Dylan were mentally ill or just evil? Do you believe that Eric was a psychopath? Do you believe that Dylan had schizotypical personality disorder or was even schizophren? - Anonymous

His Answer:
I don’t believe in evil. he probably believe, that they were mentally ill.

He does. He believes that they both were psychopaths, not just Eric.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 9:48 pm

"Is it weird for you to see all these girls obsess over Dylan? I mean you grew up with the guy so it must be odd to see all these little "crushes" people have on him, 14 years later, after all this time - Anonymous

Very. Dude was not what they think."

Man, I'd love to know what he means by that.

If Frodo can get the ring to Mordor, you can get out of bed.
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Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 12:32 am

Looks like he's leaving.
I figured it was only a matter of time

"If it moves kill it, if it doesn't burn it."
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Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 2:34 am

areyoulistening wrote:
"Is it weird for you to see all these girls obsess over Dylan? I mean you grew up with the guy so it must be odd to see all these little "crushes" people have on him, 14 years later, after all this time - Anonymous

Very. Dude was not what they think."

Man, I'd love to know what he means by that.

He's quite the tease. I'm not really sure I understand the point of his little stint on Tumblr. Being in the gaming industry, playing games 2-3 hours per day and surfing the interwebs means this guy, most assuredly, was informed about the atmosphere on Tumblr by friends, co-workers and whatnot that Tumblr is a big place for the younger, teenage crowd and Columbiner heavy. Given that, he should have already known a bit what to expect, that the Columbiners are going to vomit questions like they have Tourettes Syndrome. I mean, he opens up the table under various tags (including #Columbine) , like a deluge the Columbine question come leaking in the woodwork and then he plays a tease game with the :Rolling Eyes: one line half-answers. Well, gee, what did he expect? It's not exactly Reddit or Facebook with the older crowd he respects. The dude is playing to a different audience. You have to adapt if you're going to jump in with the "experiment". At first he started out friendly and non-judgemental but the more he resisted and withheld the more people pounced on him with those questions. As much as the Columbiners invoked drama, his snobby, sarcastic tone engaged them in the dance of drama. If he wanted people to gain some self aggrandizing publicity via his top notch Cameron job and his award winning games, then wouldn't Tumblr be kinda the wrong audience to be playing to? I mean, perhaps he's uber well-known in gaming or estoteric philosphical forums? I guess? Maybe he should have snuck on Tumblr without announcing and posted in tags he felt more relevant to the type of questions he wanted to receive? Idk. Fact is, a great many people associate Brooks Brown with Columbine, for obvious reasons, and that they read his book "No Easy Answers" and so, yeah, those are the Q's he will reap. Duh. He seems to not even be the same person that wrote that book. Sure, his book is a decade old now but he almost sounds like he doesn't embrace much of what he said in it. His "answers" to questions regarding E &D & Columbine are more avoidant or deflective. Perhaps, if he maybe tossed a bone here and there, people would have chilled a bit more. I get that he's tired of these questions. He makes it abundantly clear in how tight-lipped his reactive responses are. Again, my point is: why go to Tumblr and expect to having a meeting of the minds with intellectual banter? I get the feeling the guy subconsciously keeps putting himself in the spot light for attention and then gets all knee-jerk critical with people because, oh gosh, darn, they're asking him about THAT again. Well, yeah. What did he expect? Perhaps, he only wants "How many rounds of World of Warcraft have you played?" or "what is his favorite songs on Songify, Mr. Brooks"? (and he WAS asked plenty of these friendly get-to-know-you NON Columbine questions. ) But, uh, yeah, what else is it appropriate to ask Mr. Successful game design so he won't roll his eyes at the peasants? In the end, it's a bit like walking on eggshells and you have to wonder if his little exercise was ultimately a fear or love choice in motivation. Cool Again, bottomline: if the young, passionate Tumblr gen swayed him to leave after a couple of days then he shouldn't have ventured there in the first place. There's plenty of other social media forums he could join to help push his job-related publicity and not have to appear as the relunctant celebrity victim of Columbine.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 2:48 am

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
areyoulistening wrote:
"Is it weird for you to see all these girls obsess over Dylan? I mean you grew up with the guy so it must be odd to see all these little "crushes" people have on him, 14 years later, after all this time - Anonymous

Very. Dude was not what they think."

