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 Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"

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Join date : 2020-01-29

Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2020 8:51 pm

This apparently popped up on r/masskillers a month ago and the video is now gone. Did anyone happen to save it or watch it? I would like to know what the footage was.

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Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2020 12:46 am

It was the footage of him in theater class, IIRC.
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Posts : 82
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Join date : 2020-01-29

Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2020 12:51 am

That's what i was thinking it was. Do you know if there was anything new, or just the same old clips we already had?
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Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2020 1:08 am

Nothing new, just the same old clips, unfortunately.
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Posts : 82
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Forum Reputation : 350
Join date : 2020-01-29

Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2020 1:55 am

ah okay, thanks for the answer!
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Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"   Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns" Icon_minitime

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Did anyone save the video "footage of Dylan Klebold filmed by the Browns"
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