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 Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"

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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2020 8:35 pm

I've seen a lot of people say this. In what pictures exactly do you see Dylan looking unkempt? He always had a shaved face, etc.
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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2020 9:18 pm

I think some people associate long hair on men with being grungy or unhygienic.
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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2020 12:13 am

Well, it was the 90s. And he was a teenage boy. My guess is probably his hair looked unwashed and his skin looked greasy up close, or something like that. That doesn't really come out in photographs.
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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2020 3:42 am

Rancid43 wrote:
I've seen a lot of people say this. In what pictures exactly do you see Dylan looking unkempt? He always had a shaved face, etc.

I’d say pretty much most of the pictures when he had long hair he looked unkempt. With regards to his shaved face, that is probably more down to the fact he was 17 and couldn’t grow a beard. He did have that attempt at a moustache at the end didn’t he.

I was pretty much the same really with the long hair and things. In fact due to lockdown I’m looking rather unkempt with longish hair and a beard! I’ll be getting those seen to this week now the barbers have reopened.

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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2020 9:52 pm

Cyrinus wrote:
I think some people associate long hair on men with being grungy or unhygienic.

I know one thing: long hair on men is hot as hell.
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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"   Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic" Icon_minitime

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Dylan looked "grungy, messy and unhygenic"
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