Man, I'd love to know what he means by that.

He's quite the tease. I'm not really sure I understand the point of his little stint on Tumblr. Being in the gaming industry, playing games 2-3 hours per day and surfing the interwebs means this guy, most assuredly, was informed about the atmosphere on Tumblr by friends, co-workers and whatnot that Tumblr is a big place for the younger, teenage crowd and Columbiner heavy. Given that, he should have already known a bit what to expect, that the Columbiners are going to vomit questions like they have Tourettes Syndrome. I mean, he opens up the table under various tags (including #Columbine) , like a deluge the Columbine question come leaking in the woodwork and then he plays a tease game with the :Rolling Eyes: one line half-answers. Well, gee, what did he expect? It's not exactly Reddit or Facebook with the older crowd he respects. The dude is playing to a different audience. You have to adapt if you're going to jump in with the "experiment". At first he started out friendly and non-judgemental but the more he resisted and withheld the more people pounced on him with those questions. As much as the Columbiners invoked drama, his snobby, sarcastic tone engaged them in the dance of drama. If he wanted people to gain some self aggrandizing publicity via his top notch Cameron job and his award winning games, then wouldn't Tumblr be kinda the wrong audience to be playing to? I mean, perhaps he's uber well-known in gaming or estoteric philosphical forums? I guess? Maybe he should have snuck on Tumblr without announcing and posted in tags he felt more relevant to the type of questions he wanted to receive? Idk. Fact is, a great many people associate Brooks Brown with Columbine, for obvious reasons, and that they read his book "No Easy Answers" and so, yeah, those are the Q's he will reap. Duh. He seems to not even be the same person that wrote that book. Sure, his book is a decade old now but he almost sounds like he doesn't embrace much of what he said in it. His "answers" to questions regarding E &D & Columbine are more avoidant or deflective. Perhaps, if he maybe tossed a bone here and there, people would have chilled a bit more. I get that he's tired of these questions. He makes it abundantly clear in how tight-lipped his reactive responses are. Again, my point is: why go to Tumblr and expect to having a meeting of the minds with intellectual banter? I get the feeling the guy subconsciously keeps putting himself in the spot light for attention and then gets all knee-jerk critical with people because, oh gosh, darn, they're asking him about THAT again. Well, yeah. What did he expect? Perhaps, he only wants "How many rounds of World of Warcraft have you played?" or "what is his favorite songs on Songify, Mr. Brooks"? (and he WAS asked plenty of these friendly get-to-know-you NON Columbine questions. ) But, uh, yeah, what else is it appropriate to ask Mr. Successful game design so he won't roll his eyes at the peasants? In the end, it's a bit like walking on eggshells and you have to wonder if his little exercise was ultimately a fear or love choice in motivation. Cool Again, bottomline: if the young, passionate Tumblr gen swayed him to leave after a couple of days then he shouldn't have ventured there in the first place. There's plenty of other social media forums he could join to help push his job-related publicity and not have to appear as the relunctant celebrity victim of Columbine.

I agree with eveything you said and in reference to his new Facebook page, if he is tired of answering questions about Columbine, he shouldn't have made the page. Half the questions he doesn't even answer and the other half he gives half ass answers. Like nothing he is saying is really worth anything, IMO. He should have known people were going to ask him about Columbine. I mean he put in the description. 'Hello I am Brooks Brown, from Columbine', or something along those lines.

I also agree, that Brooks and his parents used this massacre for media attention. And within days of the massacre too. Always the first ones to do interviews and such.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 5:34 am

I really do understand what you're saying, Jenn and InFiNiNcEX5. All of your points are very valid. I do think he should have been a little more prepared than he's making it seem for what awaited him on tumblr, of all places. Especially considering all of the different interactions he's had with people of that ilk since the shooting happened.

