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 We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like

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We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Empty
PostSubject: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 4:19 pm

A thought just struck me: we have no idea how Nancy really behaved when it was just her and Adam. Thus the question "why did Adam kill his mother?" becomes even more unanswerable. Maybe she was sweet as pie, trying to comfort him only to be rebuffed. OR, maybe she was mean to him, either explicitly or implicitly, implying that he was a liability or showing a general lack of affection. Reports from Peter Lanza and her friends suggest otherwise, but we can really never know when we don't have a direct account from either of them, which would probably be unreliable anyway. Plus, as C. W. Wade has pointed out, it's likely she was a alcoholic; there was a lot of wine in that house, and we know Adam didn't drink.

Just an interesting thing to think about.

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PostSubject: Re: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2020 9:21 pm

Her being "mean" to Adam (who lived with her, rent free, for 20 years) is no justification for her murder.
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We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Empty
PostSubject: Re: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2020 7:45 pm

Will never know. Whatever relationship they have/had was taken to both their graves

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Mr Bubbless
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We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Empty
PostSubject: Re: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2021 4:02 am


Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Fri May 28, 2021 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Empty
PostSubject: Re: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2021 2:41 pm

Mr Bubbless wrote:
His father did an interview with the New Yorker where he states that killing her may have been representational. He hypotheses that he shot Nancy 4 times to represent a bullet for himself, Nancy, Ryan and Peter, signalling the death of the family.

I think it might be closer to the truth than he realizes. In Lanza's script outline where a boy has a relationship with an older man, familicide is casually referenced several times. Plus, there's this sentence:

Quote :
What if the child has a "loving" family instead of an abusive one, but that still means that he's being abused?

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PostSubject: Re: We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like   We have no idea what Nancy Lanza was really like Icon_minitime

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