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 Have you ever experienced a school shooting?

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PostSubject: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2020 10:53 pm

I'm going a little bit deep here, but has anyone on this forum been in a school shooting or heard of someone threatening to commit one?

Look hard enough and you will always find a light ~ Rachel Joy Scott
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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 7:49 pm

Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho
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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 9:36 pm

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

Name of the shooter or School name?
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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2023 11:22 pm

ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

Name of the shooter or School name?

David Moore - Noblesville west middle school shooting

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho

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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 16, 2023 12:41 am

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

Name of the shooter or School name?

David Moore - Noblesville west middle school shooting

Oh, thanks, I knew about him, knowing his young age I didn't think he was involved in social media, may I ask what the discord was about!
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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 16, 2023 1:29 am

ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

Name of the shooter or School name?

David Moore - Noblesville west middle school shooting

Oh, thanks, I knew about him, knowing his young age I didn't think he was involved in social media, may I ask what the discord was about!

Its discord its filled with 13 year olds. It was gaming related more cod and roblox centered though.

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho

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Posts : 271
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Age : 18

Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 16, 2023 1:31 am

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
ZELLAweistDAY3 wrote:
ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Not sure if this counts but a guy i knew on a discord channel that i was apart of back in 2018 shot up his school didn't kill anyone but injured i believe 2.

Name of the shooter or School name?

David Moore - Noblesville west middle school shooting

Oh, thanks, I knew about him, knowing his young age I didn't think he was involved in social media, may I ask what the discord was about!

Its discord its filled with 13 year olds. It was gaming related more cod and roblox centered though.

Thanks, I thought it was something darker
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PostSubject: Re: Have you ever experienced a school shooting?   Have you ever experienced a school shooting? Icon_minitime

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