I will say this, though, and I understand it's not that great of a comparison. I didn't really know much about tumblr until later winter/early spring of last year, regarding any topic. I found some great photos of bands and things through google image search that came from tumblr, and then when I got back into reading about columbine this past spring, I was looking for an article that was taken down at some point in 2007 or 2008 (I stopped looking into columbine in mid 2008. Lots of things were going on, and researching about it from around 2003 until that point was sort of taking a toll. It gets really sad, as I'm certain any of you know). So, I looked up this article, and it had been taken offline back in 07 or 08, and was still offline, but someone had it scanned on tumblr. I thought that was great, and at that point in time last year, some people were still into interesting discussion about columbine on tumblr. I did see lots of fangirls and other foolishness, but it wasn't as prominent as it is now. Honestly. So, even though Brooks does act the way he does about things sometimes, maybe he honestly didn't think it was ONLY going to be these sorts of fangirls.

I have to say, and I hope you understand my point, that a good number of them only know about the subject because they watched Zero Day and Elephant. I'm not saying that it matters overall how you find out about something; it doesn't diminish your interest or anything, but there is this enormous fantasy aspect with a lot of the people in that tag who know about it through those means. Almost like Trekkies or any other cult following. There's very little reality behind the interest, and they don't want reality. They say they do, but you can clearly see that they don't. Maybe he really didn't expect that. He probably expected hero worship and other general misinformation, but not fan art, and homosexual ("shipping" Dylan and Eric) fanfic, the other (very funny in some cases, but demented) fanfic, and all of the other stubborn, delusional behavior. A huge reason why I'm pointing this part out is because they're literally mad at him for telling them Zero Day isn't a good film, or a good representation. I personally find that reaction to him saying that hilariously stupid.

The other thing is, yes, he did tag posts in the columbine tag, BUT, he's been on tumblr for three years. If you look at his archive, he's been posting since 2010. He didn't just join tumblr to post in that tag, for them, the way many of them seem to think he did. So, I personally do believe that he is back on for work purposes, at least somewhat. Tumblr DOES get things spread VERY quickly, and all age ranges post there for different reasons. HOWEVER, no matter what, he should have been prepared for more than he's making it seem, even if he didn't know exactly what type of mindset he was going to encounter. He should have expected the worst in this case. And, I think he should have turned off anonymous messaging sooner than he has. One other thing I noticed is that perhaps he did this; making the fb page and making himself known on tumblr, because the tumblr fangirls were incessantly messaging him on his private page. Last year I'd see them posting screen shots of messages they sent him, and doing the same with his replies, if he'd send any. Maybe he just wanted to give them a chance. At the same time, please don't think that I don't see the point about how clueless it is that he should have expected the worst.

I do agree that sometimes when you see his contributions to documentaries, and other interviews it seems as though he very much enjoys doing them. His parents can be confusing, but at the same time their ferocity in sticking to the subject does come from a reasonable place. They tried to warn law enforcement for a year or more about Eric's behavior, and as we all know they did NOTHING about it. That weighs very heavily on one's conscience when 13 people were killed, and 14 children total ended up dead.

But, in the end, he shouldn't have kept anonymous messaging on for that long, or at all. He COULD have looked deeper into the tag before he did this. He'd definitely see what he was in for if he had. I really don't think he did. I think he looked at people's blogs as they sent messages in, and "liked' different posts he made. And it wasn't the wisest idea to do something like this when he's been asked to promote things for his job via that medium. Live and learn. Now, if he lets it go on longer than he says he's going to, he REALLY has no one to blame but himself.
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Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 11:56 pm

Well someone has posted some naughty things about Brooks. Some of which shouldn't be posted. It has gone too creepy which is why I am glad I left Tumblr for good. No
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Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 12:03 am

I support Brooks, glad to see him doing his thing.

He's always done a great job of saying the truth about bullying at Columbine, and his tribute to Joe Stair was truly moving. (anyone remember the old blog link to that? A pox upon *****!)

As for the parents being interview-happy, well, after the bullshit with Stone telling the public Brooks was involved to try and capsize the family for speaking out about the cops ignoring their warnings, I think that got them obsessed with speaking the truth.

Randy Brown is an honorable man and possibly the best researcher out there, imo.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:25 am

philosopher_king wrote:
Well someone has posted some naughty things about Brooks. Some of which shouldn't be posted. It has gone too creepy which is why I am glad I left Tumblr for good. No

Never a dull moment on Tumblr. What has been seen can not be UNseen, unfortunately. Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:28 am

MnM wrote:

He's always done a great job of saying the truth about bullying at Columbine, and his tribute to Joe Stair was truly moving. (anyone remember the old blog link to that? A pox upon *****!)

Agreed about his consistency regarding the bullying at Columbine. Would like to see this tribute..
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:41 am

Jenn wrote:

I agree with eveything you said and in reference to his new Facebook page, if he is tired of answering questions about Columbine, he shouldn't have made the page. Half the questions he doesn't even answer and the other half he gives half ass answers. Like nothing he is saying is really worth anything, IMO. He should have known people were going to ask him about Columbine. I mean he put in the description. 'Hello I am Brooks Brown, from Columbine', or something along those line.

I also agree, that Brooks and his parents used this massacre for media attention. And within days of the massacre too. Always the first ones to do interviews and such.

Yes, I'd appreciate if he'd just own it and be straight forward with his background. He seems to already know that he has to get through all the Columbine questions for things to settle down but why not be cooperative, dispel myths, give us a few inside bits. Set people straight - especially those who have an idealized version of E&D in their heads. After all, he wrote a book on the subject a decade ago. That book can't do all the talking for him when he's interacting present day in a Q/A type setting. Plus, you can just tell there is an evolving arc in his mindset on the subject that differs from 2002.

It's too bad he is publicly so blunt about his own parents. Reflects on them mainly as 'sad' and 'angry' and still stewing over Columbine. Sounds like he hasn't connected with his family at home in ages. That, in itself, is sad. The ripples of Columbine are still echoing on in the most minute ways.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 6:51 am

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
philosopher_king wrote:
Well someone has posted some naughty things about Brooks. Some of which shouldn't be posted. It has gone too creepy which is why I am glad I left Tumblr for good. No

Never a dull moment on Tumblr. What has been seen can not be UNseen, unfortunately. Rolling Eyes

OMG...and the drama continues!! I confess I was lurking on there today(maybe I should post that in the guilty pleasures thread), while eating an there were some pictures. affraid ...I gues I am not eating the rest of the sandwich anymore. Damn fangirls! I guess you were right about the not being able to unseen things anymore...yuck!

Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 8:40 am

I tried asking a couple of questions but tbh, I ran out of interest pretty rapidly. His answers to Volumbine questions were abrupt and uninformative. I don't game, don't care about Asia or coconut water. So I really had nothing to say to him. I never used Anon.

I did send a question to him about Columbine that he never answered. I gather that he felt the question was inappropriate, so he didn't answer, though I didn't see anything wrong with it.
(I would post it here to discuss but if Brooks wouldn't address it, maybe it is too controversial)

Either way, I do think he keeps putting himself out there and I agree that it's probably unconscious.
I haven't known any other survivor of the massacre go as public as Brooks has gone. Nor do I see any of Eric or Dylan's friends speak up very much (those that do seem to distance themselves from Eric which makes me wonder about it a lot)

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 9:40 am

BurnIt wrote:
His answers to Volumbine questions were abrupt and uninformative.
Not only Columbine-related ones, we had an exchange of q/a about videogames as I'm a gamer and designer myself but the kind of replies were still as uninterested as the Columbine ones - I guess it's just how he normally answers.

Though I understand it can be frustrating by his side, he can't have an 'internet social life' without being asked about his dead murderer friends and I guess most of the question are the creepest ever!

On another note the Columbine tag is becoming worse and worse, someone has a puzzle with the suicide photo.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 10:05 am

I saw that puzzle. Right after I saw the "Hey Girl want to go make some basement tapes?" Eric meme.
I hate the tag but I follow it anyway because to me, it's another aspect of Columbine. It's one more ripple in the pond that E&D made. I think the aftermath of Columbine, from bullying laws and gun control debates to fan girls and fanfic, is nearly as interesting as the massacre itself. It brings out the humanity in pretty much everyone, whether it's the good side or the darker side.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 12:29 pm

Yeah it can be interesting seeing both sides

What happened now that everyone's saying Brooks' a pedo scratch

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 12:37 pm

It is interesting how quick the conversation changed and how many more are talking about it.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 1:11 pm

I missed the pedo thing.
What happened?

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 1:45 pm

I don't know lol
It's allover the Columbine tag
Someone spread things about him being sexual with a columbiner half his age or something, I don't know where does this come from

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 1:53 pm

I found it.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 1:57 pm

BurnIt wrote:
I found it.

Did you find my lunch-ruining picture as well? Gross, huh? Tumblr-porn*shudder*

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:07 pm

I'm reading the online convo he had with her and I'm all grossed out.

I don't know if it's him although it's convincing.


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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:15 pm

Don't scroll down to the end!!! It will burn out your eyes. affraid

But I don't know either: I am still hoping it's just the Tumblrgirls revenging his shitty answers

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:18 pm

The whole idea of him entertaining the "want the hands that touched Dylan to touch me" thing...I'm just....I can't imagine that.
Who the fuck thinks like that? Ew.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 2:46 pm

Laeda wrote:
Yeah it can be interesting seeing both sides

What happened now that everyone's saying Brooks' a pedo scratch

I'd like to know about this too. I never visit Tumblr, so I don't know what has happened.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 3:27 pm

The convos are convincing but I'd rather think some fangirl got butthurt about him not telling them how many body hair Eric had or something

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 3:32 pm

Jenn wrote:
Laeda wrote:
Yeah it can be interesting seeing both sides

What happened now that everyone's saying Brooks' a pedo scratch

I'd like to know about this too. I never visit Tumblr, so I don't know what has happened.

They say that Brooks, was chatting with a 15 year old girl and that he did send her a masturbationvideo and some dickpics. Also chatting like he was Christian Grey himself...I am not sure if their evidence is real or not.....

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 3:35 pm

tragedy79 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
Laeda wrote:
Yeah it can be interesting seeing both sides

What happened now that everyone's saying Brooks' a pedo scratch

I'd like to know about this too. I never visit Tumblr, so I don't know what has happened.

They say that Brooks, was chatting with a 15 year old girl and that he did send her a masturbationvideo and some dickpics. Also chatting like he was Christian Grey himself...I am not sure if their evidence is real or not.....

Where is this evidence at or has it been removed? Do you think some fangirl just made this shit up?

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 3:43 pm

I think this link will take you there. Read while you can; I imagine it will likely be gone sooner rather than later.

Start from the bottom and work up. DON'T go to the very bottom unless you want the dick pic and the video fap.

I don't know if someone made this up or not. The way he "speaks" sounds like him. I hate to think such a thing about anyone, and I wouldn't repeat that Brooks is a pedo accusation. That's a very serious accusation to make.

I almost guarantee that even if this turns out to be fake, the details in it about Eric and Dylan will become an accepted part of fandom.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 4:28 pm

BurnIt wrote:

I almost guarantee that even if this turns out to be fake, the details in it about Eric and Dylan will become an accepted part of fandom.
OH, yeah. Completely agree.  If there IS a possibility it's true, it's a super pathetic, creepy way to lure in girls (quite literally) and to maintain a fantasy 'relationship' (if you can call it that) by using Columbine.  Baiting her with stories of E & D,  his dead "friends" as he refers to them, to get her to continue on touching base with him.   To quote Brooks himself during his first few days of Q/A on Tumblr "it's SAD".   Heh. Something equally if not more sad than the "obsessions" of the Columbiner fan girls or even his parents still being haunted and obsessed with Columbine.  It's the saddest of the sad.  I've skimmed the screen shots, yeah, the voice in the video (chagrin) definitely does sound a bit like him.
I do recall him putting a link for the first day or two on Tumblr.  Hm, wonder why?  Doesn't sound much like a blog that is "work related".

The tidbits about Dylan, Eric, Zach (is it spelled 'Zack' or 'Zach'?) seem... credible.  However, they are just that..little snippets.  Not really too much detail to go on.  I guess someone could scrap off the paint in the CHS soundbooth and check the facts?   Cool  He mentioned he tended to believe that Eric killed Dylan.  Not really sure how that's possible since Dylan fell on Eric's leg.  

I'm wondering if this is a big setup how people manage to type up 38 pages of snapshots with the level of detail.  Commendable if it's fake.  ha!
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 4:38 pm

Oh I wasn't talking about the video voice. I didn't watch the video. I don't want to see that, period, end of story, Brooks or not.
I meant the "voice" in the wording of the texts. They have the same tone. Things are "very interesting" or "fascinating" etc.

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 4:53 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
BurnIt wrote:

I almost guarantee that even if this turns out to be fake, the details in it about Eric and Dylan will become an accepted part of fandom.
OH, yeah. Completely agree.  If there IS a possibility it's true, it's a super pathetic, creepy way to lure in girls (quite literally) and to maintain a fantasy 'relationship' (if you can call it that) by using Columbine.  Baiting her with stories of E & D,  his dead "friends" as he refers to them, to get her to continue on touching base with him.   To quote Brooks himself during his first few days of Q/A on Tumblr "it's SAD".   Heh. Something equally if not more sad than the "obsessions" of the Columbiner fan girls or even his parents still being haunted and obsessed with Columbine.  It's the saddest of the sad.  I've skimmed the screen shots, yeah, the voice in the video (chagrin) definitely does sound a bit like him.
I do recall him putting a link for the first day or two on Tumblr.  Hm, wonder why?  Doesn't sound much like a blog that is "work related".

The tidbits about Dylan, Eric, Zach (is it spelled 'Zack' or 'Zach'?) seem... credible.  However, they are just that..little snippets.  Not really too much detail to go on.  I guess someone could scrap off the paint in the CHS soundbooth and check the facts?   Cool  He mentioned he tended to believe that Eric killed Dylan.  Not really sure how that's possible since Dylan fell on Eric's leg.  

I'm wondering if this is a big setup how people manage to type up 38 pages of snapshots with the level of detail.  Commendable if it's fake.  ha!
I gave in and had a look, wow i didn't realize there was so much of a conversation. I was expecting one short conversation that was blatantly made up and silly but there's a lot of detail in there... hmmm. I agree it's very strange either way if it's either been made up or true.

Oh and Zach in the 11k is spelt Zachary (25706) so I would assume it would be shortened to Zach and not Zack, a couple of news articles also spelled it as Zach.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 4:56 pm

BurnIt wrote:
Oh I wasn't talking about the video voice. I didn't watch the video. I don't want to see that, period, end of story, Brooks or not.
I meant the "voice" in the wording of the texts. They have the same tone. Things are "very interesting" or "fascinating" etc.

Yes, to be clear, I wasn't referring to just his video voice either. I got what you meant and I agree that the verbal mannerisms are like his based off Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 5:05 pm

All fanfic written from now on will include mentions of Snowflake the rat and sullen, angry drunk Eric.

(I can totally imagine Eric as a not very fun drunk)

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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 5:08 pm

Haha! I wonder how often Eric got drunk. He mentioned that alcohol wasn't really his thing and how he would never drive home drunk. But I'm sure he did get drunk once in awhile. I would love to see what he and Dylan were like when they were drunk.
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PostSubject: Re: Brooks Brown's personal facebook page   Brooks Brown's personal facebook page Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 5:09 pm

BurnIt wrote:
All fanfic written from now on will include mentions of Snowflake the rat

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